/who/ - Doctor Who General

Journey's End Edition

Locked in the basement with Paul McGann:

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>still doing episode editions when there are happenings afoot

not that user but i'm also from US. i think cow here usually means fat/ugly

What are you going to do about it?

>why wouldn't cow fly in america?
This sounds like a bad American joke told by Russians.

>why wouldn't cow fly in america?
>because imperialist keeping all good vodka for himself

what happenings?

Isn't calling a woman a cow in the UK pretty much a slightly nicer way of calling her a bitch?

Lots of speculation and """insider information""" about the series 10 finale

The "Doctor keeping someone locked in the basement of Bill's uni" rumours ramped up again, GB people are saying it's Bradley as the First Doctor.

>the doctor keeps himself locked in the basement

It's a meta joke about fans, obviously.

"Cow" is more insulting her just for being a woman, not for anything specifically about her, while "bitch" is a woman who's strident and obnoxious.

Americans seem to use "bitch" in the exact opposite way—"don't be such a bitch" means "don't be so submissive", right? That's caught on in London, but people who use it that way and don't sound Jafaican sound pretty stupid to everyone else.

So is Bradley supposed to appear just at the end of 10x12 or will he be in Christmas as well? I assumed the big reveal happened at the end of the episode ala John Hurt in Name and then a full guest role at Christmas.

bitch is used to mean both here in australia, which one it means is mostly clear just by the context

In the US, do people actually say "have a cow" instead of "have kittens", or is that just Bart Simpson?

Bradely was shite as the first Doctor, not looking forward to it if it is him.

>"don't be such a bitch" means "don't be so submissive", right?

If used like "Don't be such a bitch" it usually means that they complain a lot.

Now, if it's used in the possessive form like "you're my bitch" it means they're submissive.

Both interchangeably, from what I've heard. You can also have a "conniption".

eh It was Bradley playing William Hartnell playing the 1st doctor. Not an easy task.

How was he at William Hartnell though?

He was great in the depressed and angry scenes, only decent in the happy ones.

Since older Doctors are always in a pissy mood in multi-Doctor episodes for some reason, he should do fine.

You really want them to do another Richard Hurndall? It's just going to look shit. They could cast a much younger version of the character though.

>older Doctors are always in a pissy mood in multi-Doctor episodes for some reason

It's because nobody hates the Doctor more than himself.

What's wrong with Richard Hurndall?


He didn't look or sound anything like the First Doctor other than being a white old English man.

Compare 1:22 to 1:27

More like him than the Robot Doctor in The Chase, and he was good enough to fool Barbara and Ian.

Bradely will only work emotionally if Susan appears and Capaldi starts crying and hugs the shite out of her.

bravo JNT

9 was the best, debate me

stay there

Barbara and Ian also failed to notice his comically dreadful lip-synching.

tfw Wilfred will never return to DW.

I disagree

Post rare Firsts and Hartnells

Rarest Billy

I just wish we'd seen the Daleks watching the whole thing.

>Abort! Abort! The robot is malfunctioning!
>No! Wait! The humans are too stupid to notice! Proceed!
>I obey!

much debate. Most impressive user.

Not an argument


how many pictures of the doctor actors naked do you have?


Smith and Eccleston.

None. What do you think I am, some kind of pervert?

>9 was the best, debate me
Well, I have to admit, keeping the Master with him in a robot body did show a bit of style, but still, Richard E. Grant was no Paul McGann.

Or did you mean the other 9? The one who refused to blow up the Daleks because it would also kill some humans who were 100% guaranteed to die anyway if he didn't blow up the Daleks, angsted about returning a Slitheen to her home planet because they have the death penalty even though he personally killed most of her family, and couldn't even play the recorder?

If you want to see Billy piper completely Naked watch penny Dreadful. Smith's naked selfies were leaked in the fappening he has a massive cock. Tennant and Ecclestons willies and nakedness can we found from plays and movies they did.

four, not counting photoshops

I'm deeply disappointed the wiki doesn't have a 'penis' article with pictures of every doctor


Think there was at one point, but it was taken down for Wikia's terms of service. There is doctorwhogeneral.wikia.com/wiki/Timedick

He's talking about Rowan Atkinson, you twat.

