Do you think this dumb nigger is happy now, finally?

Do you think this dumb nigger is happy now, finally?

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No, I think he is sad about actions that have no relation to him

>"We need to kill cops to get them back for killing my sons." - Barack Obama

If you have to make shit up to make someone look evil then they probably arent very evil

He made a statement the day before the terrorist attack calling for racial justice now.

Nigger detected

Calling for racial Justice is about 10000 miles away from "murder whitey", what as a trump voter I don't expect much more from your tiny brain

Fuck off potato, America is talking

Where is he? Bush would have been in Dallas hugging cops.

white america already spoke, it wants you to leave

Fuck off negro, leave them internetz and sheit and go join your hood

Precisely, he would be performing an action that benefited no one, as was his style

White voices don't matter anymore, haven't you heard minority?

Bush United the people by showing up at ground zero and defining our enemy. Obama should have showed up in Dallas to unite us

He's probably pretty pleased with himself. This all plays into his hands. It lets him push for gun control, push that racism against blacks is the most important issue, leads up to a Hillary victory to be an extension of his policies.

Barrack "kill all whites and lets end this drama" Obama

Too bad he defined the wrong enemy, lol

Yep, he'd be flying back from Vacation to Dallas right now

Fuck outa here.

1. Obama did call for racial justice, which can very easily be interpreted as a call for violence.

2. White people did nothing wrong. Choke on that, asshole.

4/10 made me reply, with already russled jimmies

160 days my fucking ass, the niggers on vacation like every week

"No lives matter until black lives matter." - Obama

What do you think racial justice means, professor?

WHEW this pizza is extra GREECEY with some OLIVES
#RussianStrategy #ScorchedEarth #ChatBotsOP
The whole board is astroturfed
These are the real threads

Leak thread
Happenings Summary
Trump General

Why do Democrats always lie about their work?

Good job king obongo.
You are now responsible for the death of four more police and millions of worthless dirty niggers.
What a nigger this nigger is.

Not bad, Mr. Based (supposed) American values.

He wants more violence so he can enact martial law.

Neck yourself


But Osama and al Qaeda were the correct enemy

You mean like Trump?

>Sup Forums whines and cries about fictional government tyranny in the most retarded autistic ways, always involving outlandish conspiracies
>Black guy gets pissed at the obvious racially charged Police killings/beatings/harassment that has been going on since America was formed (seriously, at what time in America's history were cops ever really on black people's side)
>Black guy takes action against tyranny
>Sup Forums and all the "muh second amendment protects against tyranny" lose their shit
Whats the problem, honestly? Yeah what he did was fucked up, but you can't go on and on about how guns prevent government oppression and not see that that means killing government officials. You think you'll show them your big gun and they'll run away? (sans Bundy ranch cause those fuckers should've been gunned down)

This. How many black people have been killed by the cops in the USA?

Until the cops death toll surpasses that number, you have no ground to complain.

>bush on vacation
>NEETing it up at his own secure ranch in Texas

>Obama on vacation
>constantly going out and golfing
>secret service has to constantly sweep courses
>traveling to Hawaii to public locations
>secret service sweeping public locations

Who gives a fuck about days, Obama cucks the taxpayers for fun.

Absolutely not, bigots like you are far far from gone

Oh Bush showed up to the ground zero? What date was that on?
Because he was reading a book with a kindergarten class when he knew it was happening.

Ive been seeing tweets blaming Obama for what happened in Dallas? Why?

If Obama is responsible for Texas, Bush should be hung for 9/11. His administration had intel there would be an attack (they didn't know where exactly), but they dismissed it

they found him under the rumbles of the 2nd tower

learn your history burger

he's a black muslim communist, married to a wookie, and is going down in history as the worst president ever... what does he really have to be happy about?

Greece? LOL.
Who was under the rumbles of the 2nd Tower? Bush? Sure. But on what date, mofo?

they found him on the afternoon of 9/11, jesus christ man do your research

I just wanted to know what you meant when you said, they found him underneath the 2nd tower..

The dallas attack happened after 8pm (dallas time) and continued as i fell asleep. Obama is on his way.
I wanted to know how long after the towers fell did Bush address the nation?
I tried looking it up

>typical nigger.

Also, Obama did address the situation but I have not seen him in front of a camera yet. anybody got that?

Because obama has been injecting this bullshit 'black lives matter' narrative into the public zeitgeist for years now. At least since he injected his bullshit 'if I had a son he'd look like treyvon' and threatening to get the DOJ involved in was was PURELY A FUCKING LOCAL MATTER!

I fucking swear, obama is the worse president we've ever had. To compare and contrast, even Bill Clinton had the dignity to keep his fucking mouth shut during the O.J. Simpson trial, and only commented on it AFTER the verdict was decided. And you know what he said?

>"The only people who heard all the evidence were the people who were sitting in the jury box,"

And this is motherfucking Bill Clinton, not one to be known for having much class and respect for the dignity of the office.

You fucking suck, Obama!

it means stop killing people for the color oftheir skin. what else could it mean?

It sounds like you want racial justice to mean "thin the numbers of the whites". Granted, it makes sense you could make such a retarded extrapolation (look at where we're at)...but fuck.

After about 8 hours but not because he was flying from his vacation but because he was trapped in the rumble of the tower, almost dying.

He was there helping the firemen and cops after the 1st tower fell

He caused this.
What kind of president hears about a controversial event, and before judicial proceedings have even started, tells the country what side he and ""HIS"" race are on?

His sons managed to kill 4 officers, I'd say he's pretty damn proud right now.

