Libertarian Johnson: Drug war 'root cause' of police shootings

>“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Pretty true desu

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drugs being illegal is probably the best thing that ever happened to niggers. without sky high prices on drugs, they would have absolutely no money besides welfare.

Decriminalization would at least weaken the prison industrial complex

wow really makes you think...
I now #FeelTheJohnson

Maybe, but legalization isn't the answer. Perhaps decriminalization. Legalization is for fucking degenerates.

Gary Johnson is a "conservative" for small government in every area that it counts. He coincidentally wants small government in all the same areas that liberals do, isn't it interesting.

>weaken the prison industrial complex
>america loses a trillion dollar a year industry
>thousands of americans lose their job
>the niggers inside the jail start walking the streets
explain to me how that is a good thing

I disagree that there is a difference between hippies and dindus that use drugs.
A lot of heroin goes through suburban areas. Rich white kids love banging that shit.

But blacks are more aggressive in their dealing. They are extremely territorial and this makes the spots they run hot.
So cops always patrol that area because 1.) it is much easier to catch a deal on the street than to catch someone walking into a home/apartment to buy drugs
2.) much more work is pushed on the streets and violence is more typical in hood places

Am I wrong or did Nixon bring us out of Vietnam?

Why don't you just put the whole world in a bottle, Ireland?

No it's niggers.

I don't want the whole world in a bottle. Only niggers

Libertarians are just liberals who dislike tax.

Libertarians are just one of our many neoliberal enemies.

Nixon also prevented war with the USSR but lefty faggots won't admit that.

He was a redpilled jew hating ballsy President, one we need now.

“If you remove drug prisoners from that population, the percentage of black prisoners drops to 37 percent—half of a percentage point, hardly a significant difference.”

It’s true that drug prosecutions have risen markedly over the past thirty years. Drug offenders were 6.4 percent of state prison inmates in 1979 but had jumped to 20 percent by 2004. “Even so,” wrote Mac Donald, “violent and property offenders continue to dominate the ranks: in 2004, 52 percent of state prisoners were serving time for violence and 21 percent for property crimes, for a combined total over three and a half times that of state drug offenders.” Drug-war critics like to focus on federal prisons, where drug offenders climbed from 25 percent of the inmate population in 1980 to 47.6 percent in 2006. “But the federal system held just 12.3 percent of the nation’s prisoners in 2006,” noted Mac Donald. “So much for the claim that blacks are disproportionately imprisoned because of the war on drugs.”

Libertarians tend to be classical liberals, yes. A more right wing liberalism is exactly what made the USA and the West top dogs in the first place, it's pretty good honestly.

Johnson is for decriminalization except for weed (LMAO), which I think is exactly right.

The money it takes to detain one prisoner a year is an okay, above-poverty-level salary in the US (other than LA/NYC). The prison industrial complex is exploitation of the highest degree. It's modern day slavery, ripping black men away from families (whether or not they're a father) and ELIMINATING any chances at future employment. For something like weed, which whites deal with at a much higher rate.

He extended it for years by sabotaging Hubert Humphrey at the Paris talks before the election. He also did a lot of shitty stuff like bombing innocents in Cambodia and getting rid of elected governments (in Chile, for example) explicitly because American companies (through the eternal Kissinger) wanted to make profits and erode sovereignty.


>he prison industrial complex is exploitation of the highest degree. It's modern day slavery, ripping black men away from families
Good. Niggers are subhuman scum who are a cancer on any civilization they infect. They deserve worse than that

>liberals who dislike tax
based in that case desu

legalize pot, mushrooms

maybe legalize lsd, cocaine

decriminalize everything else

the capital could be used for other things.

a trillion dollars going to moonbases would be awesome.

Nope. There's a good chance he realized the war was going nowhere, but he was famously quoted as saying, "I will not be the first president to lose a war!"

>Gary Johnson

Get out.


