Where is Kong's dick?
Wait a second
He's probably got a tiny one under his fur.
Baby dicked nigs BTFO
wow this looks terrible, how is it that cgi seems to be going backwards with every new movie? that jack black king kong had better cgi for kong
Because CGI used to be used to fill in little details for things in post production rather than have the entire thing taken over by it
Gorillas don't even have large dicks.
it's a girl
wtf BLACKED lied to me.
>gorillas have little dicks
>whitebois have little dicks
Wow, and y'all niggas call us monkeys?
Fuck off Krager
> chimps are in the stone age
> uncontacted afrikangz are in the stone age
You are the monkey jamal
Wtf I hate BLACKED now
Not having a dick makes it a girl? Um user it's current year. Don't be a bigot.
You don't understand, HE'S the dick, the ultimate form of one.
why are his legs so short?
A creature that size could never stand on 2 legs, this is fucking retarded.
At least Peter Jackson's King Kong didn't exaggerate with the size that much
He is huge so he can fight Godzilla in 2020
Cuckposters BTFO
Are you saying this giant monster movie isn't realistic?
I liked the movie. The battle with the flash camera was pretty cool. The all the shots with Sam L Jackson and Kong and fire were all pretty.
I was dissapointed we never went underground though. They were talking about the earth being hollow, so I was expecting like a Journey to the Center of the Earth sort of thing, but we never went underground at all
I did appreciate it wasn't just a retelling of King Kong set in the 70s tho
Good thing it's just a fucking movie
Well you aren't wrong
isn't godzilla five times as tall as this
Newer movies don't always have better tech unless the investment is equal
Godzilla was 5x that size
Kong is going to get rekt
>cgi looks slightly better than Jurrassic Park did in 1993
explain this
Godzilla is like 350 feet tall. Kong in this picture is at least 150 feet, and they say he's not fully grown in the movie. Are you retarded?
Kongzilla is going to be a buddy cop flick about Kong and Godzilla killing the 'bad' kaiju
dont gorillas have this thing where if they stand up their dick literally retracts?
John C Reilly's character says that Kong is still a juvenile and will get bigger. They'll probably pump his size in a few years.
Why is Kong a manlet?
it's just a screenshot of a photo
he looks better in cine
This Kong is a juvenile. He'll be Godzilla's size when they meet.
Real life gorillas literally have 1 inch dicks... I'm not willing to do the math to figure out how big Kongs cock would be, but it wouldn't be big.
Anyone else feel like this movie could have been so much better if they hadn't shown Kong in the first five minutes.
Gorillas aren't very hung anyway.
What kind of autism is this
>whites call black people monkeys
>monkeys have small penises
>black people have big penises
>whites have small penises
Kong is not fully grown yet.
No. the movie would lose the reconciliation with the jap arc
I need to stop coming to Sup Forums.
>looks fully mature
See you tomorrow
Nobody cared who I was, until I took off the coccoon
White people don't call black people monkey's.
Non-black people call black people apes.
What kind of techniques will Mothra need to break out to be a viable contender in this new universe of monster movies? I'm legitimately curious.
t. 150 ft. tall ape biology expert.
Is Godzilla actually in this shit?
Because the director said he's a huge fan of Evangelion, and the director of that just got done directing the latest Japanese Godzilla.
>Kong is a apelet
>Look less silly
>Be framed as more intelligent than other kaiju
>Use flying in a tacticool fashion to wreck stronger monsters
so.. how does he even impregnate her if he cant penetrate?
No. But at then end you see a picture of him and other monsters(monthra, king ghidorah) then screen goes black and Godzilla's roar is heard.
Monthra is there to look cute.
giraffes can stand on 2 legs so its definitely possible
Gorillas and monkies actually have micropenises.
>she's out of our class
He can.
Ape penises seem small to us, but as with most animals, they're only as big as they need to be.
Human penises should only be 3" when comparing it to vaginas, but they're generally twice that size because women are size queen whores who have chosen to mate with the big guys throughout history.
