what are some movies where i want to kill myself
What are some movies where i want to kill myself
Paths of glory
Leaving Las Vegas
Oslo, 31th of August
requiem for a dream
If you're a Star Wars fan, The Force Awakens is a good one.
I Stand Alone. One of the darkest & most misanthropic movies ever, a masterpiece of nihilism
The Divide.
Neon Demon. That goblin makes my skin crawl, and I don't mean my foreskin.
thank you
any romance movie
Uncle Buck
American movie should be required viewing for anyone who has dreams of becoming a filmmaker
American Movie always hits me extra hard, since I too live in Milwaukee and aspire to make spooky movies innawoods but then I worry about ending up like them.
fantasia (1940)
real life
Is that you Jay?
kek but yea it's a sobering and kind of depressing movie while also keeping you positive with it's constant perfectly pitched humor
Suicide Kino:
-The Matrix - makes you acknowledge that there is a better than 50% chance we are living in a simulation, and thus you don't really "exist" and/or you can just hit the reset button whenever you want
-The Fountain - same type of deal
-Band of Brothers - makes you realize how pathetic and worthless your life is compared to generations before you who were willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of fighting evil, while you are here posting on a Laotian flipbook board
-Interstellar - the amount of time they spend in the void of space reminds you how insignificant you are in the grand scheme of things
The Sunset Limited
any movie with black/white couples makes me want to gas myself
I honestly can't imagine how frustrating it must be being you. you should give up the tribalism meme.
how is it fair monkeys get to date hot white chicks and i'm a virgin?
life isn't fair. stop being a mushy housebound faggot. you wanna fuck qts you gotta get swole and learn how to have an appealing personality.
Man of Steel and Batman versus Superman both made me want to blow my brains out so I could forget I ever wasted money on em
Synedoche, New York
End of Evangelion
Honestly young able bodied white men should be sent to cum milking farms where they are forced to produce semen for 8 hours a day through machine stimulation.
The semen will be sent to underprivileged/disabled/ethnic communities to bring up they collective intelligence quotient and spread good healthy attributes among the lower classes.
The future of the human race is more important than your night of shitposting on Sup Forums. you have no excuse to be here.
arguing with me is futile since my brain is quite larger than average.
while you mock me now, my tiny bright red penis is being milked for cum as we speak.
you are a nobody, whereas i am fulfilling my duty to spread my anglo-saxon seed far and wide among the negroes and disabled crowds.
this is my duty, my lifes work, i will never know the touch of a living breathing human female only the cold steely touch of the Milk_Extractor_v3.54.12 model "Anus Replicate"
and who are you exactly?