Why do Idiots continue to eat this shit up? The first and 2fast2furious were the only good ones. Stopped after "Fast and Furious"
Why do Idiots continue to eat this shit up? The first and 2fast2furious were the only good ones...
>You gonna turn your back on family
how many of these movies did they fucking make
First one was great but the second one was awful I don't know why Sup Forums constantly memes it being good. Tokyo Drift is the best movie of the series though. Since then it's really become something different.
think they at number 8
Not enough. Really can't wait to see what they do next.
>Tokyo Drift is the best movie of the series though
Imagine traveling back in time when the first one had just come out and then show them this trailer?
why is there an Akula sub breaking through arctic ice?
I had never seen one of these movies before, and Tokyo Drift is one of the most generic films I have ever watched.
Questioning the logic in a movie where they
>parachuted humvees and other shit to stop terroists,
>had the rock carry a mini-gun and fight a helicopter
>driving a safe through the city of Rio
>Jumping from window to window in a car in the hotels of dubai.
And it's the sub that gets you?
do they even race anymore
How did it even get to this point? Wasn't Dom just a simple mechanic and a street racer in the first movies and now he's suddenly a one man army?
only plebs dont enjoy this movie
these movies arent about realism, if i wanted to see realism i'd go outside
the whole point is that they're pushing the boundaries of reality to ridiculous points that it becomes hilarious and entertaining
everything is a race now
>tfw john wick 2, logan and get out all came out within a period of a month and now we get nothing but shit for the rest of the year
Only niggers, spics, and white trash like these shit movies
>the whole point is that they're pushing the boundaries of reality to ridiculous points that it becomes hilarious and entertaining
kill you are self
Let them eat that shit up. Let them spend literal millions in the theaters to watch it. It all goes to what people with taste really want:
More Riddick.
I only saw the first one. I lucked out.
In case you're brain-damaged and/or blind, they have one race per movie, sometimes two.