Saracen edition
/Mena/ - الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
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>Iranian-Turkish Consensus to Prevent Changing Region’s Borders
>For 75% of Saudis, Iran is not the enemy
this painting is divine. who's is it? more paintings like this, pls.
"Le marchand de peaux" by Jean-Léon Gérôme user
desu sage
He's the one who painted "prayer in Cairo"
Imagine if the byzantines didn't came after
There would be a big possibility that we wouldnt be Muslims because Byzantines were busy with other regions and were defeated in all kind of places while the vandals would defend their territories much ferociously
What would we be? I don't recall the religion of this kingdom, was it some kind of christianity?
aryan Christianity , tho only the rulers were part of that sect , most commoners were catholic tho .Its actually similar to islam
>In Christianity, Arianism is a Christological[1] concept which asserts the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was begotten by God the Father at a point in time, is distinct from the Father and is therefore subordinate to the Father.
Alot of hilarious Algerian forums claim because of this that they wuz real chrisitans and shit
The nobles Christians but not Catholic like the people who lived there
Parlez Français
Soyez propres
The nobles Arian for a while but they joined the main line (Nicene/Chalcedonian) later. The people who lived there were mostly main line, so the nobles started expelling bishops.
>Alot of hilarious Algerian forums claim because of this that they wuz real chrisitans and shit
Ahahahahah seriously? Never seen Algerians like that, quite surprising
was the founder of arianism north african?
that's mesmerizing. makes you wonder just when he middle-east ceased being a place of wonders and became the stuff of nightmares.
saw it in muslim algerian forum . just google wandal in arabic or el masi7iya el aryaniya and you'll find out
Yeah. It was founded by Arius, who was a Berber.
It truly is. When the MENA region didn't fall into geopolitical shitstorm and loss of traditions.
>MENA is doing well
>Brits introduce made-up nationalism to make them revolt
>MENA explodes into a shitstorm
Thanks Britain
Britain is truly a jew
lol mena wasnt doing well try reading the pre westernization Arabic litterateur . Its full of complaining of how things are shit.
Better than constant wars
britain's involvement still messed up the region, especially with the british mandate thing about palestine-isnotreal
daily reminder brazil is more european than all u sandniggers
im going back to europe to save my brothers from you sandniggers
mosque is calling. it's time for the evening salat in addis.
>implying we want to be europeans
Brazil is only full of portugesh-black mixed people
It wouldn't have been an issue if the Arabs accepted the agreement instead of chimping out and invading every few years
macaco what are you doing here?
are there any loop-holes in islam that allow homosexuality without going trans, or am i destined to bungee jump from the minaret?
>Brazil is only full of portugesh-black mixed people
South brazil is whiter than france these days, sandnigger
go back to alepo
Doesn't count if it's an underage boy
Shut up cracolandia, white or not still a shithole
did i tell you that i was inches from converting to islam? i wrote about it once but i'm not sure if you've read it. i even have the koran that i got as a gift from the religious leader of a mosque not far from my high-school. it's french & arabic.
>mfw the addis mosque holds my name
Homosexuality is bad.
ohhhh user :)
it's up to you, if you read the Quran and if it speaks or makes sense to your heart you'll be guided, just like it happened with many other people. you should listen to recitations as well, I have links if you're in the mood for it one day
Come here and I'll make you change your views about it
>i love middle eastern culture and people
>**flees to white country and collects welfare**
Why are u like this, muhamadd?
>he wants to be white
why do you care about what happens in wh*Te countries pablo?
do you unironically believe you have an obligation to protect their rights and shit?
That sounds a bit gay
kys jao
I'm a good boy
there are plenty of mosques in addis. but i'm assuming that your name is anwar, correct?
what is your the sourate that you find yourself repeating more than often? i want to say favorite, but there's no such thing as that because all are great. and, yes. links pls.
y-yes it is
have you ever seen an afar?
Good channel
I always liked music in Arabic
سُبْحَانَ الله
"Par ceci, Allah guide aux chemins du salut ceux qui cherchent Son agrément. Et Il les fait sortir des ténèbres à la lumière par Sa grâce. Et Il les guide vers un chemin droit."
يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلَامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ
Is he a convert? Also we're you from kho?
Still better than most MENA shitholes tho.
go back to africa, abdul.
>Is he a convert?
He's a Bosniak.
Not true. Brazil is literal hell where you get killed for $1.
DZ, lives in southern france, he's not a convert tho he's a bosnian. wbu?
very true.
just check HDI and GDP.
better than most of your desertic shitholes
It means nothing when you can't go outside in Brazil without witnessing a murder
tourist's guide to Egypt :^)
Oh yeah, he looks Nordic. Interesting shukran for the channel. jazairi as well near Toulouse
You cant go outside without getting bombed by isis or killed by an isreali drone.
go back to africa.
Not really. He looks South Slavic.
Idk I feel like he looks nordic esp in this one and his blue eyes
you got btfo huenigger. get out
what a waste of a superior human specimen
you are the ones literally getting BLOWN the fuck out.
This one is pretty good as well
When you have the same murder rates as war torn corrupted countries you can't rly talk desu
Dude your country is Hell on Earth
>sandniggers getting literally btfo
I can masturbate to this
>random cherrypicked vids
>stats that show overall life in subsaharan brazil
still we have higher hdi than most MENA shitholes
makes me think
HDI means so much when Brazilians kill each other over 5 reals
yes. i have. my father used to work at a government funded grant program and i got to tag along on many of his trips towards many parts of ethiopia.
kek. why do you guys hate each other so much?
**unzips cock**
Keep posting videos
It changes nothing about your country being Hell
yw, you'll tell me what you think :)
Ive read one kabyle blog or two where the author larped as christian
less of a hell than most MENA countries i'm 100% sure.
go back to africa
Man stop being edgy we're on Sup Forums :/
Not even close to comparable
And I would go if I could speak Arabic but I can't
When the Ottoman Empire fell it opened the Middle East to the predations and perfidious nature of white men.
yeah, totally not.
MENA countries are 0,6 HDI on avarege.
Yet their murder rate is far lower than Huestan
I'm actually Egyptian, a lot of these things are real
so be careful when you visit
how is hdi worth shit exactly?
not a single economist takes it seriously
HDI is about life income , education and life expectancy and not safety, crime homocide you retarded hue
>mfw everybody here has brown eyes except me
are you an arabic teacher?
Pure blue eyed berber here habibi
>murder rate is the only thing that matters
The absolute state of this retarded sandnigger
Also, 99% of murders are drug related and if dont get urself envolved with that bullshit, u will be fine.
Plus, my state has a 0,8 HDI.
Better than ANY MENA shithole except israel
Well our GDP is higher than most of u sandniggers too.
Your country is a sad s hithole Joao
you live on one of the richest lands on earth
that's literally not even true macaco
>have more people
>have higher gdp
no shit nigger
Nice argument, mehmet
now get BOMBARDED, disgusting low hdi low gdp sandnigger
there are 6 arab countries above the 0.8 and 10 countries above the 0.7
I live in New England
You live in Brazil
Not for long.
trump will ban sandniggers like u soon
No he won't and Im not a Muslim