America sunk 68% of the Japanese Navy

>America sunk 68% of the Japanese Navy
>Japs only sunk 15% of ours

Other urls found in this thread:

>this AMERICAN plane had the highest kill/loss ratio of all warplanes until it was beat by another AMERICAN plane that has a ratio of infinity because it is undefeated

>be German

>be british

>Japs sunk an entire generation of American males

But they didn't

>Dwight D. Eisenhower literally said we fought for the wrong side
really gets your brain on a train doesn't it

>America defeated Japan so bad that it caused a dent in their population

literal bullshit

They did

>America defeated Japan so bad that it caused a dent in their population
Well tbf, it wasn't you alone though.

>Between 2,120,000 and 2,190,000 Imperial Armed Forces dead including non-combat deaths (includes 1,760,955 killed in action),
KIA Breakdown by Theatre:
>Army 1931–1945 [China: 408,605 KIA, Against U.S Forces: 485,717 KIA, Burma Campaign: 208,026 KIA, Australian Combat Zone: 199,511 KIA, French Indochina: 2,803 KIA, U.S.S.R/Manchuria: 7,483 KIA, Others/Japan: 33,931 KIA]
>Navy: 414,879 KIA All Theatres.
>672,000 known civilian dead
>810,000 missing in action and presumed dead
>7,500 prisoners of war

>bragging about killing
Why are so many Americans such violent tribal fucks?

i don't want them to die out

how can we help japan int?

1. Don't let anyone migrate there.
2. Stop anyone forcefully going there.
Done. Its their own problem to solve. Just keep foreigners out.

They won't that projection is globalist shit.

i want to impregnate a few jap cuties

Then you accelerate them dying out.

Something like 80% of naval losses were caused by the U.S. and the percentage is likely the same for civilian and missing.

It wasn't us alone, but we caused the vast majority of death.

If they're gonna die out anyway, why not just let the ruskie get some nip puss ?

>the brits cannot beated the japs but the Americans did

How the fuck this can happend??

Well he can, but that doesn't help them from dying out.

>Not genociding your rivals

Please, Japan isn't a rival. Just a disobedient dog.

USA #1

>If they're gonna die out anyway
Why would they? It's a small island nation with almost double the population of France. Of course the birth rate is going to lower in that situation, when taking into account that they are a highly developed, wealthy nation.
Even since the end of the war, Japan has been shitting out kids at an absurd rate thanks to the devastation they received from the US tyrants. What goes up must come down.

Israel's mongrel, fuck off and die.

>coming from a country with the Union Jack on their flag

can't help but laugh whenever amerifats spout about ww2 as if they were relevant and defeated japan themselves xD

You didn't do a goddamn thing, you fucking nerd.

>Please, Japan isn't a rival. Just a disobedient dog.

Those are for ALL of the allies, not just America.

Like USSR and the nazis?

>nips murder chinese civilians en masse
>call it an achievement 70 years later

>be chinese
>hate the nips

basically what america did is nothing but stealing thinly protected pacific islands when literally tens of millions of chinks (at least 14 million of military as well as tons of guerrillas posing as civilians) were taking the brunt of japanese offense in the primary theatre, the continent; and remember even in such a situation the tiny island garrison outnumbered by a huge margin made "the fiercest fighting that the US military personnel have EVER experienced" (so fierce that a picture and statue of the battle is now an icon of US military), top kek

you fucks have never won a war against a great power by yourself and have never had the balls to do that to begin with, know your place ameripussies.

>hey america just skip all those islands and go strait to china.
that's not how that works proxy faggot

>ding ding doo
>doo doo ding
>I am firthy asian chink

>me do warcrime
>me say no
>kamikaze? yes tojo

>me bomb you
>then me pay
>caused you nuked us usa

>we surrender
>prease no more nagisake!
