why was she such a cunt to Raymond?
Why was she such a cunt to Raymond?
sometimes you have to hurt the people you rely upon to keep them weakened
The unending cycle of italian and hispanic marriages where you always end up marrying someone on a similar bitch level to your mother because you can't comprehend anything else.
Remember that episode where Raymond forgot her birthday and had to cut his own cock off?
ma ma
Hot, but such a fucking cunt. That episode where she gets all hot from her fitness instructor and Ray is understandably pissed and she goes "nah baby it's just cuz I feel good about myself totally" and basically tells him to shut the fuck up or he's never having sex again. Wtf now i hate women
>it's a ray has to sneak the bull into his house without marie finding out episode
Why are bitchy women such a turn on for me, what is wrong with my brain?
Because the show says he's ugly and she's pretty so he should be lucky to have her. Despite the fact that he's making a lot of money to support the household as a sportswriter and she bitches because she does the same job millions of other women do
your mom did a real number on you
Was there ever an episode where Robert snapped and tried to kill Ray with his massive hands?
Is your mom bitchy? That's probably it
>It's a old man episode instead of a bitchy wife episode
According to the women I've asked about this, she's a cunt because he's pathetic
you try living with a family of wops and tell me you wouldn't act the same
>always hated how much a pushover mum is
>date bitchy women
Is this better or worst than dating someone similar to your mum
100% because of Raymond's parents. My Mom was the same when my Dad's parents kept coming around virtually every day, then when they both died she cooled down a lot.
try not to think about your mum too much when it comes to other women, leave it to psychiatrists.
Why would you even watch this shit? It feels like dying for half an hour.
I know, as a child who wasn't allowed video games on weekdays I hated this show with a passion
Because she was sexually frustrated
marie was a cunt and raymond let her do what she wanted
debrah had a right to be a bitch towards him and her
He never truly dicked her down.
damn she looks hot as fuck in the top right
because raymond is an idiot
This brings up how weird the show is.
It's so dysfunctional, but not in a humorous kind of way. It feels like everything is about to fall apart at the seams, every single episode. It's fucking uncomfortable to watch. There's no loving conclusion, like when Homer does something idiotic and then Marge finally forgives him. It's just pure hatred and vitriol, with the 'conflict' in each episode just being more of it, and the eventual 'resolution' slightly less.
A tried to watch a Christmas episode around Christmas, and I had to turn it off because it was not cheery at all. They were arguing and yelling about 5 minutes in. Even in the Christmas episodes.
I never got why everyone hated her. Raymond was such a fucking insensitive moron and I always generally felt she had the right to be pissed off.
Because Raymond was a beta weakling to didn't take up the role of the man of the house
and* not to
Marie outlived one of her grandkids.
everyone transferred their frustrations onto ray.
the reality is everyone hates rays mom but they cant bitch out some old women so ray becomes the target.
because while raymond was being babied by marie and eating gabagool sandwiches she was getting fucked by chad, tyrone, jose and kumar.
so married men could relate to the show
There was one where he was ready to kill marie
I want to prep her for the bull
Because she's Patricia Heaton. She's always been a cunt!
like clockwork
ITT: guys who have never lived with a woman besides their mother
Where is the cord for that PS2 controller?
That's a DS3. You've never seen a wireless controller? The PS2 was like twenty years ago man.
I can't tell from the little picture, I just saw black pad with blue letters and thought it was PS2. I remember the days of wired controllers, someday I will tell my grandkids that you used to have to sit within a few feet of the game system to play it.
Frank and Marie had the occasional genuinely touching moment but yeah everyone else on the show was dysfunctional to an uncomfortable extent
Same. I also agree that sometimes the relationships between the characters are so resentful and unloving that it becomes hard to watch like says. Like yeah sometimes she's a huge bitch but she has to deal with this spineless moron all the time.
On some level it reminds me of Malcolm in the Middle, but at least MitM had some touching moments when the family came together for each other. Malcolm had a family that managed to work despite being made up of lunatics, Ray's family lacked that.
that's partly why I like Raymond, it actually feels like a real family where everyone passive-aggresively hates each other
raymond should've hired a gang of pipe hittin niggers to go medieval on her ass
what does that even mean
underage please fuck off
Maybe you're mislabeling. It's possible a part of you understands they're trying to engage you on an instinctual level but you can't bring yourself to handle their bantz
>Marie: "Robbie why do you come home so late and sweaty?"
Better if you ask me. I think parents are better-suited to providing negative images to the kind of partners you actually want. But this is assuming your appreciation for them is mixed as most relationships are. If they're strong parents it's only natural you'd want to find a younger and tighter version of them you can fuck without acknowledging your complex
>It's so dysfunctional, but not in a humorous kind of way
yeah, kinda impressive it did really well as a sitcom. i wonder why it reached such a wide audience
>Frank and Marie had the occasional genuinely touching moment
lol probably an order from network executives who found the show unsettling
Kill yourself reddit
Don't think of it in terms of your mom, a pushover is better. A pushover is less likely to be naggy and expect you to do more than she does.
>try to watch ELR again
>first episode okay so far
>second episode
>wait a minute...
>by third episode I understand whats happening
>Raymond is a psychopath
>drone out the laughtrack by paying attention to the show
>Everybody loves Raymond is now a horror show about how a self obsessed guy abuses his entire family and his mother enables it
It's not fun to watch.
Loveless sexless marriage and the man knows he'd be even more fucked getting a divorce because she'd end up skinning him alive in the settlement.
It's SOP when you have a cuck fetish. She'd bang Robert while Ray watched. All those kids are Robert's.
ray is weak. his weakness offends me. hes so needy its pathetic.
real or no?
I speak from experience, EVERY women, without exception, becomes like that once the man gives her authority over himself. When I met my current fiancé, she was the sweetest nicest person to me, and I spoiled her a lot. Eventually, she started to show signs of bitchiness, now 3 years in, she treats me worse than dirt. I can't even ask her questions anymore, disagree with her or hold her accountable for her wrongs. She gets pissed and treats me like crap over the most mundane everyday life stiff. Once a woman senses the man loves her no matter what she does, she shows her true face. Debra was the result of Ray treating like she could do no wrong even though she was doing alot of wrongs.
>speak from experience
>EVERY women
I'm sure your projection is heartfelt but I just can't be bothered to read. But here's a (You) for your pain
Fake sadly
I can feel how trapped Raymond and Robert are when I am watching this show. Debra and Marie are controlling their whole lives.
Also while we are on the subject of Robert
>Choosing Amy AKA "I'll marry anyone just so I am married" over Stefania
If my erection is real, then the picture is real
A pushover's also fucking boring. If I want a pet I'll get a pet. I wanna introduce her to something that really speaks to me and have her """reciprocate""" by going "Well I like that you like it"
Beta: The Post
I feel like I'm the only one in this thread who actually liked Everybody Loves Raymond.....
It's much better once you grow up.
It was alright. Frank was the best character
Frank was based.
Stefania was borderline mentally challenged.
So was Amy,but Stefania was hotter,so there is that.
Fucking roasty we don't want your vagina opinion here
Nah Amy just looked retarded. Stefania had the mental capacity of a child.
Because she was sexually frustrated
I cant watch Frank without being reminded of that episode of x-files he was in, then I get sad..
Remember when Robert and Amy were arguing and breaking up and Amy's "mic drop" was to confessing she was still a virgin?
She's my number 1 best tv milf