/comfylotr/ thread. Hide from the blacked/gore threads here and talk about tolkein lore.
/comfylotr/ thread. Hide from the blacked/gore threads here and talk about tolkein lore
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what happen to the mithril at the end?
Probably returned to the Elves I would imagine
Why is there a shill raid on Sup Forums?
Because Sup Forums is full of angry manchildren. Keep that shit out of here though. We didn't make this thread to discuss Sup Forums.
buckleberry ferry
follow ME!!!!!
how is shills Sup Forums its a cover to attack Sup Forums
but back to the thread
In one of Tolkien's letters, he discussed how Saruman was jealous of Gandalf from day 1 in middle earth, because Cirdan gave the ring to Gandalf instead of Saruman.
Tolkien was a degenerate.
The same fucking thing happened to Sup Forums a month ago.
>Didn't make this thread to discuss Sup Forums.
You're the one who brought it up.
Whats Sup Forums?
"Rings of power"
"Day 1"
>Sup Forums
>you will never watch the sun set in the Shire while smoking Longbottom Leaf with the friends you've had since childhood
>Then Gandalf came and in his arms, to the wonder of Frodo, he bore the sword and the elven-cloak and the mithril-coat that had been taken from him in Mordor.
What ring?
One of the three Elven rings.
Oh alright. Does the extended cut of Two Towers have the part where Gandalf confronts Saruman in Orthanc and breaks his staff, and Wormtongue tries to drop the palantir on Saruman's head?
One of the best scenes of the films is where Wormtongue starts crying in regret looking out at the Orc armies in Orthanc.
friendly reminder that lotr is nothing but childish banalities
does anyone know what gandalf did for a living? was he really a NEET? how come none of the hobbits including bilbo seemed to have a job either?
Gandalf's job was to observe the world and only intervene as necessary. As a timeless demi-god he didn't really need a day job.
Hobbits are mostly subsistence creatures; As long as they have a nice warm hole to live in and plenty of food to eat they could give a shit less.
The wizards came to middle earth after the rings were made you dunce
I've been listening to the audiobook versions lately, they're fucking amazing. The old British guy who reads it does a great job, he even does the singing well. top tier cozy lads
Why didn't the blue wizards play a bigger role in the books?
Billy Boyd singing in Return of the King kills me every time. He's so good.
>he even does the singing well
I might have to check that out, the written songs always confused me. How do I tell what speed or tune the songs are supposed to go to?
Who is the narrator?
Brad Douriff gives 110% in every role he's in. My favorite actor
JRR died and never did much with them.
Because they went into the East and were never heard from again.
Rob Inglis I think.
Actually before day 1, Saruman was pissed that the Valar had to beg Gandalf to go to middle earth but only let Saruman go when he called in special favors.
>you will never have a friend
Why even live
Your filename says it all basically.
Yeah he was a dick from star 1, you could say
NERDS hahaha
The Hobbits had jobs, Bilbo (and Frodo) were wealthy enough not to have to work, Pippin and Merry were literally Hobbit nobility. Sam was a gardener, like his father.
>ywn have adventures with Earendil cruising through space
I mean when you own your own house, there's no taxes, and your only bills are for food and drink (which you mostly grow yourself) it's not like you need to work that hard.
More a tragic figure than a dick. Saruman, like his one-time peer Sauron, was obsessed with knowledge, he wanted to understand how and why the world was the way it was. But his great wisdom and learning lead him to arrogance, this lead him to fall.
The Shire had a bureaucracy of some kind, and a Sheriff ("king"), so presumably there was some kind of taxation, too. But yes, the Shire is idyllic.
>Manwë asked Olórin if he would go as the third messenger. Olórin said he was too weak and that he was afraid of Sauron; however, Manwë said that was all the more reason to go, and that he commanded Olórin to go as the third. Then Varda said "Not as the third."
This could have been a major factor in Saruman's jealousy. He was their leader, but it seems that Gandalf was held in a higher regard.
What was Gandalf's plan to destroy the ring before Moria?
The Sheriff was mostly a figure and their bureaucracy was mostly in place to keep track of parties who needed to give who gifts. It's the type of perfect socialism that could only exist in a fantasy world.
>Farming is not hard work
city boy detected
Subsistence farming for one person is not. It's nothing more than a garden and most hobbits kept their own.
