>22 years old
>still live with my parents
22 years old
>19 yo
>no kids yet
>no job
>no money
>no friends
>no gf
>24 years old
>no car, cant drive
>ugly and short
Southern Europeans leave their parents when they're closer to 30 if that helps you to feel better about yourself
>in love with long distance internet gf whom I've never met in person
I am you but 25 years old
>21 years old
>absolutely nothing going on
In our country its ok to live with parents, just have a job and dont be a fucking neet because they'll kick you out.
>23 years old
>still alive
get fit get a job and go outside and talk to people. i just fixed all your problems
im 26 i live on my own i have a pregnant gf with a kid i got a job i have a car and friends. and im not a fuckin normie. i went from fat to fit in a matter of a year Just fucking motivate yourself.
what if he doesn't want to work?
>26 year old virgin.
>never had a girlfriend or been on a date.
I dont want to work either but my gf doesnt want to have kids with a fucking loser So if you want to get what you want you need to do shit you dont want
I'm you, but american.
Then he has no right to complain
Regret not trying to lose my virginity at High school lads.
What have u done since the last thread you made to change this?
Get to work fuckin fatties
getting /fit/
Get a job.
>25 years old
>really fat
>kissless handholdless fuckless virgin
>still live with parents
>last job was as cashier 4 years ago
>family dislikes me and makes fun of me
>no friends since high school
I'm the very definition of a loser and failure.
I'm so loser that i even forgot my Wojak.
I'm worse, as that but 32yo tho. Here being 32yo and living with your parents is just sad but not terrible as long as you have a plan. but I don't.
But lately I've trying to take some little steps to at least try something different. SLowly but at least I'm trying.
user, try you too! :)
Not for the gf, or getting independent (not everyone can live in Northern Europe or North America where things are easier), but for your mind.
And fuck comparisons. Ignore people who's doing better. Simply try a bit harder. Let's both of us try.
I love how all of you people always have fixable problems like being a fatfuck or a NEET. I've yet to see someone say ">TFW missing both my legs from a car accident" or "TFW diagnosed with brain cancer".
Pathetic trash.
We're mentally ill or mentally neglected. That's not as bad as having no legs but getting out of it can be really difficult.
Stop being a NEET is easy in Canada, but don't forget not all us can live in God tier nations. Congrats for winning the birth lotery and being able to judge us.
Most of the people in any given thread are from first world countries.
How about not being fat? Is that also dependent on winning the "birth lottery"? - to eat less food?
>don't have 7 figure job and a family yet
>only 6 figures and a 9/10 gf
>my company only has 1100 employees
>only have a bachelor's degree
>only won 1 nobel prize
>album stuck at gold, never going to break platinum
>Harvard rejected application, have to settle for Yale
never gonna make it lads
these people will find every excuse to justify their situation instead of finding solutions and they will be unhappy until they realise that. Unfortunatly some never do.
tbf unemployment in Spain is pretty high
I just need a drivers license and than ill be happy
That's very psychologically healthy Spainbro
I unironically wish you godspeed
Yeah it seems so.
So take driving lessons and get a drivers license...? What exactly is the problem
I am doing it on the 9th. Ill probably fail, i've tried 2 times already.
holy fuck you're a nerd hahahahahaha
What reasons did you fail for? Honestly if you keep failing the driving exam maybe you shouldn't be on the road m8...
I need someone to help me study. My brother is finally going to help me study.
Is it for a written test ?
Yeah. I'm good at driving but can't pass the written test.
Oh what the hell m8 that's suppose to be easy AF. Here it's like a 40 question multiple choice test...
>thinking 22 is too old to live with parents
About to turn 24 and hoping to commit suicide beforehand because fuck being that old and still being this much of an irredeemably worthless insect. I can't stand to see another another digit being added to this fucking counter that follows me year after year. It's a quantifiable measure of how many resources I've stolen from more deserving people and how many opportunities I've wasted. I keep wanting to wait a little longer and try to at least produce some kind of music or art I can leave behind so I feel like my life hasn't been a complete waste. But then I realize that if I had the ability to make anything worthwhile I already would have and so I have no hope at this point. My only prayer is that I get some tuition refunded so I can buy a gun and end this shit show.
This concludes user's livejournal post, thank you for your service
My problem is that i'm really creepy, so people are creeped out by me. I simply can't function in society.
I need a proper study partner. I usually retain more information when I study with someone else.
Not fat nigger, I work out.
Had the same problem. It was very hard to find a job in the city. Since I moved out in the country, its very easy to find a job, The only problem is if I lose my driving license I'm fucked
Holy shit are you me? I used to be known around here as the "driving license guy" because I'd screech autistically about failing my test 3 times. Its true having a car made finding a girlfriend easier but there are many other challenges waiting after that. I'm still autistic as fuck, sending a fuck you to the whole world but now I have a girlfriend that really loves me. Keep working hard for your goals I think the driving license is one of the first steps. It brings you more autonomy. I beat the shit out of crippling depression, psychiatric system, being overweight, I will beat the shit out of money problems and my ultimate goal is to free my province and break every bank in the world
thanks, someone who bothered to read. :=)
theres a lot of trick or retarded questions, i passed with 0 or 1 wrong answers left before fail...
