Does anyone here really not actually hate anybody...

Does anyone here really not actually hate anybody, but are really tired of being deemed culpable for society's ills by being >a fucking white male?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope, I quite literally hate almost everyone

Class and ethnic "warfare" is the single thing that can save the western world.

There is no turning back. No going back. We've been forced off the cliff and now we're falling. Do you really want to be the one to hit the ground first?

nah, I'm pretty misanthropic. it's not hate, just indifference.

Why don't you kill yourself then?

Why not do heroine for a few months until you die?

Kill myself and lose the chance to shitpost here with you? Surely, you jest?

No one would miss you

I kind of hate most people desu, I think we need a good purge to force us into soft eugenics

I include myself in this

wouldn't care if they did

You're at step #1. Once you've felt this way for a couple years, and you see they're never going to stop, you'll admit your hatred.

I don't hate the person who bumps into me on the bus. If he does it again the next day, it will get my attention. On the third day, I'll realize it's no accident. After that, it becomes a big deal.

They're fucking with white men in many small ways. Cumulatively the little attacks are a war. The sooner you recognize that you're being warred against, the better.

In order to win the war, you need to cultivate your anger. If you refuse to do so, you'll forever remain the 'middle of the road', hipster, prissy faggots who constantly tries to appear 'reasonable'.

Drop that shit and get angry. It's well past due.
