>creature/individual gets enormous
>it now has comically slow reflexes
Creature/individual gets enormous
Idiot, the reflexes aren't slow, it just seems slow given the gargantuan size of the subject
DBZ did the opposite of this. Vegeta got faster in his ape form since his power level increased
That doesn't make any sense though. Why would he get slower just because he's big?
Because he feels in charge, yet he isn't.
Air resistance.
The nerve endings are much longer and will take that much longer to transmit signals
> The researchers found that, after controlling for sex, age and temperature (it turns out your nerves are quicker when you’re warm), there was a 0.27 m/s decrease in the conduction speed of one of the leg nerves (the sural nerve) for each additional centimetre in height.
> This is interesting because it is not only a reduction in time because the same speed signal is travelling a longer distance, but it actually seems that nerve signals travel more slower through longer nerves as well, owing to the fact the nerves get thinner the longer they are.
square-cube law is also a thing. the bigger you get the more volume you will have
Because he's bigger gravity makes him slower
Because he just is.
So manlets are superior in every way?
Big animals move slow. Like giraffe and elephant. And Blue Whale. And grizzly bears. ect
wind resistance, longer nerves mean slower reflexes and longer muscles means slower contractions.
Look at how slowly the average elephant walks without any response to a stimulus, then look how quickly an animal like a Chihuahua or ant moves without responding to a stimulus.
Then why are humans faster than smaller animals?
This makes sense. If it was really really big it wouldnt even move, like mountains, which are huge but move really slowly.
human height doesn't really matter because it's not an extreme variance
if it were a 60 ft tall guy then he could very well have slower reaction time
but no manlets aren't superior at all, almost all elite athletes are over 6' tall
Otherwise they'd be overpowered
>gigantic creature
>does cliche roar
>nobody's ear drums get popped
>manlets think they make up for lack of size with speed
See JJ Watt and basically every nfl player.
air resistance and gravity
to all the armchair scientists shitting on OP:
we know that bigger creatures have slower reflexes, but the question is, why are they COMICALLY slow. comically meaning: giant creature attempts to step on human and takes 3+ seconds to do so, whereas we can easily step on a spider or ant or bug with no difficulty. or giant creature is swinging at humans on the ground and telegraphing every movement. explain how we can swat a fly out of the air with ease but a giant can't easily just grab us.