What's the most racist caricature in a movie?
What's the most racist caricature in a movie?
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George Lucas is very racist
>dude im offended lmao
rope yourself
White chicks
>he has a rabbi hat and side curls in EP2
It had to be intentional.
You can't be racist towards whites
tips watermelon
>""""reverse racism""""
No you can't, little nigger. now stfu and pick me some more cotton, you worthless ape.
You're right. Racism is racism, there is no "reverse."
This was an "Emma Stone in Aloha" tier performance.
oh god who the fuck came up with this
Cholo Joker
Reverse racism is being extra nice to people because of their race.
So stuff like positive stereotypes?
>All asians are good at maths
>All Black People are good at rapping
The whole thing with Al Jolson has a pretty interesting history.
He was like the Michael Jackson of his time. Not just a star but a role model. He had several biopic films made about him throughout the golden age of Hollywood.
I would go Mantan Moreland though. Famous for bugging his eyes out - his candle burned out pretty quickly though.
He would later star in the mean spirited Spider Baby where he's killed in a very unflattering manner.
Raping* and they are
but Black People suck at Raping.
God she's fucking uggo. Even without all the cgi. What a fucking disgusting looking woman.
>Sup Forums ACTUALLY thinks this is racist
It's not, but it is unironically transphobic
>Al Jolson was Jewish
really made me think
>those thick wrists
pretty much every CGI character in Star Wars is based on some kind of racist stereotype
made me kek
every black person in every Scary Movie flick
true kino
goddamn i love every Shorty bits
> transphobic
what happened to black awareness movies like this and undercover brother? where the black community has some level of self cririque?
White leftists decided it was too racist for them
whites decide what black writers do?
>back when niggers still knew their place
Yes, they decide whats hollywood moral at the time and shape social media desire.
"Yella gals are as sweet as honey" Stepin Fetchit played Farina's dad in a few Rascals comedies.