What is the best X-Men movie and why is it so obviously First Class

What is the best X-Men movie and why is it so obviously First Class

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I like the one where Magento kills millions of people and walks it off.

Because Vaughn makes films with life and energy. The film is so much better than MCU drivel or the other X-Men films because it's so vibrant and simply cool. Seriously though, Logan has rightfully taken that torch

except Days of Future Past is the best one, faggots

You now realize that 90's x-men cartoon theme( youtube.com/watch?v=48CR7aU3w64) was the inspiration for this (youtube.com/watch?v=padpEYIkq4c).

Also, since Logan why is everyone just starting to realize that most of the X-men movies were decent besides x3 and the previous wolverine ones?

On point

This. First class never should have existed, but I'm glad it did or we wouldn't have Days of Future Past

X-2 is the best

Origins: Wolverine isn't nearly as bad as everyone says it is.

Days of Future Past is worse than First Class in literally every way.


best theme

Nah, that ending was some naked gun-tier shit. X2 is perfect from beginning to end, bar a single scene with Storm and Toad. Days of future pants is the best, though.

The scene with storm and toad is in X1 my dude

You're right.

Why didn't Charles just fuck Mystique?

>charles and mystique obviously does not recognize each other as close adoptive siblings but all of a sudden in this movie they are


Also Mystique was always just a Magneto henchwoman, but now she's got a personality and a mind of her own. Because of "our" girl.

Sincerly its between x2 and days of future past. First class is a honourable mention but wears thing

Yeah, I liked the development but the original and X2 don't make sense in that context. Especially, when you consider the fact that Magneto and Charles are basically acting like estranged lovers throughout the whole movie series.

Rightfully. Righteously.

X2 was the best by far

Haven't seen Logan yet

X2 > X1 >FC > DOFP = Apoc > Origins > The Wolverine > X3 > Deadpool

Nightcrawler in White House scene vs. Quicksilver in Pentagon scene? Which is better?

>DOFP = Apoc
Get out.


X1 was ok and they got shittier and shittier as the series progressed. With the pinnacle of shit being Logan.

I liked the yellow fever bait that was the Wolverine, but First Class left the strongest impression on me.
I want a new X-Men like the old cartoons portrayed it, dystopian as fuck

I remember seeing it in theatres and thinking it was great so it couldn't have been that bad, we finally got to see some backstory to the wolverine.

Logan is a different genre than the rest. They hired a writer-director whose previous experience is writing and directing chick flicks and romcoms and it showed in Logan. Not the romcom part just the angsty girl drama part.

Proper order is logan then x2.

Quicksilver at professor X residence in Apocalypse.

To be fair to him, DOFP had way too much JLaw.

I have to agree.

I don't remember Jude Law in that movie. Which character was he?

Fuck that nightcrawler scene was fucking awesome goddamn. That blew my mind as a kid.

The quicksolver scenes were boring.

Quicksilver is always better than Nightcrawler. Quicksilver is cute. Nightcrawler is ugly. But that's just the movie characters. Nightcrawler actor is hotter than Quicksilver actor.

The Quicksilver scenes were lazy, everyone is just moving slow wow.

On the subject of Quicksilver, how was he in Fox movies and MCU ones?

Days of Future Past>First Class>X-Men United>X-Men>The Last Stand>Apocalypse

Logan>The Wolverine>X-Men Origins


Logan>Days of Future Past>Deadpool>The Wolverine>First Class>X-Men United>X-Men>Apocalypse>X-Men Origins

Apocalypse wasn't that bad, and Origins was better in every way than the weeaboo shit.

logan you nigger

its logan

>inb4: hur dur that a wolvey moobie
FINE then its DOFP

lol no it wasnt

Yellow fever please go.

X-men, X2, The Wolverine, Wolverine Origins, Deadpool, First Class, Days of Future Past, X3.

I haven't seen Logan or Apocalypse.

there was so much wrong in Origins, not even talking about accuracy to the comics, I understand they cant, but they werent even paying attention to their own movies

Logan gets shot in the head with an adamantium bullet right? twice.

then please explain why in the first X-Men movie he doesnt have a bullet hole in his skull when they x-ray him.
there is more but Ill let you sit on that one for now

Liev Schreiber was good in it.

He was a great Sabertooth

His body healed its literally the scene right after he regains consciousness.

once you see logan that list will change

undisputible patrician ranking
FC>X2>DOFP>X1>|shit|>Deadpool>Wolverine Japan>X3>Origins
haven't seen Logan yet

It grew back adamantium ?

you a fucking idiot
adamantium doesnt heal

Oh and apoc is above japan bellow deadpool

Anybody else think Logan was just a really depressing movie? Like I get it that it was going to be sad saying goodbye to Wolverine, but the entire movie just had such a depressing feel to it. Made it hard to thoroughly enjoy and shit.

