Trainspotting 2

Is it any good? I was born in the late 80s and I'm more and more skeptical of these nostalgia operations à la Stranger Things

>I was born in the late 80s
So you're a 00's babby then

Fuck off with your reddit words

What the fuck does stranger shit have to do with trainspotting 2? Kys

Late 70's masterrace reporting in

Yes, Trainspotting is kino, but you're probably a huge pleb who won't like it and will come back here and start pleb threads with pleb pictures of frogs complaining that Sup Forums recommended you a film that was shit

kids watch ET, then grew up and watch Trainspotting. some years later they become the natural target of the 80-90s revival, which includes Stranger things and Trainspotting

Trainspotting 2 idiot

how is nostalgia a reddit word?!

redditors infuriatingly act like everything from the nineties is "nostalgia". They have overused the word and they are beating it into the ground. They think they are so cultured and so old, that finding Chips Challenge in the basement they already fucking live in is "soooo much nostalgia". They have ruined the word for everybody. Fuck reddit.

In my day those people were called hipsters