50 years later...
what the fuck went wrong, Sup Forums?
50 years later
Other urls found in this thread:
poverty, crack, crime, white flight, war on crime, gangs, aids, war on drugs, thug culture
in that order
thug culture
Playing into the hands of wealthy white largely jewish interests who had no intention of actually living or reproducing with blacks. Also, he just wanted attention and adulation so he could indulge his sex addiction and he mostly plagarized from baptist preachers and black scholars (his phd thesis).
He was rather light skinned and unusually attractive for a black, and did what white people asked him, so he got a lot out of that. Having the most attractive person parrot what the most intelligent person says can get you far. See: BLM and Soros. If you think they are pushing their own narrative you are delusional.
Oh another great example of whitest and most attractive form of a minority gets credos for following jewish whitey's agenda and shekels is of course, Obama. So if anything he paved the path for an awful president but hopefully indirectly, his successor Trump, who could not have won without Obama being such a narcissistic incompetent failure.
They killed that based motherfucker.
Too bad too, they no longer make men that way
Fuck, neo-Sup Forums is such garbage.
This fucking monkey nigger was a communist agitator. There's nothing based about him.
The man was a black communist who openly supported the idea of redistributing wealth from white people to "make up" for segregation.
He was black.