>He's talking about Rowan Atkinson, you twat.
Nonsense. In that case, it would be impossible to debate, so why even bring it up?

That's the thing. He doesn't actually want us to debate him.

Why doesn't TARDIS Data Core have a 'penis' article? What if someone is reading Transit and want to look up this unfamiliar 'penis' concept? Or is familiar with it but wants to know if there's verifiable proof of authorial intent that penises work the same way in the Doctor Who universe as in the real world?

Are you suggesting that someone might post something just to be annoying rather than to instigate a healthy and vigorous discussion? I say, I am more than a little taken aback by the idea that such cads and bounders might exist on the Internet, but you seem a reliable sort, so I shall have to trust you.

I would go with the latter considering they refuse to use the word "flatulence" in the farting article until it's confirmed that the word flatulence used in books is actually referring to farting

It's sad, but also terribly, terribly true.

7TB of Tennant's ass

Wait, are you telling me the robot double wasn't played by William Hartnell?


...Are you that femanon who helped in the audios?

Maybe it's not big enough to warrant a whole article.

That user isn't, my folders are quite an unentertaining place to be.

Manga, a tonne of art references and art books, fanart psds saved as 5000x5000, some compilers that take up a lot of room, random saved programs, multiple decrypted Pokemon ROMs, some of which are decompiled, a few video, a lot of BF, a mirror of the FP mega and the DW book collection, hoarded books and notes basically make up the contents of my hard drive.

Did /who/ watch the new Samurai Jack? It was pure kino.

Oh, it's actually you! Thanks for helping out in the audios. How have you been?

I like your folders. Fanart and Pokemon Roms sound fun. I just have meme pics, a bunch of literature from /lit/ posts, Lovecraftia anthologies, and of course DW books and FP stuff. Plus, almost all the Class eps.

Do you make fanart? (I don't expect you to link anything.)

Who here watches Legion?

I've never watched the show before and have no time to get into it so I just ignore it tbqh desu
looks interesting tho

Just watch the first two episodes of season 1 and you'll be up to speed, there's not much continuity.

Why is there a spoiler and speculation thread on Gallifrey base if nobody will fucking state the fucking spoiler they claim to know? ''oh i don't want to spoil it for you guys''

>posts in the spoiler thread.

Fucking autists really.

Haven't gotten around to it yet.

Because they're lying cunts but you can't actually call them out on being lying cunts anymore.

My meme/reaction pics are synced to the cloud but represent a very low proportion of the things that I have saved. I do have a bunch of /lit/ but lately it's been getting quite disorganised which probably suggests that I should let Calibre do the handling but on the other hand I dislike how it folders everything.

Foundation was the best thing I'd read lately.
And as for the best thing I listened to recently, that was definitely the Ravelli Conspiracy with One which I think is definitely up there on the GOAT audios list and one of the best BF output in a long while.

I do do fanart and quite a bit of it but recently I've been falling for the Loomis meme.

So that no matter what actually happens, they can later post, "See, way back in March I said a thing was going to happen but didn't say what thing, and a thing did happen, so now you have to worship me for my genuine inside connections."

My dad works at Nintendo too.

Season 9 soundtrack never

I should check out Foundation at some point. What's the Loomis meme?

And I need to listen to more BFs.

Season 9 soundtrack no more

I know they are very similar, but I would like to see 9 and 12 together. Hopefully when Chris eventually decides to do Big Finish.

Foundation is fantastic and full of interesting characters.

Asimov's a master of the short fiction genre. In the original Foundation trilogy in particular at the end of every chapter there is essentially a plot twist and he writes brilliant conclusions for each mini story to boot.

I feel like he has had a strong impact on Doctor Who too. For example, Asimov has a lot of mentalics/people who display psychic powers in his works a bit like Irving Braxiatel and other Doctor Who characters - but on a significantly greater scale.

