What happens here

What happens here

you do know that Germany isn't divided anymore, right?

i dunno

i think u didnt get the sarcasm of this post cuz u dont watch rick and morty and you dont have the enough IQ to understand it

please explain it to me

How else would I portray Eastern Germany?

almost zero Muslims/Kurds/Turks, going there is a relief

Is it exhausting seeing so many refugees in your home country?

Yes I did stumble upon this

because east germany is a shithole

>relative to total population
the colors are relative to the area with the highest percentage of foreigners... this has nothing to do with total population. each area is divided by its own number of residents

>poor muslims prefer rich north

no fucking way

>Being so poor and third-worldy compared to western Germany, not even niggers want to live there
>A good thing

>das Gesicht wenn die Nordeifel hellblau ist

uhhh you realize half of east Germany is north, right? I think South Germany is pretty wealthy if not wealthier than North Germany anyway.

>he thinks that is a bad thing

You could also move to Norilsk, I bet they don't have a single M*slim in the whole city

In all honesty I consider all Western Germans and Berliners subhuman shit-trash.
If you are German and not from Sachsen, Brandenburg (with exception of Berlin), Thuringen, Meckl-Vorpommern, Sachsen-Anhalt then you should consider killing yourself.
Or wait for some Abdul to do it for you.

>Calling anyone subhuman

is it because they are basically your brothers?

>RuSHA Böhmen und Mähren
>Germans find out Czechs are more Nordic than Bavarians, Austrians and East Prussians by their own Nazi metric.

yes. I can tolerate Bavarians somewhat as well (Not Münichcunts tho)

>Data 2011

not helpful, because we got over 2 million new shitskins since then

Best Germany

Is it true that bavaria is Germany's 'south'? Are there german rednecks?

Weak, postsoviet economy and lots of people moving away
But also fast economical growth, best schools in Germany, lots of well paid jobs even for those without Abitur and propably the lowest living costs in whole europe. You can easily afford a house on minimum wage despite it being lower there

no. their "south" in the way you are thinking of it would be the east minus berlin.

Would the world be a better place if instead of partitioning Germany it was just given in its entirety to the soviets?

it would because today Germany would not be cucked.

less muslims. We have vietnamese in East Berlin but Asians are the best foreigners because they assimilate. We also have some muslims but not as bad as the est and the muslims I met were nice not crazy people who want a parallel society