Honorary niggers

Who else do you guys think are as bad as niggers? I hate southern hillbillies and Russians as much as I hate niggers and consider them basically the same thing.

I forgot to add that Eastern Europe must be like the ghetto or Compton to people who live in Western Europe.

All humans are literally niggers

I want that pillow.

Slavs are better than niggers
Arabs are better than niggers
Street shitters are better than niggers
Mexicans are better than niggers
Chinks are obviously better than niggers

There's only one group of shitheads that are even remotely comparable to niggers, and that's the Australian Aborigine

People who live in the south know the difference between hillbillies, rednecks, and white trash

Burgers really are niggers

They're in your genes
They're in your culture
They're in your music
They're in your wife

NY hicks.

Says the Canacuck.

>There's only two group of shitheads that are even remotely comparable to niggers, and that's the Australian Aborigine and the Canadian

>hating on Dave and Ivan
The only group as bad as niggers are Muslims.

I would say Russians are the Mexicans of Europe.
The UN says Russia is Mexico-tier in economic development and living standands.


Islam is shit but the people have potential brah.


all pretty comparable tbqh famalamadingdong

>literally half of Muslims are inbred
The sad thing is that they probably had potential ~1000 years ago, but Islam inbreeding fucked it up.

Yeah, I'm assuming the KANGZ AND KWEENZ who *actually* built the fucking pyramids were more or less Arabs - and definitely not blacks.

Who is on that pillow.

Cunt yankees and north easterners. Human garbage the lot of them.

Nice divide and conquer thread

Sage and report

Middle eastern men
Fucking hairy and perverted cunts

Nope, you're just a nigger trying to take heat off yourself. Get lynched.

Liru the werewolf

Russians and souther hillbillies will always be brethren to me. I'd wouldn't trade one Russian for ten thousand niggers.

Mongoloids and caucasoids are fine lads. The true enemy is the negro and his offspring.

German and English ancestry. Traceable lineage. Whiter than you. Triggered honorary-nigger detected

So you consider yourself as an honorary nigger? Kek

This. Fucking low-tier kikery.