Post your unpopular opinions.
>Pic related was the best acting Samuel L Jackson did in his entire career
Post your unpopular opinions
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I agree.
SLJ is a meme actor
The Man from Earth is the most overrated movie in the history of filmmaking and it's an OBJECTIVELY bad movie
Due Date is pretty good.
Infact one of my favourite movies.
That's a popular opinion
it's a short theater play. It's decent. It's not a bad movie/play. Why are you so butthurt about it?
Here's a pasta which I agree with 100%:
The Man from Earth is the ultimate pleb detector.
It's for people who feel "smart" after watching it without realising how fucking atrocious it is.
It's like a bad cheesy B movie from the 90s. The only redeeming factor is the intriguing backstory, literally every other film element is utter dogshit.
From the mexican telenovela like acting, generic stock soundtrack, no character development, no actual dialogue just a long exposition Q&A throughout, constant boring back to back camerawork, no use of the one room, no creative lighting, a side love story pulled out of the ass, most cliche character traits, literally everything. I had to look up twice that it actually was from 2007, not early 90s.
This shit shouldn't even be a movie, it should be a book or a play. Or given to some other director because Richard Schenkman doesn't even know what a director is.
Just look at any other movie in his profile, everything is a meme (pic related)
And don't tell me they had no budget, 200 000$ is not small budget for this kind of movie. There are far superior movies with half the budget of that.
This movie has no artistic value whatsoever. It is just an excuse to make money from the script.
You will never see a renowned director admire this movie because there is nothing to admire except the concept.
Just try to compare this movie to let's say 12 Angry Men, both set in one room. The difference is almost laughable.
That's not unpopular, Mr. Glass is probably one of the only characters he played that wasn't a parody of the character he played on Pulp Fiction.
Christopher Nolan is legitimately one of the worst filmmakers of all time.
Unbreakable is the only superhero movie that could be classed as kino.
>Just try to compare this movie to let's say 12 Angry Men, both set in one room
When you put it like that it does make me like the movie a little less.
I wanted a sequel
I liked him best in Django personally
That's a bit of a stretch.
I think we agree that for example Uwe Boll is a far worse filmmaker.
what about birdman?
Ben Hur (2016) was a massive improvement over the 50's version and I have no idea why it was so hated by critics and flopped so hard at the box office.
I feel like I was the only person who even saw it, let alone loved it.
fuck now I wanna watch it
Super is the best superhero movie of the 2010s and is James Gunns' best film
I said "one of the worst", but yeah, Uwe Boll probably takes the crown, after Ed Wood and Ridley Scott.
You actually might be.
the guy who wrote and directed this also wrote and directed the god-awful silent hill sequel
Phantom Menace is the Best of the Prequels.
in what way
Jar Jar Binks > Maz Kanata
Better visuals, soundtrack and sound design
Try Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
Define film maker.
I notice you didn't say anything about storytelling
Liam Neeson was the best representation a Jedi.
The Podracing Sequence, was something new and well constructed (albeit a bit cartoony in spots)
Lightsabers were not horribly overused.
Film has a better texture, color and depth than digital.
Greater feeling of digital characters being in the same space as physical characters.
the music was better.
Yoda was still a puppet.
The most consistent with the Original Trilogy (things hadn't been totally fucked yet, though midiclorians and C3PO is Vader's son are damaging)
>Ridley Scott
What did he mean by this?
Hes just cherrypicking Scott's awful movies and disregarding his films. Scott has a massive variance in quality in his productions.
>Super is the best superhero movie
the bacon and eggs scene was pure kino
This is actually a compelling drama for the most part. People have always said it was boring and Superman is whiny but I enjoy the human interactions and Superman just experiences emotions like any person does.
Scott has legitimately made only about three decent movies in his entire career, and even those have a million different versions.
>The Dark Knight is a mediocre movie carried by a great performance at best.
>In The Mouth of Madness is John Carpenter's best movie(but Thing is still my favourite)
>Godfather 1>2
>Matrix aged horribly
>Avatar's only redeeming quality is its visuals
>Goodfellas is Scorsese's best film
>Once Upon a Time in America is the best gangster film of all time
>Legendary Godzilla was a great movie
>King Kong was a more important film than Citizen Kane
>The Departed>Infernal Affairs
>The first 2 hobbit movies were pretty good
>Rogue One was the best Star Wars flick since Empire, followed by Sith
The third act of Sunshine is good.
I was respecting your opinion until you said Legendary Godzilla was a great movie. Holy shit dude. Then it got worse when you said RO was good at all.
>Godfather 1>2
>the departed>infernal affaris
>rogue 1 was best sw since empire (but still just a flick)
>dark knight was mediocre other than Ledger's performance
>avatar is only good for its visuals
those are some pretty mainstream opinions you got there
but personally I think the Matrix really has its moments that hold up quite well today, the sequels are beyond hope though
>goodfellas is scorsese's best film
last temptation of christ is better imo
>the first 2 hobbit movies were pretty good
the first one was good, the second one was pretty crap imo
I enjoyed RO. It actually fleshed out the universe more than any movies in the OT, and the only good part about Jedi was the opening and the duel. As for Godzilla, I've only seen it once since theatres, so great may be a strong term, but it's definitely a good film
>dark knight mediocre other than Ledger
>mainstream opinion
Are you retarded or has the general opinion on TDK changed that much?
>The Dark Knight is a mediocre movie carried by a great performance at best.