Very much so, the Valar knew Saruman's nature would lead him to temptation and the possibility of falling, they had no such doubts about Gandalf, going so far as to resurrect him when he died, a gesture of absolute trust that only Glorfindel the elf shared.
The plan was always the same, sneak into Mordor somehow and reach Mount doom. Although, had the fellowship not broken, they probably would never have made it.
Want to be my friend?
>passionate university non-completer (had ethical issues with Disability Studies)
Literally what.
Indeed, though I do not agree with the second part of you post. Glorfindel, as all elves, has an immortal spirit that cannot leave this world. All elves go to the halls of Mandos when they die, and from there may be one day released back into the world. Though only Glorfindel was sent back to Middle earth.
It means It wasn't actually disabled because It was self diagnosed and was mad that they didn't accept It's self diagnosis of being disabled.
>Glorfindel, as all elves, has an immortal spirit that cannot leave this world. All elves go to the halls of Mandos when they die, and from there may be one day released back into the world. Though only Glorfindel was sent back to Middle earth.
Reincarnation was the norm for Elves, but only Glorfindel was "reincarnated" as himself, and sent back to middle earth specifically as the emissary of the Valar.
Meeting Sean Astin in a couple of weeks. What should I say to him Sup Forums?
I love how Tolkien described Minas Tirith so precisely that almost every artistic depiction shows it the exact same.
I am 100% certain that anyone who teaches "disability studies" would accept a transdisability.
"Why are you so fat? Is it true you're an incredible cunt? What color is your asshole?"
ask him what "taters" are.
Yes, unfortunately PJ failed with the depiction of the Pelennor fields in the movies.
Was the "there and back again" version of the hobbit triology able to salvage that mess?
Share the load
I've heard this before, that elves reincarnate as someone else, though I cannot remember reading this. Do you have a source?
Well, Tolkien excelled in description. Though the movie portrayal of Minas Tirith is incredibly disappointing. The city itself is fine, but it should have been surrounded by rich farmland instead of no man's land. really quite jarring.
Sounds like you have a good career.
holy fuck that artwork is amazing
I have lotr pictures drawn by John Howe, Ted Nasmith, Alan Lee in my room. Fees good
The film depiction of the Shire wasn't nearly Welsh enough.
please stop shitting up this comfy thread with these absolute morons
>I've heard this before, that elves reincarnate as someone else
Book of Lost Tales gives us:
>There [the Halls of Mandos] they waited in the darkness, dreaming of their past deeds, until such time as [Mandos] appointed when they might again be born into their children, and go forth to laugh and sing again.
And from the Silmarillion:
>But if they were slain or wasted in grief, they died not from the earth, and their spirits went back to the halls of Mandos, and there waited, days or years, even a thousand, according to the will of Mandos and their deserts. Thence they are recalled at length to freedom, either as spirits, taking form according to their own thought, as the lesser folk of the divine race; or else, it is said, they are at times re-born into their own children, and the ancient wisdom of their race does not perish or grow less.
The Shire is Oxfordshire, where Tolkien lived.
Tell me more about shire tax policy
please keep going if you have more, these are great
Is pic related and the books written by his son any good?
imo, the Shire is the most perfect book to screen setting adaptation I've ever seen.
Really? I've only ever read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and none of the supplementary work.
The way I read it, the Shire was rural Wales down to a T.
Are you voting for me? I'm taller than your average hobbit.
Books: The Hobbit > Lord of the Rings
Movies: Lord of the Rings > The Hobbit
Watching those movies really hurt.
>his son
No. He has no talent for writing, tho if you're autistically obsessed with Middle Earth the books of letters and unpublished writings he produces are worth a read.
>tfw hobbit
>short, chubby, dark messy hair, hairy feet, smoke weed, love eating
why couldn't i be an elf
Do you have nasmiths ulmo in hd? It's always been my fave depiction due to how detailed tuor is
The valar didn't resurrect him g-d did it
The Hobbit is one of the best children's books ever written.
>smoke weed
It's not pot you fucking cunt. I am sick to death of morons who don't know what they're saying bringing this moronic meme up.
>Hey it's written by the son of that beloved fantasy author, it must be good right?
>village inhabited by hobbits
>call it hobbiton
The definition of mediocre.
His books are worth a read but have absolutely nothing on his pop.
Unfortunately not