>haven't seen Logan yet


Bone regrew where his adamantium once was, in the wolverine once his adamantium claws got lopped off he regrew his bone ones, nerd.

>and shit.


In X2 or 3 he gets shot by a cop with a pistol and gets knocked out for a few seconds, but in origins he takes bullets like a tank

Too many excessive action scenes to really appreciate the sadness of the film.

First class is great and Singer ruined it.
Matthew Vaughn was setting up the Brotherhood of Evil. I was so excited for the next movie but nope they're all dead.

The Wolverine is my personal favorite, with X-2 and First Class rounding out the 2 and 3 spots.

I get that I'm in the minority about liking this one, I'm curious why it wasn't liked more. Besides the obviously CGI bear (which is what normies always bring up when I ask what was wrong with the flick)

The adamantium didn't encase his bones it replaced it, i thought you were a true Wolfman fan..

>Anybody else think Logan was just a really depressing movie?
>Made it hard to thoroughly enjoy
No way user, it was like listening to a really good and sad song, it get's you down like hell, and you love it each and every step down.

its x2

he gets shot in the head by a cop with regular cop bullets and it goes into his head and hes out for a moment

faggots on this board like to say that x2 was the best movie but that is a glaring plot hole

Maybe that the character writing was awful and meant for literally 10 year olds.

uh huh

The writer-director's previous films were chick dramas. He was hired to make a movie that appeals to the Titanic fangirl crowd in the hopes that the movie will attract that large audience so naturally the movie has mad sad scenes and the ending scene was intended to elicit the same feel for the female audience as the ending of Titanic.

even if they were encased all that would have to happen is for the bone to grow into the adamantium encasing and you autismal plot hole becomes defunct.

I thought it was great, the only downside was Daken wasnt in it, and we will now never see Daken fight Wolverine, maybe..

You mean the dialogue?

Thanks for the warning, user. Like you I watch movies to enjoy not to cry. I wish someone warned me about Toy Story 3. I wanted to watch a movie that will make me laugh for days but ended up crying in my sleep for weeks.

I will tell my sister though. She likes movies like that.

All that encompassed character design including of course the dialogue.

daken is a retarded fanfic character
dont even think hes really canon

This was a fantastic movie until some executive decided it needed a giant robot

>even if they were encased all that would have to happen is for the bone to grow into the adamantium encasing and you autismal plot hole becomes defunct.

this is just full of so much wrong and stupid I dont know which to attack first

>Daken wasn't in it

Am I missing something here?

You don't have that which to attack but you can't back out of a losing argument on the internet, I'll call your mom over to comfort you.

He died in X3, pussytits.

dude wolverine gets shot in the head with a regular bullet in that movie

its shit

Oh. I take back what I said in and I'll admit was right.

X3 was when x-men movies started sliding into disgustingly bad movies.

you're the one saying the metal replaced his bones, and Im losing the argument? lol ok troll done

>First class is great and Singer ruined it.
Singer had nothing to do with First Class, you can't ruin movies posthumously unless you're George Lucas. January Jones somehow managed to make Halle Berry's acting in X1 look good.

Learn English before typing first.

the bullet doesnt go through the adamantium, he was just knocked out
which is actually accurate to the character

wolverine gets shot in the head with a regular bullet fired from a cops gun and it goes into his skull

X2 is shit and you are retarded

uh huh

I think that user meant that First Class was a good movie and then Singer came along and made a bad movie and ruined the franchise. I'm just guessing that's what user meant. I don't know which movie Singer made.

Also, I disagree about First Class being great. My main complaint is

>and it goes into his skull
no it doesnt

In all the X-Men films I did get tired of Cyclops being soft / cucked. I remember him being awesome in the 90s animated universe.

X2 looks like an episode of the xfiles

His skeleton is infused with adamantium, at least in the movies,

its encased, not infused

Logan, because of the scene where Patrick Stewart keeps saying "LOGAN!" and Wolverine keeps saying "NOT NOW" and "I'M THINKING" and so on. Then when he does say "WHAT!??" Picard says "I have to pee!"

Google it.

>I don't know which movie Singer made.
X-men, X-men 2, Days of future past and Age of Apocalypse.

First Class is pretty bad. It has the best scenes of any in the franchise, but overall it's an awful movie.

McAvoy/Fassbender movie when? I don't even care if it's X-Men.

DoFP was hard to watch.

Shit was moronic and went to complete shit after the Pentagon.

Came here to post this

Daily reminder that Logan was mediocre aside from the acting.