I'll start with pic related
ITT: Shows that glorify normieness
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Literally Rddt: The Show
I don't care if it glorifies normieness or if it does not. I don't care if it's rddt or if it's not. The guys are hot and sexy and I orgasmed. A lot.
>Shows that glorify normieness
Literally every show. Even shows that try to portray damaged outcasts like Mr.Robot fail at it cause most normie writers can't put themselves in the position of non-normie characters.
wat's the vid about?
there's nothing wrong with being normal.
there's nothing wrong with being reddit.
>as if knows what being non-normie feels like
>there's nothing wrong with being normal.
I knew normies had invaded this place but I didn't know it had gotten this out of hand. Is it cause of Sup Forumss growth over the past couple years? Fuck off normalfag.
Don't know about gen 3 but the original 2 had an autismo in the gang.
I can smell your feromones from here, roasties
Get the fuck out and get fucked and dumped by the next Chad for the 574th time this month
You deserve rape
Being a normie is the same as being a literal retard. There is nothing good about it.
If you can't pick up a metalhead girl the you should just end yourself.
>he can talk to girls
>it's a "Freddie's sister dances like a complete whore on TV and cries fake tears about her dead mother to win points on an X Factor knockoff, but everybody tells Freddie to fuck off when he complains about it" episode
Even that faggot was portrayed badly, since he had everything to go out and fuck bitches left and right if only he lost the glasses and beanies
And basically the entire show revolves on normies whose only concern in life is fucking and getting drunk
Some people are abnormal because they don't want to fuck. Their base programming is broken
>le mean normies!!
>so degenerate!!!
>pls have sex with me Stacy
Do you faggots have nothing better to do than just hate anyone who isn't a fat fucking loser? /r9k/ should be wiped off the face of the Earth, with you crossposters included.
Those are the very people thanks to whom you can shitpost on here and on your facebook phone about fucking and getting drunk all day long.
you consider Sup Forums normal? i guess your definition of normal is wrong then. you should learn2english.
wat's dat? hormones with iron? hormones of feral cats?
are you trying to say reeeeeeeeddeeeeeet? it's ok to be one. it's not wrong.
no, a retard is not normal. being normie means having normal intelligence. that's why we're called normal.
>the hole argument
>treating women so poorly that you reduce them to literal holes because you're too pathetic to talk to them like normal people
Just get a life mate.
>there's nothing wrong with being reddit.
what is the world coming to? being reddit should be the most shameful thing of all
>i am a woman
i don't care about you
If the rapist is young and handsome, ok. I'll enjoy it.
>normal intelligence
"Normal" intelligence is average intelligence, i.e. it's the state of being stupid.
>normal = retard
Actually, that's they're exact opposites by definition. Retards, the literal kind, were often called abnormals.
Compared to anyone with above-average intelligence, yes normies are retards.
But I'm not interested in girls whether metalhead or not. What does a metalhead guy look like? I suspect they won't look handsome so I wouldn't be interested.
I would like to fuck Freddie.
You absolute fucking normie get the fuck off my board
>you consider Sup Forums normal?
Sup Forums is what attracted all of you normalfags here. Before it used to be Sup Forums but now Sup Forums has taken over.
It even types like a normie. What the hell is wrong with these people?
I'm not a woman, I've just got a shred of decency. You're just pathetic lad. Women annoy me and I wouldn't keep them as friends but I don't treat them like sub-humans just because you hold a grudge against an entire half of the human race.
And fuck off with this crusade against normalness and 'degeneracy'. You actually have a mental illness if you're not emotionally stable enough to enjoy partying and having fun.
>I'm not a woman
you are a woman
Women only show interest and treat Chad kindly. They have nothing to offer but sex, but since evolution of the human species is bound to getting sex and reproducing, males have to deal with their bullshit in order for humanity to exist.
The thing is, women these days are hypergamous, and get to choose their sexual partners without virtually any shaming through social media and whatnot, always aiming for the top 10% of men until they settle for a beta provider when their pussy is loose from all those years taking Chad and Tyrone dick.
Not an argument
You should go back to school, retard. Stupid means below-average, abnormie.
>Not an argument
you are a woman
Not a man.
You are stupid to me. Could you have found a more normie picture to go along with your retardation?
>tfw the only person I know who watches this show is a black chick
Do you actually go outside? There is no Chad-Beta dichotomy in real life, you've all made it up to make yourselves feel better about being too insecure and shy to talk to girls. You've created a world where 'if you can't win the game, why bother playing it?' is the only truth. If you just went outside, got a haircut, got /fit/ and just chilled out a bit then you'd all get women easily.
Wrong, you pathetic abnormie. Retard by definition means below-average intelligence, you sub-intelligent abnormie. It does not mean less intelligent compared to above-average intelligence, you quivering mongoose.
>You actually have a mental illness if you get ostracized and left out by people enjoying basic level trivial shit whom you feel no connection with and joining them in these activities, not even mentioning being shamed and rejected in your teenage years for being unattractive thus missing out on a basic human emotion and without friends to make up for it
You normies never cease to amaze me with how shallow and incapable of empathy you lot are
My point was that metalhead girls are pretty easy, specially when it come to interaction with a metalhead dude. I think that doing that they may think that they'll have a more metal attitude or idfk.
Watch the film Metalhead, they girl fuck a ugly dude just because he was the only person in her town that knew about Megadeth.