No. It's a great movie with a great story and a great cast.
>Godfather 1>2
I agree
>Matrix aged horribly
The first one is still a very good sci-fi movie. The next two are shit and only have a few decent scenes.
>Avatar's only redeeming quality is its visuals
I agree
>Goodfellas is Scorsese's best film
Raging Bull is his best film. Taxi Driver is second.
>The first 2 hobbit movies were pretty good
The first one was decent. The rest are borefest.
>Rogue One was the best Star Wars flick since Empire, followed by Sith
Wrong. Rogue One was really bad save for the Darth Vader "cameos". Revenge Of The Sith and Empire Strikes Back are the best Star Wars movies.
But RO was literally a throwaway movie. It felt like something you'd find in a 3 pack of obscure sci fi action "classics" in the bargain bin at Best Buy. Same for Godzilla if I'm being honest. Not a decent performance in the movie.
the general opinion is that the bank heist is by far the best part
the rest of this 2.5 hour movie is a bloated mess other than the scenes with the joker
I know the movie is bad, but it's still so comfortable to watch for some reason.
>It actually fleshed out the universe more than any movies in the OT
To me it just highlighted how futile an exercise it is to try and flesh out Star Wars' universe. It's extremely superficial and doesn't hold up under scrutiny, because Star Wars stories would be utterly mediocre if they didn't feature all the recognizable elements of the main trilogies.
The Gordon stuff was pretty good too, but yeah, exactly
Daisy Ridley is the best new actress to come along in years and completely outshined everyone else in TFA, she is the total packages, looks, screen presence,charisma, smarts and acting ability...She just has IT
Pretty shite feet tbqh
The general opinion I remember is the movie is amazing and Ledger's performance is one of the best of all time, although for how "great" it is the only thing people ever talked about was how brutal and scary Ledger was.
lmao at all of this
It was the only acting he did
shouting and saying "motherfucker" is not acting
Season 5 was the worst season of breaking bad
I can't...this is just objectively wrong.
Nice meme.
>Not Ewan as best Jedi
Tell me about Qui-Gon's character.
I'll wait.
Tattoos on feed. Gross.
>This is actually a compelling drama
This thread is about having an unpopular opinion, not making shit up and living in a parallel universe.
It's Brian Singer faggot shit
No country for old men was one of the shittiest movie I've ever seen in terms of how hyped it is.
why didn't you like it?
Give it another watch. It's better the second time around
>TFA is a fun flick
>Viggo Mortensen could have been better as Aragorn
>Lynch's Dune is fucking great
>Indy 4 isn't /that/ bad, just unnecessary
>Man of Steel could have been GOAT with a few more rewrites and a better director
>Manchester by the Sea wasn't that great
>Silence was objectively the best film of 2016
>Beyond Thunderdome>Mad Max 1
You were going so well until the last one.
The fuck is that?
>Manchester by the Sea wasn't that great
I felt like I was watching a sincere take on that shitty "every academy award winning film ever" Cracked video.
> godfather
I agree
> Goodfellas
Casino was better imo
Casino was great, just a bit disjointed. Also I like the American Dream gone wrong story of Goodfellas more than the rise and fall of Casino
holy shit, you have the worst taste i've ever seen on tv
apocalypse ruined the XCU
Indy 4 was fucking awful, and unnecessary
Silence was extremely bloated, needed to be about half an hour shorter. Also I found myself sympathizing with the Japs more than the priest, especially after that scene where the translator talks about how much better Buddhism is than Christianity.
casino needed a tighter edit, did we really need to know that he was a dick to his baker?
Lynch's Dune kept surprisingly to the book. It's not great but better than most people think.
>>King Kong was a more important film than Citizen Kane
most people that aren't retarded think this.
get off tv and actually take with people who study film.
No competent human being thinks this.
>manchester by the sea wasn't that great
fuck you it was the only film that deserved to win
There's a DC circlejerk thread probably going on right now
>le fedora tip
It was crap but it was enjoyable crap
>not knowing the literal hundreds of new techniques pioneered by one film over a decade before citizen shit.
sorry but I just couldn't enjoy it at all, the whole time I was thinking about how stupid it was
>magneto kills untold millions in his global earthquake, confirming everyone's worst nightmares about mutants
>charles invites him to join the X men and says anyone who wants to take him down will have to go through him
who cares that he's the biggest mass murderer in human history, right? Anyone who wants to see him brought to justice is just a mean racist who hates mutants for no reason.
>>le fedora tip
excuse me?
It was pretty compelling to be honest.
It's a great film with some bad acting.
Stoic, but cheeky.
Classic older shaolin monk archetype.
He's reserved enough just so that he can be slightly outrageus to push your sensibilities a bit.
I am aware of what King Kong did. Citizen Kane did more.
None of that was in the film. Again, give me character traits from the film. Not what you want.
I think you need to study some more eastern philosophy and actually watch the movie before we continue.
It should be apparent.
it is James Gunn's best
It is apparent that you are graphing those characteristics onto him. I don't want what you THINK the character is...
The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.
Ang Lee's Hulk is the best English-language superhero film ever made.
smart man.
It's kino that creates passion
could not disagree more, its a complete piece of crap
his first transformation needed to come about half an hour sooner
comic book movies are the worst trend ever to happen to film
it makes me angry to think there's probably going to be a whole load of faggots glorifying this period in 20 years
That was his second best, The Long Kiss Goodnight was his best.