This is kino as fuck and probably the only conservative based sitcom on TV

this is kino as fuck and probably the only conservative based sitcom on TV

plus the eldest daughter is qt as fuck

It's garbage and its written by liberals in the first place so just stop

By the way I have to ask why conservatives can never seem to recognize when they're being mocked and parodied? How dumb are you?

youngest daughter makes me horny!

Yeah nice try libtard

You're lewd

I agree, she is a cutie

>last MAN standing
>image shows the man sitting and the women standing around him

What did they mean by this?

i wish she wasn't a tom boy so she could do lewd lewd scenes

post lewds!

I know baby boomer conservatives who unironically watch this show. It's sad

This is a pretty comfy Tim-core flick. Anyone know where I can find Jungle 1 Jungle?

you know who gets to sit while everyone else has to stand? THE KING, BABY.

Same, my dad is one of them. I've watched a few episodes with him, and honestly as far as network sitcoms are concerned it's not that horrible. But he literally thinks that it's a show standing up for his lifestyle and values.
>but Tim Allen is the tool man!
I don't have the heart to break it to him, as long as he enjoys it I guess that's all that matters.

>tfw busted for selling cocaine.

First season was pretty shit, it was a good idea to age up the little retard baby so he'd actually contribute to the narrative but recasting the eldest daughter wasn't great either.

I liked her. She had a lot of charm and personality when interacting with Tim or the hot mother.

The new one... ehhh. Sure, she's got great cans but her formula is 'i don't want lloyd to _' then 'witty response to something beta cuck baby daddy say or Tim says'

>tfw get out of long prison sentencing by ratting out on my associates

How is he still alive?

Yeah I saw that on Cracked ten years ago too

Guns ? Lives in a secure neighborhood?

Terrible show. Written by libs, fox news crowd eats it up go figure.

The YouTube comments section for clips of that show are fucking amazing. Retarded Republican dads really can't tell that tthey're being manipulated by liberal writers.