>characters that singlehandedly ruined an entire show
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>characters that singlehandedly ruined an entire show
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She ruined her entire face with plastic surgery too.
her storyline was fucking awful
True Blood was fun schlock except for whenever this bitch or her mother was on screen.
Angela was a hypocritical, whiny, piece of shit.
Fuck that bitch of a character.
muh bike
muh laura
Can you ruin a show by leaving it? Yes, such a thing is possible. finale is certified KINO though
doesn't matter what show. i'm still fucking upset that any show he's in gets canceled, and he was in eureka.
This asshole.
The office is one of my favorite shows of all time but i haven't watched any episodes past season 7, not even the finale. show is dead to me after niagara as far as i am concerned.
That's sad, honestly the finale is one of the best episodes of the entire show, I don't say that lightly. They fixed most of their shit in season 9, and it was miles ahead of 8, but no where near prime Office.
At least give 9 a watch, would only take a day or two and it's worth it for the finale.
Also, this made me tear up no lies.
Just skip the abortion that is 8 though, I usually say watch everything but 8 is just so mediocre and has such terrible plotlines. Andy's character is awful, and you see less of him in season 9 as he's gone >half the season.
Dill was sweet, he taught Tommy how to be a dad
Im sure i'll get around to it but for now i am content with my own headcanon.
just one question, did they ever reveal who the scranton strangler was?
Season 9 apologists always make me laugh
>Muh Pete and Erin
>Muh """""BRIAN""""" the boom guy love triangle
>Muh Angela tries to have Oscar killed and the writers try to make the audience forget all about it 3 episodes later, in the finale we're even supposed to be happy for her after she has been a terrible, terrible person for 9 seasons
Season 9 garbage-tier
When there's a Fat Pussy around, the show's going down
I can't remember, it wasn't anyone in the office though.
that's why they had someone shoot her in the chest when there was literally nothing for her to do once they found out who she was.
All the politicians in the wire
fuck all the mayor bullshit
George. Howard. Scubb
The definitive example
Dr. Omar, I'm Tommy Carcetti
There was some serious shark-jumping in that show, I think Angela was more a symptom of the decline than a cause
I couldn't stand this bitch. I was so relieved when she was cut.
>Right away when his melon shows up for the first time in the pilot you can't help but think "yo this dude is wack", and then he proceeds to be wack for the entire series.
>I don't think dude has any good moments in the series at all. It's just straight up, unadulterated wackness during his whole character arc.
>I wish there was a James Free Edit of Twin Peaks or something.
he was tolerable until the show started to focus more on him after the mystery was solved. Tfw he's back in a big way in the reboot