Mfw I had a terrorist attack happen on by birthday

Mfw I had a terrorist attack happen on by birthday

What else has happened on you guys's birthdays?

I saw my mom's vagina two decades ago

Aunt congratulated me be phone. And i drunk a little vodka solitarily.

>a terrorist attack
The US media are bending over backwards not to label it a terrorist attack. Most call it a shooting or an ambush.

Sandy Hook

Pope John Paul died the day I turned 13. And I'm jewish.

The best President in the history of America announced he is running for President.

They blew up a giant whale carcass on my birthday.... you've probably seen the video it's pretty famous.. blew that fucker right the fuck up same way I came out my mom's vagina.

Some burger kids got shot.

was your birthday july the 7th?
Cause that was mine.