New Transformer's TV spot
Everytime I think CGI can't get worse Hollywood surprises me
>brown kids
Michael Bay won't actually do this r-right?
i want to make isabella moner moana with my tonge on her pusy!
This girl is that singer?
Why does this look like a commercial? This is in the movie right? The kids and everything? But it looks like one of those weird little ads where they use small bits of movie footage around garbage they shot themselves.
Yeah, that's what I was think of too, reminded me of those car commercials for BvS.
What did she mean by this?
Why does Michael bay shoot underage actresses so inappropriately? Christ!
can i get the quick c-c-c-cun down on the brown chick
what do you want to know user
You just know
Is she a virgin??
To cause reactions like yours, jr
The Transformers movies have been shitty (minus the first one), but they definitely have top notch CGI.
>2 of the 4 kids are overweight
>both are minorities
What did micheal bay mean by this?
how does it feel to know that transformers is objectively the most important franchise of the 21st century and you greasy neckbeards are too autistic to enjoy it?
fucking Chad...
more like Isabela Boner if you can comprehend the context of my subtlety
'never even seen one of them
Would unironically watch, 2bh. Not even meeming. Just want to see how this thing ends.
Tfw I'm imblygin Mikey Bay won't retcon his previous decision to make 20 more sequels
the music playing when the bot got up was pretty good, i guess
>innocent looking protector of kids bot
Looks like the cunny is back on the menu
Based Bay
Seriously? There are a lot of things wrong with transformer movies, but the CGI is not one of them
yeah, as bad as the movies were (except, i kinda liked the first one) i too am going to watch this. I'm prepared to watch a steaming pile of shit (like the second one)
Of course, i'm not paying for it
shes 15
14 when this was filmed
and how old was she when she first had a penis inside her hoo haa?
There are people in this board who bash Bayformers but praise capeshit
Bay sure knows how to pick em eh?
I actually want to see this. Seems interesting
I can see two good reasons to watch this movie.
Are you blind? The CGi here is pretty good, better than most recent movies and it's not even finished yet.
So they have metal gear gekkos now?
if she's in a bikini at least once I'm gonna watch that shitfest!
Don't worry I'm sure they'll be as stereotypically black as possible, Bay hasn't let me down yet on that front
Came for robots.
Came to 15 year old girl
Why does the first one from 2007 have the best CGI? It's like we're regressing with time.
>15 years old
Yeah this isnt exploitation at all.
>cgi is shit, they don't look like real transformer robots!
She looks way cuter with the short hair...
>Metal Gear?
Outsourcing to chinks
Well, I can tell the tone that Transformers 5 threads are going to have around here.
Is everything about this not a shameless MGS4 rip off?
Bye faggot.
>spam quoting
God fucking damned, I hope you and people like you fucking die a painful death.
why are movies making me want to fuck cute lolis?
Damn, Trump wants to deport THIS?
"Look kids, there are kids in this movie just like you! Isn't that great? We care about you and want your parent's disposable income."
Looks like that slut from Fortitude