What dose Sup Forums think of Adam Ruins Everything?
>The fact is Trump is Bad and islam is a religion of peace!
As much of a cuck as all the other far left comedians flushing the market.
Never seen it and I generally abhore the term nu-male but in this fellow's case I can understand.
>"Building a wall will actually INCREASE immigration." - Some faggy looking guy named Adam.
That was about when I stopped watching.
Why do all white male liberals have the same look to them
>shitty beard
>ugly faces(usually chubby)
>small noses
>shit tier bodies(skinny or fat)
>no muscles
>feminine voices
>It's another Sup Forums gets triggered by facts episode
I've actually met a few numales like him. I think it's a sexual strategy for men that look like doughy and cuckish.
>far left
Stop abusing this term. There's nothing far left about him or any liberal comedian.
It's because they aren't considered men and the media tries to say that only white men are conservative so they sort of fall for it. Or I mean, that's my stupid guess.
Never seen this show but I hate it.
That's just the fashion for young white guys in general, though. Even the conservative youth look cuckish and retarded.
Just because it hurts your fee fees doesn't make it far left.
>it's yet another alt-right manbabies get triggered and cry about literally everything episode
Why are there so many of these in the seasons that immediately follow the election?
Maybe they finally realized that Trump is an unjustifiably retarded candidate, who won't represent their interests in the slightest.
>Not a single crack at anything to with Hillary during the election, anything at all to do with the liberal agenda, no gay jokes or anything slightly offensive to anyone but the white male
>Every show on comedy Central rehashes the same bits and jokes about "IT'S 2016?!?!!!!!" and Trump
>not left.
yeah but it's funny
>biased liberals are now in the same category as radical Communists
How does that make sense? Yes they're vaguely left, but they're definitely not 'far left'.
You're a fucking idiot if you claim them to be "vaguely left." Just go prep your bull already.
They support Hillary, an establishment candidate for the TPP and corporate domination.
They're only left on certain social issues, economically they support the current system which is definitely right-wing.
Saying these people are far left is like the media calling the alt right 'literal Nazis'.