So which celebrity is going to die next?

So which celebrity is going to die next?

Other urls found in this thread:

you're waifu

All of them in a plane crash

Fuck me. Is he dead in that photo?

Despite slowly melting at the age of 100, he's still cognitive enough to make long, cohesive opinion articles on newspapers as well as speeches.

Hugh Jackman gonna die this or next year, now he finished his X-Men-shit

Just think about it, a plane full of hollywood a list actors gets wrecked.
The media fallout around it would be so big that russia could invade sweden or something and the world wide press would still ignore it and only talk about the crashed plane.


You are a big plane

For travelers


You ain't kidding. Fucking hell. Didn't realise he was that old.

As they say.. the good die young.


Mel Brooks will die this year.


>Adam Sandler enters a deep depression due to hating his entire career
>becomes an hero
>investigators find a novel locked away
>it turns out to be thre greatest novel of the past 100 years
>it's adapted into the highest grossing film of all time

No. Don't even joke dude.


He was in Hotel Transylvania 2 and I was surprised because I forgot he was still alive. Didn't he say kind of recently that he wanted to make Spaceballs 2?

Hopefully a bunch in a mass machete massacre by the religion of peace

I posted this and even though it says it was updated Feb. 14, 2017, some of the celebrities in this list are already dead. CNN is garbage.


Kirk is immortal

hopefully Will Smith



I'd say Stan Lee but he's already dead, they are jousting waiting for the NY comic con to finish before they announce his kill


Didn't Stan Lee die the other day?


It would be cool to start a dead pool.

Reddit comment

You don't even know what a dead pool is.

and the irony that the guy calling others reddit their doesnt even know what a dead pool is
they even made the stupid joke in the reddit movie