Any good films based around capture the flag?
Any good films based around capture the flag?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't know about the classic Dumb Frogposter
Every war film ever made.
Sup Forums since 2016 is basically just like Sup Forums during chanology
airbud:flag football
Meaning there's a 100% guarantee these faggots will look back at this shit and cringe in a few years.
except chanology was liberal and left leaning
Red vs Blue
I thought goobergate was chanology though :^)
You were here for either of them right?
It's the same edgy rebellious contrarianism bullshit mixed with underage high school "iamverysmart" fedora-tippers. Spewing meme's IRL is some of the most embarrassingly autistic bullshit you can possibly do.
i was here since 2001 you dumb faggot
8 years, cucks. And there's literally nothing you can do about it. :)
How does Trump's orange cock taste
>hear about it
>think its Sup Forums that did it
>actually some schmuck from 8gag
I seriously hope you're not taking credit for it, mongrels and non-whites. That's some Sup Forums tier reddting
"Capture The Flag"
So many tears for the next 8 years. Hope you libcucks finally accept defeat and kill yourselves. :)
What are some movies about 10% of the population thinking they're involved in an "epic power struggle" with another 10% of the opposing population while the remaining 80% hate them both because they're actively obstructing the process?
>think its Sup Forums that did it
Mind you by this I mean figuring out where the location of the flag was. I don't care about the thing being taken down though.
Wait, what is going on? Something happened?
this. Fucking blue-pilled feminist SJW kike cuck shill shillary cucked libtards
PRAISE KEK. hehe meme magic hehehehe
Strawman requires that the person you're arguing against has an argument that is being ignored.
Here's (you).
Hmmm. Really makes you think. I remember how butt-blasted Sup Forums got when people were taking Trump signs, yet it's 100% ok to go onto someone's property and steal it when it makes you upset suddenly. Nothing but a bunch of underage, edgy hypocrites.
Thanks for making the literal devil your nominee. Thanks to you, we get to run the country for the next 8 years. I'm going to enjoy every single day of it. :)
ah so it's just more "le praise kek maga XD" Sup Forums cringe. makes me wonder why they bother shitting up this board when it seems they have other autistic things to do
that brown qt wants the white moobs so bad
Didn't vote for her, and am not a democrat, nice assumptions though, take your garbage threads back to please.
how pissed is shia right now?
So what's next, Shia plants 1000 flags? This game of kek can't end this easily.
Poor, salty little libcucks. I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel, knowing that you lost so hard, you'll never be taken seriously again. These next 8 years are going to be brutal for you. :)
oh shit son an MS Paint comic!
>being an establishment shill
wew lad
But you post on Sup Forums
if a tv show character figured out a location the way that guy did y'all would say it's bullshit
>whites are literally the best race I have all these images to prove it
Lad, we have Western civilization to prove it.
Sup Forums is far more autistic than anything I saw in A Beautiful Mind.
>It's an autist goes through the archives to try and discredit an anonymous poster on a mongolian fava bean newsletter and thinks that people will be impressed episode
Is that a "I pretend jews and meds are white when it fits my narrative" sort of civilization?
>Mediterraneans aren't white
what's this from? i loved it
No one asked you your age.
>Didn't vote for her, and am not a democrat
>the youth getting red pilled is supposed to make me renounce the right-wing
You're implying his flag makes us upset. Shit's just funny brah. Did it for the lulz, just like we got Trump elected.
Guys, I'd still like to know some CTF kino.
Leftists are assblasted that they can no longer dominate and persecute people with their weaponized political correctness. When will they realize that they are the bad guys?
Correct The Fuck?
Meds and Jews are the same race: Caucasoid
8 more glorious years. It's like a dream come true. :)
there is no good or evil
You type like a redditor
scientology are actually an insane cult
>anyone who disagrees with me is a cuck
trump has repeatedly done stupid things, a reasonable person can't ignore that, cuck or not
And you type like a fag.
>OP posts a thread about capture the flag
>thread turns into a shitshow between libcucks and cuckservatives
>on Sup Forums
What happened to this board?
Fucking cucks
I fucking hate that picture "alt right pussies cry about literally everything" because it's stupid and unfunny waste of time. I groan everytime I see it.
>scientology are actually an insane cult
Just like liberals?
anyone who identifies as alt right is underage or a massive faggot
Capture the flag, you silly goose.
>praise kek in all caps translates to praise cuck
Really makes you think
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
fucking kek, if you let someone piss you off THIS much over a picture you've basically lost
Tell that to jews
You type like a cuck
praise kek fellow 'pedes
I can understand that its rebellious but the term alt right is a media creation
>I consider Sup Forums one person except when they take credit for something I don't want
enjoy your virginity, at least those orange buttplugs and frog onaholes will give you company :)
Ouch, you got me, buddy.
Fight teh powah bro! Show these leftist cucks!
The image is based on pole dummy
Was it autism?
>alt right is just a social construct
What did he mean by this?
>the term alt right is a media creation
m8 it's been used for years on sites like counter currents and amren long before Hilary decided it was her enemy.
wtf I hate Donald J. Trump now!
Although the second amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
Why is it called 'the donald'?
d-did they all get it on with the girl?
How did Sup Forums manage to become such a shitty joke of a board in only a few years? Did the reddit influx really kill it that hard?
>You have opinion? What are you, a CHILD?
wtfI love progressives now.
friendly reminder that Sup Forums invented meme magic and that "praise kek" is just dubs repackaged for the reddit crowd
they seriously need to ban mobileposting
i guarantee you shitposting would drop at least 60% if they did
They've somehow managed to be more cringeworthy though.
Why is Sup Forums triggered so hard by Sup Forums banter ?
This is one of the reasons Sup Forums is among the worst boards now.
This board is the shittiest of all Sup Forums. I can't even have a serious discussion about films here. It's a goddamn cesspool