I haven't seen any of his films and he has a new one coming out soon. What should i watch, what are his best,what shouldn't i watch?
Terrence Malick:
Watch them all, they're great. My favorite is the new world but most people seem to like badlands so try that one
You needn't bother with watching any of the mindless drivel he's produced. Do something better with your time instead.
Badlands and days of heaven are his two best films. Tree of life is his most beautiful. Thin red line is okay. The new world is criminally underrated. Don't watch any of the rest.
Watch his first two, then Tree of Life and then stop.
I was thinking Thin Red Line, cause i like war movies and Sean Penn
in order
Tree of life > Days of heaven >Knight of Cups > Thin Red Line > Badlands > The New World > To the Wonder
if you wanna get a feel for it just watch the first five
delete your account
to the wonder is one of his best
Do you guys think song to song will be good?
I'm gonna shit in your mouth
>Ben afflict wandering with a confused look through wheat and grass
No. Knight Of Cups was fucking terrible.
it has the Goose and Rooney, i have lots of hope tbqh
i have mixed feelings about to the wonder, maybe i personally dislike it because it feels overshadowed by tree of life and knight of cups.
Watch his filmography chronologically.
I haven't seen his earlier work or The New World but I can recommend The Thin Red Line, The Tree of Life and To The Wonder for sure. If you really liked Tree and Wonder, watch Knight of Cups.
It's a war movie only in the sense that it takes place in a war, if you're looking for an action packed blood fest, it's not that
>It's a war movie only in the sense that it takes place in a war
kinda like Apocalypse Now?
>if you're looking for an action packed blood fest, it's not that
good, I love Patton, Paths of Glory and Ap Now, which aren't like action packed, so ill prolly like TRL too.
Watch Badlands first. It's one of my favorite movies ever. Days of Heaven is also great.
The Thin Red Line and The New World are interesting ones. They are very polarising, personally I'm not a big fan of them too but I can see why certain people like them. They are worth watching once after you're done with Badlands and Days of Heaven.
The Tree of Life has wonderful cinematography but the film itself is a mess in my opinion and a little pretentious...
To The Wonder is a huge mess. I don't like that one.
Knight of Cups is also a mess but it has some better parts in it. I think you should watch The Tree of Life instead if you're interested in 2010's Malick.
Song to Song aka autism kino has its world premiere at SXSW today.
God tier. Exquisite film soleil.
>Terrence Malick and Ryan Gosling
I'll have to watch that I guess
Badlands is true "kino" and everyone should watch it.
why is Ryan is perfect bros ;-;
Film soleil and neon noir are blood brothers.
>They filmed this movie when Sup Forums was still good
2012 seems like a lifetime away
He just is!
Watch badlands, days of heaven and the thin red line. That's all the good stuff. The rest is very very pretentious and arthousey with minimalist plot. his later stuff is basically just collage in film form. Unless you are just completely in love with his cinematography or like reading into films heavily based on almost nothing, I wouldn't want any more past the thin red line
Chronological is good. It really is an experience watching a director evolve.
Wow, look at the similarities of these two pictures. I guess his cinematography hasn't changed that much after all.
yeah good point
unironically this
Malick devolved. His films have gotten worse. ToL is the only exception.
This looks promising but I'm more interested in his next project, Radegund which is already in production. They say it's gonna use a more convencional storytelling simiar to his early films.
*in post-production actually
Does she have autism?
Is it in German?
It's endearing though :3
Yep. Almost the entire cast is german.
Confirmed for amazing because KOC is terrific
Will he be okay bros?
>Film soleil
>neon noir
what is this pretentious garbage
oh wait I'm on the board that talks about how kino is different from cinema and both are different from film
Pls be GOAT pls be GOaT pls not be dubbed