Why haven't you converted to Sikhism yet?

Why haven't you converted to Sikhism yet?

>based religion that promotes working hard and always being willing to learn
>the original kebab removers
>the only dietary restriction is not eating food prepared in a sandnigger manner (kosher or halal), other than that you can have whatever you like
>ingrained warrior culture that promotes being armed and trained to defend oneself

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I belong to an order of WASP Canadians you will never be accepted into.

Because it dosent save you from your sins

because is is not the religion of my ancestors, sikhs are indeed based but they are not white

because i don't work in a 7-11

did you see leaf burn???

t. dead kike on a stick worshipper

Why couldn't get get Sikh's instead of blacks and truck loads of mexicans. Fuck.

>Completely open borders for and automatic citizenship granted to all Sikhs who arrive in the United States.

>Boats full of Sikhs arrive for the first time.

>Large "welcome" and "glad you are here" banners and flags everywhere.

>The stairs are lowered and the Sihks begin to climb off the boats.....

>Song to be played as millions of Sikhs climb off the boats and set their feet on American soil first time:


Don't you have to be born a Sikh? Anyway, I never heard of anyone converting to Sikhism.