How do I write a movie as good as The Nice Guys?

How do I write a movie as good as The Nice Guys?

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By also writing movies as good as Lethal Weapon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and The Last Boy Scout.

This movie was really good.

You watch Lethal Weapon and then you write it again in another decade...also add a kid...or a talking dog.


Shane Black's writing is decent, but so fucking overrated. He has a penchant for good characters but the plots always become retarded.

Same as anything else. Get off of Sup Forums and practice.

>the plots always become retarded

That was kind of the big joke in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.

Just jump in user

Or a gigantic killer bee voiced by Hannibal Buress.

>"It's the killer bees you gotta look out for."
>"Ya know why they call 'em killer bees, right? They'll kill ya."
>"Good point."

That exchange between Gosling and the bartender makes me laugh, even though it doesn't really have anything to do with the rest of the movie.

Lethal Weapon is garbage though.
Maybe the script is good, but the movie is garbage.

You're right, Lethal Weapon 2 is way better.

Kill yourself and hope you're reincarnated as someone with talent.

The Nice Guys is 5/10 at best, the people on this board praising it are probably pedophiles.


The Nice Guys is perfect.

It was a solid 8/10. Get a sense of humor, you fucking pleb.


This scene always gets me cus it just makes me picture Russel Crowe right-hooking some 15 year old.


Doing something as "good" as nice guys is easy, just fart diarrhea onto paper and give it to 2 guys who can't act for shit. Doing something actually good is a bit harder.

wording this

just be yourself

Make them BIG guys.

this honestly.

The direction really fucked some of the jokes with bad timing and some mediocre framing, but the script was really mediocre to begin with.

Worst scene was when they finally find the girl and they take her home and talk to her while she's on the bed. The girl can't act, the kids can't act, and the dialogue is just this really sloppy back-and-forth that goes on for like a minute too long.

what the fuck is wrong with you, honestly

Thought this movie was just okay.

Nothing. It was just a pretty mediocre movie

what movies do y'all like?

in all seriousness that user was post-ironically correct.
The script was okay ruined by terrible direction though reverse come from behind saved by good acting, though tripped up by an unnecessarily stupid plot.

We must've watched different movies.

Well, here. I like a lot of movies. Have about 800 on my computer. Also like both actors in The Nice Guys... I can't really remember it well enough to tell you why it didn't click with me. I think I was mostly bored with it.


read a lot of scripts. watch a lot of movies. go outside of the house occasionally and interact with real people to learn what that's like. write a lot. edit even more. repeat.

it is
you need to be a pedophile to think it's any better

most likely you haven't watched older Mismatched Buddy Action Comedies to form a correct opinion

>older Mismatched Buddy Action Comedies
like what


I don't give a shit about any of that. All I want in a comedy is jokes. Shane Black delivers on jokes better than anyone else.

watch all the Lethal Weapon films then get back to us

I thought it was nice, guys.

I couldn't make it through the first Lethal Weapon, it was flat and boring.


I wanted to like this movie, but I thought it was a letdown. Started strong, good execution, but then it just kind of went off the rails. The plot just got too convoluted, and the amount of over the top wackiness and happenstance that kept the plot going was really annoying.

For some reason, my favorite exchange in the movie was when Goose went into that bar and asked the bartender about Amelia and he says how she was in there drinking bourbon martinis and Goose is like "well, that's disgusting." Kind of wish Shane Black wrote more scenes like that instead of his usual thing with two characters shooting quips back and forth at each other rapid fire, or some smartass kid talking like an adult.

Gosling muttering "Nobody wants to see your dick, dude." was the best line delivery of 2016.

He should've been nominated for The Nice Guys over La La Land.

>The plot just got too convoluted

I loved that. Watch most old film noir or any of the revival 70's/90's stuff, the plots are either dirt-simple or hilariously convoluted to the point of madness because those movies are more about atmosphere and mood then narrative.

I think maybe the point Black was trying to make was a little on-the-nose(Yes Shane, trash art can have actual social relevance, we've known that for decades at this point) but I loved the convoluted plotting. Most writers are too scared to confuse audiences now.

I really don't see what was so convoluted about the plot.

>Doing something as "good" as nice guys is easy, just fart diarrhea onto paper and give it to 2 guys who can't act for shit


Come up with a good crime or mystery and then insert an almost completely uninvolved third party into the middle of it and try to have them figure it out by luck and by piecing things together.


Reddit the movie
The whole scene was hilarious
>I offered to show my dick, because I got a big dick


OK, first thing first that NEVER changes

>Nice Guys
>Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
>Last Boy Scout
>Lethal Weapon, the one with that blond girl

>core story
Have a woman character discover a secret information about misdoings of powerful people
they now are trying to kill hell for part of the movie
they actually do succeed in killing her
now to do clean up, but protagonists succeed

good people with vices and personal problems
sometimes even criminals but still good people
witty banter is important by one of the characters, other can be bit stupid but not too much

there is violence, a lot of it
most of it comical
some of it suddenly there, shockingly plain and inescapable


>as good as The Nice Guys
the finale was shit
wtf would anyone bring his daughter to a possibble shooting area? other than that, seen a million times

The first one is a lot more serious than the others
But if you can't make it through the first one your better off moving onto a different genre of film besides mismatched buddy cop Action Comedies

It was poorly directed

By reading the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang script and asking yourself: "How can I make something like this, but devoid of joy, creativity, wit and a basic sense for plotting?"

Jesus fucking Christ, what an abysmal, disappointing piece of shit.

Only one solid scene - the one where Gosling cuts his hand - and even the humor of that scene was somewhat diluted by shoddy direction.

fuck you so very hard

Can somebody redpilled me on "muah Detroit" macguffin? I get it that what used to be industrial heath of USA is now the second Ukraine but with blacks and the think about poisoned air because "muah green is da best" but still WTF he ment by that?