A Series of Unfortunate Events

>villains are a rainbow coalition of evil crossdressers, handicapped people, and one trans person
>homosexual relationship pairing is shown to be abusive and dysfunctional with its members taking advantage of the working class
>racelifted side character is the most ineffectual and dimwitted incarnation of himself to date
>protagonists are a trio of intelligent and agreeable white kids

How'd this show get away with all this in today's social climate?

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Holy fucking shit did Emily Browning get fed a de-aging potion?

Fuck off Sup Forums

You probably didn't even write this either it's probably a fresh copy pasta shitpost

Get the fuck off my board

Yeah I don't even care about the /po/shit that shit is dumb but I'm amazed they found Browning's long lost younger identical twin.

i think everyone needs to admit that this was better than the jim carrey movie.

it was only better because of the Jim Carrey movie. All the allusions and references to the original is what made this so good.

Sup Forums = Sup Forums

Deal with it!

I don't really understand that show. The writing is quite horrible and I'm really not sure, what point they are trying to make. It kinda reminds me of batman forever with its strange comic style. Also I absolutely hate the 4th wall narrator bullshit who constantly repeats himself.

However, all that being said. God damn I didn't realize that the little is almost 30 years old. Fucking how did they do this? Is there a making of or something?

t. /r/thedonald.

The show is subtly red pilled

In the same sense that a cancerous lump is still a part of you I'd agree

More like Sup Forums = Sup Forums.

Carey was a better Olaf. Harris' was a bit too stupid.


>I do all the work, he irons all my clothes.

What did Sir mean by this?


If only they had given her a potion that conferred the ability to ACT


Not old enough to have read the books when they came out.

I feel old now.


if you don't like it go back to plebbit newfags

The film is familykino

Holy shit that slutty neck

Why do they keep making Violet look cute and harmless, she always struck me as some dark sharp-eyed chick with a gothic vibe or something

you couldn't tell she was jewish from her name?

The protagonist siblings are jews though.

I dunno, the reason I like the show's Violet's lack of "acting" is the fact that it's exactly how I'd expect Violet to carry herself.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

Sup Forums is a white supremacist board that discusses moving picture media and thespians.

>keep calm they don't exist

the 4th wall narration happened in the books though

I've never heard of those books, but I have to assume that they pretty dumb in that case.


>my board

First of all, kys. Secondly, most of us agree with OP here in Sup Forums. cry more faggot.

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