She's best waifu and you know it
She's best waifu and you know it
Other urls found in this thread:
Anime face
not a problem
She's hot
I want a revival of that look with internet meme girls desu
of course she is
we can only hope
You need to get your brain checked for the gays. she looks like that Speed Runner guy who is a transexual, the one with fucked up teeth
Is that Buster Keaton in drag?
>knows about some Sup Forums shit no one cares about
>has bad taste in other areas as well
who would have tought
You knowing it's from Sup Forums doesn't somehow make it worse that I know it's from Sup Forums.
also you're a homo, attacking me won't make you straight, you need to defend yourself because you're in the wrong.
No. Lillian Gish is best waifu.
you mentioned speed running, i know what that is, i don't know who the xir in your webm is though. I also don't have webms of trans girls downloaded in my computer.
The more I see it the more I think the pure Maria is just a side show and the main attraction is the evil Maria
pure characters are usually les interesting than evil charatcters they're just there for symbolism but the ones who makes the story are often the more evil ones
but that's not Clauida ?
It's like if madonna started smoking cracker ten years earlier
You're forgetting about the original ghost of USC
And the link
She was 17 in this movie, by the way.
I love vintage girls so much, they're always so pretty and have great bushes too.
pweese donate to my patreon, pweese, pweese
This thread reminds me I need some good vintage porn to fap off to
really ? you teached me something