>that image
>implying dads won't create fucked up beings like they do currently in vidya games

>election night
>trump and clinton looking nervous, standing on stage waiting for the results
>and the next president is......
>camera pans to some random white dude sitting in the orchestral pit
>Gary Johnson wins by a landslide, from all of the disgruntled republicans and democrats who dislike Clinton and Trump
>Clitnon vomits on stage, Trump looks really pissed
>For the first time since Teddy Roosevelt we have a third party president

Some drugs should stay illegal and criminalized.
LSD and cocaine shouldn't be legal.
People walking the streets high on weed I can deal with.
People walking the streets on acid is probably a really bad idea.
Cocaine I really have no problem with as long as you limit yourself.

The Dutch are just Belgians who dislike chocolates.

The Dutch are just one of many of our European enemies.

no one would be walking around on fucking LSD lmao, bro you even understand what psychedelics do.

Welfare neutered the black man, made him dependent on the state, and stripped away any responsibility he might have, leading to the insanely high rates of black broken homes.

The drug war gave the government an excuse to incarcerate these broken blacks.

limit the locations that persons can use the drug

LSD has vast therapeutic potentials.

I think even heroin should be decriminalized as tossing the person in jail doesn't help them or society. It just ends up costing us lots of money.

I do think that if you are on a drug and commit a crime, your use of the drugs (and past drug use) should be a factor in sentencing.

> having a problem with dads creating ubermensch


Brave New World when?

thats backwards. the drug war is what forced blacks into welfare in the first place, because all the black power politically active/semi educated negros inevitably turned to drug/gun running at the end of the civil rights movement when they lost their financial support from outside backers.


The war on drugs and the crack epidemic are major catalysts of the modern day struggle between police and blacks.

It's too late to do anything about it now, though.

why do lolbertarians think everything is about weed?

I've heard this before. It sounds way more butterfly effect. It sounds more a long the side of conspiratorial without it being so and it takes the failures of segments of society and the individuals and their decisions.

Like this exemple: Marriages are failing today due to womens lib in the 60's. However it again avoids many other factors such as jobs moving from a industrial society to that of an information/office society. So men and adjust but others can't.

soon crispr is being used in china now. although they are retarded. they might do something.

first human trials for cancer and a few other diseases have been approved in the states. shawn parker is backing a big push for it.

> soon

just the current prison industrial complex

Libertarians used to be awesome. But in the last few years anyone who was worth a shit moved to the alt right. Now all the "libertarians" who are left are degenerate leftists too stupid and cucked to realize their own irrelevance

could this guy be any more of a useful idiot for leftists?

Muh weed.
This guy is an weed smoking retard. This is like Obongo blaming Islamic terrorism on global warming.

lolbertarians are delusional drug addicts

That's the only thing that can be taken from this

>biological race doesn't exist
>legalize all drugs and child pornography

^lolbertarian philosophy

"libertarian" is a jewish code word for "jewish mind-controlled slave". the war on drugs keeps niggers in poverty and prison.

I think it's because many people love liberty and see it as important. However, more recently, we've really come to see the cancer of degeneracy and how it can rot a society from within. So absolute liberty is now associated with allowing cancerous degeneracy to metastasize. That's now anathema to decent people. It's hard to root out degeneracy, so any ideology that gives it a foothold is inherently flawed.

maybe every nigger in the USA ODing on heroin is for the better.

It's almost as if people who can't get real jobs will tend to turn towards crime, and the solution to crime isn't to make harsher prisons or to flood the streets with guns........... hmmmmmmmmmmmm

lolbertarians are the most useless people in the US right now.

Cutting down on the number of interaction with police is a pragmatic way to cut down on police shootings.

Starting with victimless crimes is a great place to start.

States should start asking how important some laws are, like not wearing a seatbelt.

Even within libertarianism, there are liberals and conservatives, and I don't mean those socialist libertarian idiots.

Most conservatives have distanced themselves from the label because libertarianism became too associated with ancaps, Paulites, and tea partiers.

Yeah, the 95 million Americans not in the workforce ODing on Heroin is how to build a great society and nations

Thanks for the insight lolbertarian

>"socially liberal and fiscally conservative"
Why would any idiot let alone any libertarian vote for this faggot?

