>I will force you to listen to niggers complain about things


>talk about the barriers they face
the IQ barrier won't be solved by listening to niggers more

>trumps says eveyone needs to work together
>wHore says whites are the problem and should be killed

Like clockwork

The e-mail stress is getting to her. She's on autopilot. Maybe if they keep a flame lit under her ass she'll lose momentum. Wishful thinking anyways.

Sure it will, it'll bring everybody else down to their level.

>govt assistance
>given preference in hiring
>ethnic scholarships
>protected by law for race based hate crimes

What else do they want for fuck sake?

I guess the WHITES need to be brought to a heel now..

>decides to CONTINUE dividing the country on race
>will probably pick a black VP and go hard on calling Trump a racist
>instead of standing up for cops (what do you expect from a treasonous criminal), will continue to brow-beat white people

I really, really, REALLY fucking hope this cunt goes to jail during a Trump presidency. This isn't funny anymore.

>says the absolutely most priveleged white american woman

Eat my asshole you dumb broad.

Hillary has become a total race baiter, as if there weren't enough qualities of her's that made her unfit for office.

Trump's message was perfect.

>"White American need to do a better job of listening to African Americans talk about barriers they face"

Say that to the families of 5 dead police belonging to the town I was born in you treasonous fucking serpent.

It's like she doesn't even know what's going on.

Women are not privileged, shitlord.


So if they listen to this more intently, what is going to happen

Good timing on her part



What the fuck?
Race war now!

She's just trying to pull a Obama while being a white bitch herself, its beautiful.

trump cucked now too

I thought we needed to bring them to heel.

What happened?

I am glad this doesn't involve me as an Australian, because I tried listening to them once but The only thing resembling the English language was some chant they all partook in worldstar, worldstar.