When I went to pass my exam for my Grade 9 equivalency, (its a one shot deal, you have to wait 1 year for the next try and thats the last chance) I was so scared to fail that I got 95%. Keep that in mind. Can you really afford to wait another time for the next exam?
I plan to kill myself on my birthday, which is less than a week away. My cousin comes to my birthday every year to mock and humiliate me, but this year all they will find will be my dead body.
I spend most of my time home because I don't have a license.
Why do you hate banks senpai
If i fail I just need to wait a week
Get a bike? Honestly you can get anywhere
I bet thats why youre failing, you're not taking the studying seriously enough.
I'm 22 and I still live with my parents. They get annoying sometimes, but as long as they're offering free food and free rent, I ain't gonna turn them down.
I live in a terrible area to bike.
I am. I just have a very hard time retaining information
the economy sucks anyway, it's not completely your fault.
it makes sense if you can
How many questions is the test and is it multiple choice?
Unless you have Alzheimer's or some other neurodegenerative disease you're just making excuses.
>lives with parents
>no job
>no friends
at least I have my garden
show them you are better than them. if you give up they win.
i dont know how to explain so have an image that will confuse you even more. Lol jk But basically its because they control our destiny with money so we must rip out of their hands and take back control of our future
35 questions but everytime you fail they pull out another 35 questions out of a pool of 500 questions
if i told you to retain information or die you would probably instantly get better at it. that was my point.
yeah sure because everygirl in the world dreams of living with her boyfriends parents right. fuckin jews
what the fuck. that test sounds hard as fuck lmao. the system here is we have a pool of about 50 questions and we have a small margin of error if we get more than 5 wrong we fail example.
I would've passed the first time if it weren't for those stupid fucking machines we were using. It would sometimes click on the wrong answer when tapping on the screen.
ah that sucks. i bet if you tell the person responsible they would tell you "nothing we can do about it"
lost my phone last weekend and i reported it to the cops and thats what they said, fucking retards they prefer if i beat the shit out of my neighbors for stealing it or rob them... whatever
>"nothing we can do about it"
exactly what the lady said.
On the 2nd try I didn't even know that all my questions would change and that's why I failed.
meh just keep trying you'll get it eventually or maybe go on a brutal rampage after the 12th try, its win-win
After all, it seems there was only dirty garbage in Sup Forums.
a wow shirt really?
>living with family till a month ago
>everyone got fed up with me and vice versa
>still have v card despite 2 ex-gfs due to religious upbringing
>too sperg to talk to women
only upside is that i have decent-ish job but God knows how long that will last
>about to turn 26
>still living with parents unemployed
>know they care too much to kick me out so I don't even have that fear to motivate me to do something
I am worthless.
At least you live near the best country on Earth.
I understamd that you people are upset about all that bullshit, but that's just how american culture is, it seems to me
I am planning to build my own house after college which I will finnish at 23 or later, and finding a nice job
Anyways the girl I am currently in relationship with said that she will have her first child around 28, so that makes it pefect for me
(totally unimportant, just wanted to tell my plans to someone)
chances are you wont be with her anymore by then. dont get cucked by the waiting meme
>live with parents
>share room with younger sister
chances of me getting one after her aproach 0, so I will just dream about our life together
Anyways we will probably break up and then I will commit suicide
damn, my image seems damaged, I should probably find a fix for this shit
>Phd in math
>Any job i want
>300k Starting
>never had a gf
>actually gave up on ever finding a gf
>no friends
>cant hold on to a job for more than a month
>closing in on 4th year at a 2 year college
>depressed since childhood
>bedroom is small section in back of living room blocked off with a curtain
well... at least i have my drivers license
Same here at your age. Parents keep nagging at me to study moar to get a job but I recently lose my mind of study. However, I want to be economically independent from my parents.
If you really want to move out, I'd focus solely on moving out, and you're only 22, that's still really young, you can return to your education later.
>38 years old
>my 18 daughter still lives with me
Please, go.
There is not much thing i can do. I hugely feel lethargy in these days
>Any job i want
Bullshit I bet your lying ass couldn't be a monster truck driver.
All the 2+2's in the world can't help you there.
Can confirm
Ah, then that's the problem. Motivation can be difficult to find, even when you really want something.
Post daughter
>Turn 20 in 2 days
fuggg I don't like this
Ywn get a qt 3.14 Russian daughter
You guys are pretty retarded if you think that virginity/sex matters that much to be happy in life.... there are lots of other things.
You're right to be worried.
How can i cure me? At this rate I will ruin my life.
That is the important thing to make a friend of opposite sex in life..
>tfw not expected to move out until 35
What motivates people to work? I don't see the point.
What, Kim?
Personally, it's not about worrying about being a virgin past age 20 or not having lots of sex.
I could live my entire life without it and still be happy, but what I need to survive is to know somebody can find something they love about me, because honestly I can't.