All americans are useless shit and should be exiled into the ocean to die cold and alone

He's got my vote. Unfortunately there's not a chance in hell that he'd win. Perhaps once the world economy collapses, and we're all slaughtering each other for gasoline and bread.

>voting for this

>States should start asking how important some laws are, like not wearing a seatbelt.
safety fine laws work because the threat of a fine will make people buckle up/wear helmets/inspect their pools/not burn leaves in july, and when they get into an accident, their personal protection will make them fare better and cost less to the state and others in medical bills and insurance payouts and the like

Remember too that 100% of blacks do literally nothing with their lives. At all. There is no black man who doesn't live in compton making a living selling fake methamphetamine tablets to children


legalize it

>threat of a fine
or threat of getting shot

mexico bro, you shouldn't want us to legalize it. if we do, we will make it all here. no more drug money for your country. we build a wall. we build our own drugs. what happens to you?

>being a shill on Sup Forums


The Libertarian party has been compromised, bought, and paid for. Bill Weld was the seal on the mortgage when they sold their soul.

It’s sad, as the Libertarian party used to sorta be a place of last resort for people disgusted with both parties. Now, it’s just a compromised puppet shilling for:

>Open borders
>Gun control
>Bad trade deals, like TPP

I never thought I’d see that day, but it happened.

The shitty MSM Astroturf just makes me more resolute to take my country back from the media sideshow, the people they shill, and kick the status quo in the ass.

Or that, yes

death to america

Sorry, all I ever hear from this cuck is: DUDE WEED, LMAO

Libertardians are cucks.

Mexicans are the biggest beneficiaries as the violent cartels would lose a big portion of their influence.

Yea, I voted for McAfee and we nearly kept Weld off the ticket.

I do think Gary is honest just mostly blue pilled. I think he'll listen to people who aren't evil at the end of the day.

>legalize weed
>nigs, hobos, and college students claim they can't afford it
>start demanding it for free
>libtards push the govt to provide free weed
>govt now provides free weed through higher taxes
>libs now start pushing for the next drug on the chain to be legalized and the cycle begins anew

someone wants the government to make something "free"

best that it is illegal

Don't be retarded, that didn't happen in Amsterdam.

There's a reason those Jews from WaPo attacked and defamed Nixon like they do Trump today.

Nixon was redpilled...check out this video.

"All the Jewish families are very close...but there's this strange malignancy now that seems to creep among them. I don't know, the radicalism."

Except the State wants every penny they can squeeze out of you to fund their bankrupt policies. It's way out of control.

Is it veiny and strong or small and shriveled?

ironically they hate reagan,yet he is the one who allowed drugs into the usa to fund contra giving birth the big gangs of old

what a fucking retard

Let's not let reality get too far away from us. Blacks were catching up with whites in education and income until the late '70s and '80s. Freakinomics authors claimed crack cocaine in urban areas was the main culprit.

I wonder how much shills make? Team Clinton is spending millions according to Daily Beast. I wish any candidate I liked had that much to spend on shilling.

The prison industrial complex does not make money for America, it makes money for the military-industrial complex, which sells the bandoliers and helmets the prisoner make, to the US gvt

Basically this prison-industrial complex is helping vampires suck the blood of the federal gvt

I think the state should create thousands of jobs consisting of making owl noises for 8 hours a day, justify it as necessary for placating the welfare god and then hire private contractors who can do it efficiently and eventually make it a trillion dollar a year industry. It would be just as useless, but not nearly as harmful as making a business of victimless crimes. Thousands of Americans get a job. it will surely be great for the economy!

Actually, despite what you've heard, mere drug possession only makes up 4% of the entire prison population.

1/3 black men end up in prison
60% of black men are in prison for violent crimes
That means 1/5 black men are violent criminals.

Much like the military industrial complex, where the government pays arms manufacturers to give weapons to Israelis and Saudi backed jihadis.

I don't want to sound like some dirty hippie but as long as we're just blowing money on low iq labor can't we use it to plant trees or some beautification measures?