Will this end with Underwood building a big wall around the entire US to keep the rest of the world out?
Will this end with Underwood building a big wall around the entire US to keep the rest of the world out?
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He's just gonna put Claire in prison
It ended with S2. If you kept watching, that's your fault
It will have a lot of liberal anti-trump pandering next season. I guarantee there will be muh refugees and Underwood colluding with the russians.
OP here, I actually stopped at the end of season three. I wasn't following discussions so there was no warning. Season three was too much of a letdown to continue watching. What a fucking waste of a show.
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The Underwoods are driven by their need for power and control. Boxing themselves in like that when gaining control over the rest of the world is the next level in the game would be admitting defeat. Why replay the second to last stage over and over?
Season 4 was mediocre up until the end. They've started to rely on a lot of idiocy to move the plot forward. Season three and four are both very much """about Claire""", but does a bad job of maintaining what made S1 and S2 Claire likable.
S4 was definitely a return to form for Claire after the retarded out-of-character shit in season 3.
I feel like Netflix is going to cock this up with salty political references, though. It's like them to do that.
That could be fun. There'll no doubt play up the influence of social media and the fake news idiocy since that will tie in well with the way S5 was hinted to go from the finale: the Underwoods have everything revealed about them so they're basically going to "create terrorism" for the public to place their trust in them and ignore everything else.
I still think the show is perfectly watchable. The set design and direction last season was top notch, it's just hard to appreciate everything when there's always some inexplicably stupid element of the plot like the polyamory with the writer, Underwood being cucked by Putin and the White House sleepover episode underlying the good. I can only suspend disbelief so many times.
And it's taken them so long to finally broach terrorism so they clearly hold restraint when borrowing from real life. The only thing that will destroy my hopes for S5 is playing up racial tensions and borrowing from BLM.
Underwood became President too fast and there are a few too many episodes where he has some kind of psychic superpower that always gets him what he wants.
also the book writing guy and his entire subplot is super boring.
Good show otherwise. I don't see why everyone shits on Claire when she's the only other character who is equal in power to Frank.
>tfw it's probably going to have Claire kill Frank and become President as a "fuck u drumph!!" moment
Frank and Tom Yates need to fuck before Frank dies though.
s4 is just as bad
The polyamory shit only worked in seasons 1-2 where it was part of their plan.
I still think S4 was a tad underrated
Gonna be honest, they lost me in S2 when he killed Kate Mara. Fucking ridiculous.
Never because he's a Democrat
>Season 4 directed by Sam Raimi
>AmWorks will never be real
I liked it. I just think they should just go big or go home. It feels half-assed and the only part where I liked it was in the morning after scene in S4 so basically, pretty much.
>I stll think S4 was a tad underrated
It is. It's much better than S3 if only for the fact that they stopped making Frank act like a complete idiot just so he wouldn't win at everything. The new characters and actual tension helped a lot with keeping things fresh, too.
>Frank looks to his "true masters" at the end of the season
>pic related step out
The Underwoods are clearly The Clintons, so no. It will end unlike real life, with him and his wife answering for their many, many crimes.
this show is homosexual/cuck propoganda
Definitely, Conway and his family are interesting. I hope we get more Colm Feor in the future.
the original show knew when to end
Claire runs as VP, has her Secret Service chump whack Frank and Putins hackers give her the election. Book it.
>>implying this wasnt telegraphed in season 2 to all who've seen the uk series