What a massive fucking pile of shit

What a massive fucking pile of shit

yes it was truly terrible and a insult to my intellect

>he doesn't like a shitty movie
>hurrrr you're a fedora lel

Get off this board faggot

Polytechnique is the only good movie made by Villeneuve

>mom why aren't there any explosions??
>i wanna go home play league of legends
>mooooom can we leave

Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

>hurr durr muh daughter
This movie was shit. Literally drank myself silly attempting to find entertainment in this boring, steaming shitpile.

>If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.


I knew the twist from the trailer before release

why did the aliens bother travelling back in time if amy adams was already an alien?

this movie makes no sense.

>tfw too intelent for kino twists

I knew the twist from that pic

Enemy is good too.

>why did the aliens bother travelling back in time

I agree, it was an affront to my status as a STEM major.

This, it just so happens his least known film is his best. Never mind those ((((((popular)))))) films.

By twist you mean that the flashbacks to her daughters childhood are actually flashforwards, right? How did you figure that out?

Wait is this for real? I saw it but wtf

Incendie nigger

Did you watch it without sound or take a half hour piss break in the cinema or something?

How the fuck did you miss that
They shoved it down your throat so many times

He hated her for having a child that she knew would die in her childhood

You mean he will hate her.

I love this meme where we call a movie "utter dogshit" and the only argument we have against it is that the written narrative doesn't seem realistic, so funny hehe

You cucks hate the movie just cause you knew the twist at the end. Wtf does that matter cant you like any other part of the movie apart from the twist or do you faggots only pay attention at the conclusion, arrival a solid 8/10.


This. 7 though.

jesus christ maybe people should fucking stop trying to use 'smartness' as some sort of measurement when talking about movies like you just whipped out a ruler and said ''yups dats a 4 point 8 O' five smartytarti points out of 10, and therefore the film is so and so good''
also, while you may have a point by talking about the target audience/the audience as to describe the film, its a literall pleb thing to do when discussing if a film is good or not.

like seriously you're acting like some gatekeeper about the movie for people you deem too dumb to watch it whilst shittalking people who would use the movie to make themselves smart
maybe, just maybe, most stories don't aim to be smarter than the next?

It wasn't bad, but I'm a bit confused as to how Slaughterhouse Five wasn't credited. It was like whatever book this was based off of was trying to be a part of the Slaughterhouse Five Universe.

Also, I really hate fatalism. It's so boring. Was Amy Adams character just too far up her own ass to, after seeing the significantly negative consequences, change her actions? Sort of the same question for Slaughterhouse Five. I don't buy that should couldn't answer differently.

>Was Amy Adams character just too far up her own ass to, after seeing the significantly negative consequences, change her actions?
>change her actions?
That was simply not an option.

So in fictional worlds that fatalism exists, people aren't in control of their bodies? She physically couldn't have decided to tell Renner's character sooner or couldn't have stopped talking to the Chinese General?

I've just never got it. It's supposed to be some deep, mind blowing shit but all it comes off as is boring. Rules without reason.

>So in fictional worlds that fatalism exists, people aren't in control of their bodies?

It's not like she views her future like a youtube video and then continues with her life normally.
Once she grasps the language she experiences the past, present and the future at the same time.

Here's an excerpt from an interview with Villeneuve to maybe clear things up for you:
>"The idea is that the heptapods see life like a [scripted] play. They know what will happen, so they have the choice — either they do it bored to death, or they embrace it and try to be at their best, like an actor on a stage."

Are you stupid? You can not change the future.
You can dream about doing or having done things whichever way you want but that which does not happen simply does not happen.

That didn't really clear it up for me. The heptapods could stop acting. What's keeping them from stopping?

>she experiences the past, present and the future at the same time
She still has to be present in those experiences, right? She still has to have sex with Jeremy Renner to have a baby. What's keeping her from not doing it?

Quoting the director, who also has an extremely thin understanding of determinism/fatalism, isn't helping your case.

she didnt instantly have a eureka and suddenly learned to speak time or whatever, she had glimpses and shit, and one of those things was when she met the chink-general guy and learned the wifey things to stop china from nuking ayylmaos.
at this point she was already in love with math-man, and they do the bang bang and she continues to study time-writing, and as she learns more she understands time balbalbla but she's already pregnant now she has baby and shelearns more time and blabla but and even if she has seen glimpses and suspects whats to happen she doesn't realise that she sees the future untill after she has the baby and at that point she decides ''okay lmao idgaf'' and baby, renner leaves baby dies

if the aliens could perceive time all at once, then why couldn't they understand english straight away?

if they had done that then they wouldn't have had to send amy adams to the future.

>She still has to be present in those experiences, right?
She is but who says she can be only present in only one at a time? The point is that by learning the language she acquired the ability to experience her life all at once, not that she learned to travel between singular moments in time.


she literally travels through a non-linear sequence of singlular moments in time in order to call the chinese general in the past with the phone number and information she got in the future.

you didn't get the twist did you user

what? that flashbacks was flashforwards?
also you're literally doing it again, thinking im 'unworthy' of commenting on the film while half your comment was about the film being for people who try too hard to be smart

No, she's reciting his wife's last words while he tells her about it.

But to be able to get the information from the Chinese general in the future she needs to do all these decision inbetween that timeframe to get to the Chinese general at that fancy party in the future.
It's all connected, it's all basically happening at the same "time", that's why it's non-linear.

Sounds like you encountered your first temporal paradox.

if it was all happening at the same time, why did she not have any memory of calling the chinese general before meeting the chinese general at the party?

This isn't temporal paradox, this is just poor writing that's shying away from anything remotely interesting or difficult.

No, it's her slowly learning to think in the alien language. But let us not argue! Why don't you tell us what you think the film shied away from that would have been interesting or difficult?

Sounds like it's pretty difficult for you though.

she literally jumps forward and hoovers up her lifetime of experiences teaching the language to know it well enough to start jumping around to desired points. Once they show the book, she's learned the entire language.

That is the smartest thing I have ever read.

She figures out how to think in the language while calling the general. This is so basic, it's the big moment in the film where everything is at stake and the hero has to learn how to use her powers. Why would you think she's capable of that before the scene? You're literally watching her figure out how to use the language. But I don't really care about that.
I only care what you think the movie shied away from that would have been interesting and difficult.

So people who liked the movie have really thin, shitty reads on it and poor understanding of the themes at play.

That's really swell dude.

Considering she had no memories of any of the events surrounding her call to the chinese general once he starts talking to her at the NWO gala, this indicates the mind that was present in that event was not the mind native to those events, and, instead, she had quantum leaped within her own lifetime to that point in order to learn the information she needed to do something she would not have been able to do otherwise in the past.

No because it's Interstellar levels of story shit.
It's literally blackholes and four dimensional librarys levels of shit.

everyone in this thread google "peak-end rule" to find out how primitive your opinion really is

it's still shit at every other part of the movie though

tell me how it's shit in other parts please, I am curious

just regular pseudo-intellectual oscar bait shit throughout

I meant actual buzzword-free arguments

I was asleep for half the movie but what I saw was shit and also garbage.

Being bored and saying something was shit/garbage over and over again doesn't account as an argument

that's the point, the movie was so boring that i fell asleep in a loud ass movie theater

I wonder what would you say if you watched a film by Tarkovsky or Bela Tarr

I agree but be careful. People on this board like shitty super hero movies. they will accuse you of not understanding a simple fucking plot and that being the reason you did not enjoy this steaming pile of shit.

it'd certainly be better than this movie