
She did a cough, Stu edition

Other urls found in this thread:


*hands you your p45*



Got a job at Marks and Spencer lads

go for an engineering degree

ive never needed bloody quadratic equations in my life


He's listened to it since the 90s

I have

love this advert and tune so much, so uplifting.
put it in full screen and 1080p



usually when people post a girl over and over on /brit/ I eventually start finding them attractive, like that girl with the huge forehead that got posted with >anime or that jewish girl with the huge eyes

with this one it just isn't happening

What's a good, memorable name for a boy? It needs to be strong, salt-of-the-earth and unique but not pretentious

still pee the bed, spit blood, and chuckle heartily in my sleep at the phrase "factorising trinomials"


Have you purchased your Google Pixel 2 yet?

>have to go through an intense 12 step interview process just to become an apprentice

Pull your socks up. Just hand them your cv

>Open admiration for monarchy


dante *some latin shit*


Don't like being spied on.

My contract ends next year anyway. Just in time for Samsung's folding phone


you're brain isn't going haywire, its always like that all the time but you don't realise because of the distractions in life. just by being quiet and trying to relax yourself you become hyper-aware of how disorganized and chaotic your own through patterns are.

you're not supposed to "stop thinking", the opposite really, let your mind just wander but don't dwell on anything. if you get caught up on a thought just calmly go back to your centre.
this is why a prayer/mantra/object/visualization all are useful in maintaining this sort of centre you can return to after drifting away in thought.
eventually with practice you will be able to calm your mind and just let thoughts float on past like nothing, completely uninhibited.



hate life and myself

fuck off back to your thread since you made it

>doing maths

may as well start taking cocks up me arse daily

told you to never post her again
she doesnt like you virgins harassing her


prove it

taking me way too long to find a suitable gf. all the best ones to get on with are uglies. good looking women always have something grating about them. but you simply cannot shag an ugly forever. it just wouldn't work. life is incredibly unfair

>tfw pretentious name
>tfw my parents named me Holden as a reference
>tfw they never told me whether it was a reference to William Holden, 'Blood Meridian', or 'Catcher in the Rye'
>tfw all those references are bad

unironically wish i was swedish

but the real lesson is that i really wish i wasn't scottish


me on the left

and the right

and the centre

alri Holden Walker of Charlotte, North Carolina


so many insane killer insects in South/North America fucking hell

it's a bit strange May doesn't have kids
maybe something is wrong with her
that would explain why she's so out of touch with today's youth

my second favourite bird
I'd like to have a water garden full of these and alligators like some American Pharaoh

thought everyone in scotland was insanely proud to be scottish for seemingly no reason at all

salt good name !!!

insane killer insect is just a right-wing demonisation. Most insects are harmless.

William Holden looks handsome as fuck

she's barren iirc

dun dadada dun dun
21st century autistic man


make me

*18 minute triangle and bell solo*

>Stan got the rights to theatrical blade runner
for what purpose

scottish identity is a series of lies and contradictions to underscore what i can only assume is a universal sense of deep insecurity.

or maybe i'm projecting. still, it's a plausible theory: most people cover their insecurity with confidence, i cover it with a blunt admission it's there and crippling.

Unnnffff me prog rock good!

alright where do you live
i will heem you

What's with all these anons posting pictures of young women?

Blade Runner was a daft film carried by Rutger Hauer and the visuals

*drives over your cat*

>Ramsay was clearly shocked by the procedure and winces as the acid is porn over a huge pile of coca leaves

wonder what its like being this dumb

I will be in helsinki march 24th-25th so we will arrange to fight then

stop make fun of me!


business idea: nationalise tax advisers

rich people can pay the tax advisers to help them dodge tax, then because it's state owned the adviser can instead skim operating costs + wages off the rich guy and pay the taxes in full while lying and claiming substantial savings

Wish I were a young MP that's down with the kids and liked by the public

>Female lawyer who stands just 3ft 8in in court sues witness who laughed hysterically at her and started singing ‘Hi Ho’

really not liking these new ones

too forced, can tell its a different artist. Just isn't simple/iconic enough


Business idea: Nationalised insurance


Business idea: Make taxes voluntary

I'm named after the people my parents lost their virginities to

spent £48 on shots last night

business idea: reply to really obvious bait

business idea: no phone storage but it all goes to a cloud server somewhere


ngl i'm dead easy to wind up

right then, off to do things
be back in a bit

business idea: amwf cuck porn



Reminds me of that on horrible webm of that on chink grandma who's face was eaten away by bacteria. All that was left was a huge gaping hole with teeth.

Still making me giggle 2bh

dating a girl whose boyfriend somehow died in Poland

strange feeling... I feel terrible for her, I think one night I woke to her weeping, rolled over

grug hate new gimmick
new gimmick make grug head feel stingy
grug need drink water



watched the first few episodes of American Vandal
quite good

going to marathon a few episodes of reddit

Abolish Government
Its nothing to me
Forget about god
He's not here to see
We live by a system
A perfect mold
People perfect people
Who are poor and old
Lives were spent on the ladder of success
Working for nothing in this
In this worthless mess
Presidents a name
Presidents a label
Highest man on the government table

Land of the free
Free to the power of the people in uniform

People are so blind they just can't see
Send your son to bootcamp
Send him off to war
If he comes back he'll be dead and nothing more
Struggle for a land, for a country, for a freedom
All you mindless people looking for someone to lead them

Wake up to the same old shit
Live your life to suit their fit
Some people they don't like your hair
Policemen they just don't care

Snipers that want to be
Rifle sites are aimed at me

Wake up silent majority

The government they don't want us here
You folks can't feel that fear
You can walk the streets today
You can walk in your own way

People think that I'm crazy
These people just can't see

Wake up silent majority

Live your life
Day by day
Doing everything
That they say

Silent majority

Promote freedom
Let it be heard
Don't forget that its only a word

Silent Majority
When you gonna wake up?

Do me a favor and fedora yourself

>'What's big for me is not the physical measurements of the body, but what's big inside you,'
oi oi


>She is a leading light in a professional body for people of limited stature - The Federal Association of Small People and Their Families - and is often on TV and in newspapers fighting the corner of society's smallest.
The national union of manlets

that's our word

listening to my dishwasher

>animu consists of 3 minutes of intro + recap, 15 minutes of slow clunky exposition, 2 minutes of action and 2 minutes of outro
how do people watch this week-to-week without nostalgia pushing them through

help the canadians are shitposting again

business idea: Destroy your manufacturing industry and import 3rd wolders rom former colonies so they can slowly take over your country