Cartoons air on television

>cartoons air on television
>can't talk about them on the television board

Cartoons are for children. This board is for mature people only.

anime also airs on television

racism is for nazis. This board is for normal people.


(oh wait.)

>This board is for mature people only

You sound like a fucking loser my man

>if its on tv it should be on Sup Forums!
by that logic might as well just rename the board "Sup Forums - random"

reddit spacing is for normies, this board is for social rejects

Yup. cause it says television right next to film bud.

>mature people
more like brap: the post

fuck off nigger kike. Go back

kys you literal cancer.
>baneposting is mature

You have to go back.

>Sup Forums

pick one

so whats it like living with crippling mental retardation?

>This board is for mature people only.

why dont we have a Sup Forums miscellaneous ongoing thread with multiple parts? it will contain everything that would normally be an offense like cartoons, anime, etc

You tell me.

why don't you just go to the relevant boards?


>so whats it like living with crippling mental retardation
huh? whats it like living with you? i dont know you man but i know you are retardation

who /matrue/ here

You think you are a big guy, don't you?

>animushitter thinks his opinion matters

because we've had better /an/ threads, /x/ threads, Sup Forums threads than those boards

For you.


who the fuck is "we" you insufferable faggot?

everyone except you fag so fuck off

everyone except you fag so fuck off

There's the occasional thread about cartoons, but there's also a whole board dedicated to cartoons so ya know when the shoe fits

Sup Forumsedditors

>huge amounts of shitposting on all boards about this time every day
>check timezones
>schools letting out in Australia

just ban the continent

Everything that ever was on television ever is allowed here now
mods said

its saturday retard

This board is for cunnyposting and BBCs only.

you can now

>This board is for mature people only.

>Matr ppl