Yellow Ranger

so they want me to believe that this beauty gets bullied in school and nobody likes her?

Remember when the yellow ranger was chinese and the black ranger was black? Simpler times man.

Looks like mexican miss piggy.

Thats the girl who actively seeked out the black athletes at gatherings and parties whos single mother had like 8 kids who were 12 years younger than the older 2 sisters. I feel like every town has this type of kinda attractive mexican midget growing up.

Its Hollywood. What did you expect? Also if you actually pay to see this obvious cashgrab then youre a retard.

it's a post trump america

Isnt that kimberly?

She has to go back.

hmmm they always seeked out the White athletes where Im from but I grew up upper middle class..

White Chicago Upper Class Suburb here and it was exactly like the other user said.

I remembered the girls face almost instantly as I read that.