>mfw no Black Sails thread
Black Sails Thread
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new episode drop yet?
post link nigga
say please my guy
max needs to die already
pretty please
not that guy but please
its not yet on my tracker
you are full of shit
thanks for making me check like 3 sites you fucking cunt
use the openload one
>I'm retarded and the rest of the world is at fault
So Flynt is fucked from all sides at this point and Billy Bones is a faggot who should have been killed by the jungle bunnies.
It's more infuriating now that Jack points out what a cunt she is in every episode.
because only plebs watch it in SD
its a strong womyn episode
>t. triggered broflake
Jacks sideburns are never in the same place on his face.
i only managed to finish the first season and never bothered with the rest, does it get better? i've felt like picking it up again
Just fast forward the woman shit.
So DeGroot and Joji confirmed among the six dudes Flint kills?
You know she'll survive.
Then again irl woodes rogers pacified the island so there's still hope
on a scale from eh to megga gigga how much am I a faggot for not watching this show?
Or at least learn to talk faster
Damn, she would win against Kirk and West even at 2x speed
>implying this isn't tiring and ridiculous
wher da fuk is HD?
Show is too slow more like BLACK SNAILS
No, it isn't.
You are somewhere between secretly looking over in the public bathroom and jerking off to twink porn but actually going for women in real live on the faggot scale. Kind of faggy but not all out guns blazing homo.
>50% of the human population exists and occasionally does things
>getting triggered and enraged over this fact
>somehow thinking you aren't every fucking inch an SJW
> all out guns blazing homo
this naval ship tactic triggers the Admiralty
Seriously nobody talking about the new episode? I guess I'll have to go to reddit.
Lmao I saved that still too
>its a nothing happens episode
It's a strong womyn episode, fuck off you sexist cunt.
The entire episode could last 15 minutes without losing out on stronk wymuns
There's a woman behind every successful man, it's factually true.
All empires needed a woman to get the shit together and make them great desu
>women are only good for creating men
glad we agree
Jack's imitation of max was pretty funny