40 minutes in and all that's happened is "DUDE ADDICTION LMAO"

40 minutes in and all that's happened is "DUDE ADDICTION LMAO"

Should I even bother finishing it?

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I think The ending is quite good. Also you'll miss out on some memes. Keep going, user.

Power through user. It's the Paul Dano of pretentious ADDICKSHUN kino

If you want to see Jennifer Connelly's pussy you should.

it's total shit

>movie tries to make me sympathetic to junkies

Laughed my was off the entire time

>It's the Paul Dano of pretentious ADDICKSHUN kino

>According to longtime partner Zoe Kazan, Dano is a big fan of anal foreplay. "The first time we had sex, he slipped a pinky in." Kazan admitted. "I was shocked at first, but he sang to me and consoled me. After a few hours of stretching, he asked me if I was ready for 'Dano's dragon'." She exclaimed with a smile. "He eventually loosened me up enough to take one of his 13 inch double sided dragon dildos. We went ass to ass for hours, there was shit everywhere."

I hope you're right about this ending user. I really don't care about any of these characters and everything that is happening is just dumb and boring. I do really dig the soundtrack though.


Tells me what you think after you finish it.


That's literally the entire movie, shits overrated as fuck

didn't like it, thought it was trashy. Didn't care about the characters. Felt fairly lifeless. Everything that happened just felt like it was being deep and edgy but it had no substance to it. I liked the soundtrack and it had an alright ending but i wouldn't recommend it personally

I've never seen a film or story detail addiction crippling Ellen Burstyn's character like Requiem For A Dream does. It was real heart rending stuff.

You didn't care about the mother?

That's alright user. I could see why people wouldn't like it.

The whole unlikable characters I feel is the point though. You're not supposed to relate (unless you've been in that position) to them. You're just supposed to watch what they get themselves into and see how it goes. The fact that it doesn't really end happily I feel is a good thing.

The mother I felt was the saddest character. Having lived a lonely life with the passing of her husband and not moving on, knowing the degeneracy her son followed, and her desperate attempt at wanting to be adored by the public was just sad only for her to end up where she got. Just sad in my opinion.

I get that they're meant to be unlikable, but I feel like we're also meant to sympathise for them. I just never cared for any character but maybe you guys saw something in them that I just didn't see.

Though if any character deserves sympathy, it would be the mother.

No, it sucks.

I don't think you were supposed to sympathize with the others. Maybe at first but once they start getting back into the habit it's their fault, and you're just supposed to see their sad spiral to depression and addiction.

The mother was especially sad in that she had no one to talk to. She had her friends sure but she wanted her family and she obviously knew about Harry's substance abuse, but knew that he would leave her if she tried talking to him about it.

Also really liked the grimy feel of the film.

Only this.

This was the first movie that made me physically ill watching it.


there. you're done.


Everything that you think will happen,happens.
They end up just as addicted.
Predictable garbage. Anything that thinks this movie is good, only saw one movie.

so many sheltered retards in this thread

I switched it off after I realized it was going to present heroin addiction in that usual negative light, instead of offering a more nuanced, realistic portrayal. Usual Hollywood propaganda.

Truly one of the most overrated movies of all time. Depiction of drugs and addition is ludicrous bullshit.

Does anyone ever manage heroin well?

Trainspotting made heroin look amazing. Never thought of doing it until I watched Trainspotting.

So the baby dying of neglect due to the smack addict mother made smack seem appealing?

I recommend just buying the biggest 8 ball you can and never waking up you piece of shit.

its coke not heroin you fucking retard

>Good and popular movie is hated by Sup Forums

You manchildren are so fucking predictable lmao

first of all the movie is about coke not heroin
secondly, the movie portrays it accurately albeit exaggerated.

there is nothing "nuanced" or "cool" about heroin except the delusions of the people doing it. only someone who has never been near the scene could possibly think this.

It's just opinions dude. I don't think anyone is being "contrarian", and I personally love the movie

Trainspotting is about heroin you fucking dick head. Shows how much you know about the drug.

>It's on IMDBs Top 250 so you have to like it

how can you be so stupid. are you that same annon who keeps posting about his addiction like anyone cares?

>>It's on IMDBs Top 250 so you have to hate it

>It's on IMDBs Top 250, but from after 1990, so you have to hate it

requiem for a dream is about coke you moron... you clearly thought it was about heroin here: stop trying to save face retard.

>no life manchild never exposed to hard drug lifestyle gets exposed and gets mad
>thinks a movie about coke is about heroin just because they shoot it
fucking lol

and no i've never been addicted to drugs (im not a gullible loser)

What killed it for me were all those annoying short close-up montages of taking drugs with those stock sound effect.

First movie I saw that was just unpleasant to watch, brought out so many negative thoughts/emotions, addiction to anything is fucking horrible. Great film.


i finished it and it was awful 2/10

>look mom, I'm directing!

The Movie

Am I the only one that sometimes looks up scenes from this movie just to look at people ruining their lives?

the only good parts are the segments with his mom
there should be a Sara-only cut

Marathon a pint of bleach

just listen to the the soundtrack on youtube
and ffwd to tha last a2a scene