I lieke mobie
I lieke mobie
i like moobie too :)
me too :D
state yer business
gud tred :3
cute frogposter
I had a bad day today, someone post niggers getting what they deserve.
>itt we try to ignore all the blacked posting and just funpost about Apu and mobies and teebee sho
>wen da mobie has a good soumdtrack
There are a million other threads on here that are exactly that, don't bring that shit here.
I liek mobies about dragnons!
u lieke kat 2??
>watch mobie
>character dies
thats a sad mobie!! delete ur post pls
I crie errytiem
Me liek movbie about aminals!
i rred tdhe book
Could Bepe be our guy?
>watch mobie
>id has big worts
>tried to get /comfy% for teh mobie but only have botatoe sack
helo is this pardy?
I leik wesbern mobies to. Lets be fwens!
c-can i sabe pic?
>mobie have more than 3 character
>Niggers getting what they deserve
Come on in fwend! We hab mobie pardy an we have temdies for mobie snacks
i ated all yur snaks
Do u hav enuf four me bls??
Haha, stupid frogs and normies. The most patrician movies have only Shinji, Asuka, and Rei! No need for retardation here!
Iz ok I maek mor
the eternal sun guides us
Uh oh looks like da temdys burn
Lebs wach Hemtai movbie bls
>watch mobie
>cant find de animu grils
yu did wat??
What's the text in the pic supposed to mean? I only get that the first word is aspergers
What a bizarre path this meme took. First he felt good, then he felt bad, then he felt sad, then he became a Trump avatar, and now winning the election has broken his mind and caused him to regress into a childlike stupor
nice doobies
Apu aka helper is pepes autistic little brother.
t. comfy druid
if you google "retard pepe" this meme is the first hit