Moreover there is a strong underlying theme of mathematics in his work. That seems to be an ongoing area in books - Jack Vance, for example - has magicians who use mathematical equations to fuel their magic.

It's an interesting puzzle to see where the influences on Doctor Who came from.

Never ;_;

I've read a few of Asimov's stories. They were rather good.

I've read that Quartermass was an influence on Doctor Who.

I wake up in 8 am AGAIN.
I wanted to play games all night.

>I feel like he has had a strong impact on Doctor Who too. For example, Asimov has a lot of mentalics/people who display psychic powers in his works a bit like Irving Braxiatel and other Doctor Who characters - but on a significantly greater scale.
Psychic powers were a thing in SF way before Asimov, going back to early pioneers like Edgar Rice Burroughs, and they appeared in everything from space opera adventure to hard SF. It was really only in the 70s that people started to realize maybe it's not actually science after all and push it into fantasy. (And even then, Anne Rice still did the old "haha look, my magic isn't magic, it's actually science psi powers" thing, and of course Star Wars.)

Meanwhile I think Doctor Who's version of psychic powers owes more to early pulp sci-fi than to Asimov. Especially the whole idea of tying it to whatever fringe science concept is popular this week and will be laughed at next week—Asimov would never have used Sheldrake's "morphic fields" to explain things the way Robert Holmes did.

And I think that's true for almost everything in Who, except for a handful of writers like Bidmead. They were taking ideas that were just "standard SF ideas" from 50s/60s movies borrowed from earlier pulp SF novels, nothing from more recent written SF.

I had a dream that me and my mates from elementary school were in heaven and God was making us do some boring chore as penance for our sins but instead we snuck off to see the rodeo.

You fell asleep playing a video game? It's hard for me to even feel sleepy playing a game even when I have stayed up all night. I think the only time I ever fell asleep was late at night during one of those Assassin's Creed levels where you ride a horse all the way across this huge map to get to a city.

No, I decided to lay down on a bad for 10 mins, but fell asleep, so gaming night = ruined

sure if you're up for it ;3

>lay down on a bed for 10 minutes
>fall asleep
>oh shit how could this happen?


I freely admit I posted a "Heard the leaks and not telling, but very hype!" comment just to fuck with all the others. Cuz fuck GallifreyBase.

/Who/ i've been eating normally but ever since the 10th of march, I can't poop much only a little bit is coming out, what sort of constipation do I have? it doesn't hurt, just poop is not coming out in the capacity it should.

Ask a doctor.

Your pooper is broken. You could get it repaired but it's probably cheaper to just buy a new one.

As far as I've heard, The Quatermass Experiment basically paved the way for science fiction on British television, not just for Doctor Who.

Reminder that we're all stars now in the dope show

>The alien character Marilyn Manson plays in the dope show clip is named Omega
>tfw The Doctor is keeping Marilyn Manson locked in the basement

There are some people—mainly Mark Gatiss, actually—who think there's a more direct connection.

Mostly because in the original notes for the show, one of the descriptions of the Doctor included "a Quatermass-type fellow". But that was back when the Doctor was going to be a human scientist, and wasn't going to take physicist Cliff and teacher Babs along on his journeys, so…

Meanwhile, Nigel Kneale, who created Quatermass, thought that the franchises have nothing to do with each other. He also though the Doctor was exactly the same kind of dangerous fool with no common sense that Bernard Quatermass constantly had to save the world from, and that the show was "nonsense that seems designed to misinform children about science".

>BILL: Doctor, who's in the basement?
>DOCTOR: Someone scary. Very dangerous.
>BILL: Who?
>DOCTOR: He's called Marilyn Manson.
>BILL: Wait, Marilyn Manson is dangerous? Have we time traveled to 1996, or do you also have Roger Daltrey and Elvis Presley locked in the attic?

>DOCTOR: What do you mean?
>BILL: The last time anyone was scared of Marilyn Manson was back when people thought those two "I'm a lady" blokes were funny.
>BILL: What?
>NARDOLE: Nah, actually, you're right.

Just go watch one and you'll see the influence.

Who is behind that door /who/ ?