>being so pathetic that your only way of making yourself feel better about being exposed as a loser is to call the other person a woman
sorry, abnormie, i won't.
your post does not make sense. how did Sup Forums attract normal people to Sup Forums and you still have not clarified why you consider Sup Forums normal.
kek how else will a normal person type? of course, a normal person will type like a normal person. something is wrong with your brain it's going in circles. your brain is not normal. it's abnormal.
>waaaaah nobody ever pays attention to me
>I mean I don't make and never did make an effort to talk to anyone or invest in finding any common interests but they should give me attention anyway!!!
>WAHHH everyone was mean to me because I didn't look like a supermodel at age 13
>never mind that I didn't bother improving myself or engaging with anyone outside of a Chinese cartoon forum they should love me anyway!!
You people are fucking disgusting. Get a grip, how can you call yourselves men?
Actually, it abnormies like you who are of below-average intelligence. But, naturall, you envy and hate the fact that normals are smarter than you therefore abnormals like you pretend being normal is wrong.
I knew normies who hated this show because it was just plain pretentious.
>Normal person types like a complete retard
>Claims it's not retarded
Lack of emotional intelligence is a sign of low overall intelligence. Maybe you're not too smart if you can barely engage in conversation with other people.
Are you ashamed of being a woman or something? Why are you trying to pretend not to be a woman?
Ah i see. Metalhead is not a physical description it's a personality description. I thought you meant people who look like fans of metal rock with spiky hair.
Not an argument.
Ran out of arguments, I see. Typical woman.
>posts "types like a normie"
>backpedals "types like a complete retard"
kek people can still see what you originally posted, idiot. actually, you are the one who is typing like a complete retard.
Is your shift key broken or did you never learn how to use it in normie school?
Says the user that's been calling me a woman for his last 3 posts because he can't find anything else to say
Why do you assume that there are no people that have actually done all that and more and yet been rejected and hated for who they are?
Do you honestly believe that doing the shit you say will work with everyone because it did for you? How unempathetic are you?
I'm calling you a woman because you are one.
Stewart Lee deconstructs it pretty well.
On the contrary a good portion of very intelligent folk lack social skills.
It's clear you're not very intelligent though, as you wouldn't be on Sup Forums right now.
Fine, give me one good reason why those people hate you. What possible reason would they have for ostracising you and treating you like a social leper?
I can guarantee that it's you who is at fault, not them.
>unable to refute blatantly glaring truth
>unable to deny epically retarded backpedalling
>smokescreen change topic focus on shift key instead
oh, abnormie, you are so amusing. thank you very much. i actually love you for giving me so much pleasure and laughter.
That's all these retards can do user. They're fundamentally broken humans, and they know it. All this hostility is just a defence mechanism.
This. They're now talking about kids' IQ and EQ (emotional quotient).
he's dead on
I would like to modify/clarify what I said in I'm not agreeing to the good portion part but also not disagreeing since I don't know. I'm just saying that IQ does not always match EQ. Whether there is a correlation (i.e., high IQ tends to mean low EQ) I do not know.
You project harder than IMAX
He's talking about how retardedly you type, you don't know how to use capitalisation
Samefagging with capitlisation
You're a stupid normie
How do I know you're not some 3rd party? Where's the (you)?
That's just called aspergers
You just said it was samefagging you retard, when it's clearly not. Can't believe you're actually arguing you're more intelligent than normies.
Post the (you) then. You haven't proved you're either anons
The New Girl
Wow this fucking thread is infested with normie and r eddit shit
What the fuck happened to my Sup Forums
It was never your Sup Forums. /r9k/ faggots are not welcome here and never have been. ROBOTS GET OUT.
I'm an idiot for wanting proof? You really are a stupid normie
It's a free board my friend
I gave you proof but you were sure I was wrong, because you didn't want your fragile ego to break.
The boards not free for autistic retards.
So you're pretty much admitting you're a faggot normie redditor. You're the problem bitch, get the fuck out.
>muh robots
Proving with every post your only value is between your legs.
Can you not get it through your thick fucking skull? I wasn't sure you were wrong or right, you didn't prove anything. You could have been neither or and just trying to fuck things up. You're just dumb, It's like speaking to a child
>accuses others of samefagging pretending to be another user
kek the ironing
Don't you know? There aren't any women on the internet
trips speak truth and wisdom
abnormie, listen to the trips and learn
Memes don't mean he's right. He was objectively wrong
damn you you made me laugh while drinking water it went out my nose. your post is so non sequitur and out of the blue and funny because of the argument earlier itt.
water going out nose hurt damn you. how many hours ago was it when you (was it you) and another user were arguing about who is and who is not a woman?
Noooo the nostalgia, get it away!
You don't understand, there are literal women on the internet, but to post that you're a woman is just to get attention. Thus everyone is assumed male.
Which one are you? The trips or the abnormie?
kek 91 replies itt and i think this is the first on-topic reply
lol sorry, i don't have the creativity (or maybe currently too tire or too lazy) to come up with the appropriate reply to keep up with you.
too bad though seems like you started something that could be epic funny if only i'm up to the task.
Ah, ok. Here's my reply then.
>Memes don't mean he's right.
I agree. It was not memes that made trips right. It was his intelligent replies and valid reasoning that made him objectively right.
Maybe what you don't get is I accept they're different people, but his original post didn't prove it wasn't another person. It could have been a third person fucking with me