
What does pol think of /r/the_donald?

As a Trump supporter myself, I personally they are a cancerous reddit who bans and dissenting opinion. I was banned there once for making a slightly racist joke, and they ban like 100 people a day

But they are also necessary to break the liberal echo chamber that was reddit, and they definitely did that.

It's Sup Forums reddit colony and it's been very successful. It has to be blue pilled on race because it's on a mainstream website.

Used to go there more but lately it's turned into le based faggot spam and autism-tier circle jerking. It's red pilling normies so that's good but I rarely visit anymore.

>implying i think about that shit

Good for redditors, bad for us.

Still no cure yet for cancer.

The last beacon of hope on le reddit.

I like it. The Temporary take over of r/all was a lot of fun, and it's still fun to visit occasionally.

There are many allied subreddits on reddit, like /r/theredpill

> bans and dissenting opinion
welcome to reddit

If nothing else it's good for watching the leftists and bernouts get shrekt by it.

I agree. I actually kind of like r/the_donald (it's the only thing I view on leddit) but the faggot love is too much.

Fucking WAH. With admins and SRS itching for ammo to get that sub banned, you're off making racist jokes. Your self awareness needs some serious improvement.

There's places for racist jokes. You're currently on one of them. Don't come here and cry about getting banned for leddit. Make another fucking account and follow the rules next time.

they are the arcadians of the trump 300 movie. brave amatuers but they do their part. pol are the spartans.

/r/AltRight isnt cucked, but is a smaller community, than the BASED NIGGER subreddit /r/The_Donald

>they are also necessary to break the liberal echo chamber that was reddit, and they definitely did that.

Nothing's changed for Reddit since /r/the_donald was created. Try browsing other subreddits and you'll see what I mean.

Most people outside of /r/the_donald openly mock it in other subs and talk about how there's a hypocrisy in complaining about libtard circlejerks when they're just circlejerking themselves, despite the obvious fact that The Donald outwardly admit the flawed nature of Reddit and its hugbox mentality and only use it because its Sup Forums lite.

Its the same with TheRedpill subreddit. Most people on other subs would openly mock it and the silent upvoters/downvoters do their parts.

Try going on /r/changemyview, as the name suggests, its a place where you get your views changed. Then submit a CMV saying ''Reddit is inferior to Sup Forums as it disallows alternative views because of an upvote system that is easily capable of censoring said views.

It's proof that Sup Forums is the most Reddit board

Decided to browse Reddit after not being on there for so long.

Took me six minutes to find this. Six minutes.

In talks of reddit our strong hold cringe anarchy is slowley being taken over by tumblrites and actual redditors

Wow, you are a fag. Just like your pink ID says

Gateway for normies to get redpilled
Can't get mad at ladders for having bottom rungs. You have to start climbing somewhere.

I know. It's horrifying how infected it's becoming. So is kotakuinaction. What makes it sad is how obviously insecure they are that they both have to put out posts daily showing "See, we aren't right-wing, pls respect us liberals." And "lol trump supporter cringe censorship." It's so forced. They're dying a slow agonizing death
>pic related

You are not going to make us fight with them, you stupid Redditor warmonger.

Many of us post there. Its not as radical because of the shitty censorship rules, but its a colony inside the left clay.

Talking different doesnt make us different, its the same userbase you dipshit. Only that normies can enjoy the donald without shills or pure red-pilled ideals.

It's run by kikes, only go there to troll the kike mods, they get mad everytime you say something against the jews.


Anyone who says it's anything other than Sup Forums on Reddit is ignorant.


I don't understand why your pic is related
Please explain

redditor detected


This, It's conservatives falling back to their old ways by trying to bend over backwards for liberals. Shit is disgusting.

>I was banned there once for making a slightly racist joke, and they ban like 100 people a day
I fucking despise Redditors, but I do not disagree with this. If they allowed this to be posted on there, it would lead to a lot of bad press for Trump. Much like how Sup Forums caused a lot of bad press for Trump when the media said that Hillary picture originated here.

>It's Sup Forums reddit colony and it's been very successful.

I stopped going on there after they shut down /r/european.

t. gustav erikson
