Black/Mexican Allience: Race War

This is it. It's all over for the white race. If the Mexicans and Blacks join forces, whites will be absolutely stomped in the race war. Mexicans already outnumber both Blacks and Whites, and with the Blacks ruthless savage strength and the Mexicans numbers and farming skills, it will be a deadly alliance.

>where were you when white America got completely cucked?

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It's a good thing that the joos didn't pussify the current generation of asians to prevent another heroing like the L.A. Korean snipers.

Are you sure they won't splinter?

wasted this get
can't even spell ALLIANCE
mexicans don't like blacks

Those digits aside... never happen. Spic hate niggers more than anyone. They actually have to share neighborhoods with three fucking monkeys. Can you even imagine how awful that would be?

spics and niggers cant even run a country how the hell are the going to take over the greatest one?

>only white police ever shoot anyone

I am telling you that hispanics and latin Americans cannot stand black people. They will not join together. Their upbringings demonstrate this.

Enemy of my enemy is my freind spics see there time to rise and if there to stupid to do anything the kikes will find a way.Race war at this point is futile we are to Cucked by SJW send women.