Funny how un-ape like he looks despite being CG and not a guy in a suit
Especially since Kong is in the 70s and Godzilla was modern day. He has like 40+ years to grow
I feel like that chart is a little skewed. If they weren't distorting the chart, 350 feet should be about where Godzilla's neck is in that photo.
Unless it's supposed to be like those "5'1'' vs 6'0'' pics.
with their stated heights, Kong should be a bit under a third of Godzilla's size, not a fifth like it's presented here.
*5'11'' vs 6'0'' my bad
Gorrillas have the smallest genitals of the apes. They are all chest thumping, and chasing away rivals.
women of today deserve 9 inches so that the men of the future will have an average penis size of 9 inches as well.
In spite of the small Kong dick, the cum shots were awesome.
Damnit, i hate kang kong now.
t. Sun Zheng
>9 inches
alri' babydick
The lack of big swinging balls really takes me out of the otherwise realistic recent Planet of the Apes movies
just being realistic here m8 ;^)
Movie was really boring
Seriously the whole 'group of people stuck on island or faraway location' thing is getting old. So I don't blame the movie. It's just been done a million billion times. It grates on the nerves
The different creatures was kind of cool.
And the after credits.
You're basically a woman with a pecker that small
I really do hate the size of this asshole. At 20ft tall, Kong was only "the king" of Skull Island because, while he wasn't the largest, or the strongest, he was the toughest and smartest thing on that island, and that meant he had to carve out his own empire in the middle of some God Forsaken hell-jungle.
I'm also very triggered because his size is very clearly unsustainable. WTF does he eat? How the fuck did he even end up on that island? If this is all just to make him fight Godzilla in 2020, I'm going to be very pissed.
Yeah peter jackson's was better. That bug pit was kino.
I'm not saying lose the Jap, just have our boy and the Japanese pilot maybe hear that big ape roar but not see him.we know what he was but the big reveal should have been the apocalypse now esq. Scene of him as the helicopters came in.
>King Kong is a manlet
Whoever drew this had a good eye for really cute little details.
>20ft tall
No Kong dong:Confirmed
Sure thing, shill
the reason is simple, alpha, aggressive animals like gorillas, lions, tigers, eagles, etc. have small penises because they use force and intimidation much more than us and don't need to compete with other males. this is why horses, giraffes, humans, and pretty much every non-predator has huge dicks compared to them. because we don't have total control of our women and they sleep around, so our dicks literally evolved to scoop out the previous male's semen. that's the only way we could pass on our genes.
>he fell for the scoop theory meme
Fucking kek, how does it feel to be a retard?
Hackson's was still awful. It was like 6 and a half hours long and the acting and a dialogue were awful.
I mean, Jack Black as a dramatic lead? Really, Peter?
dicks can't evol-
What are you, blind? In Jackson's Kong, King Kong was only about 20ft tall-- maybe about 30ft in certain scenes, but he was never really that tall. He just had a huge screen presence because he was Alpha as fug.
You feel for this guy because everything he's ever done has been carved out of his own hand. He's a self-made gorilla. He BECAME these native's God, only because he made it so. That's how Jackson's Kong lived his life. He was less "swinging ape" and instead, he was a cynical hermit who built his own empire of loneliness, and he would give up his life to protect the only thing he ever really treasured.
This new Kong is just a big, dumb asshole.
Not saying that, but the scoop theory is just popular science meme garbage with no real backing. Only popularized because the real truth - that women selectively bred with men with bigger dicks - is uncomfortable to many people
Beautiful and true.
Whoa whoa...let's not say things we can't take BLACK.
Shit taste fuck off
Either same fag or shit taste
But Jacksons kong felt like a faggot
This one felt more god like/ancient protector.
Also he was far from dumb and showed more intelligence than Jacksons kong with the use of weapons and shit. Ur trying too hard Get bent
You retards are all wrong. They're both terrible, garbage flicks.
either theory still supports the original statement though lad. though i highly doubt that women had a choice in the matter early in our history. the biggest stronkest dude would just rape regardless of how big his penis was. perhaps then a smart and big dicked chad was able to charm the female and scoop out the alpha males sperm.