Young student character moves to Paris

>Young student character moves to Paris
>Gets an apartment with a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower

>Hollywood still depicting Paris as this romantic place filled with happy white people

>young student character moves to Paris or London
>he/she doesn't suck dicks every weekend to afford his/her appartment

>There are white people in Paris

>young group of friends living in New York
>have a palatial apartment despite only two of them working minimum wage jobs

>Young person moves into London
>It's not a shitty high rise in East London
>It's somewhere in West London

West London isn't necessarily more expensive.

>movie takes place after brexit
>the country hasn't turned to absolute shite

stfu eurocuck


>Young student character moves to Paris
>French characters speak perfect english

I mean, the good parts are immeasurably more expensive...

> character moves to Paris
> doesn't get lynched and burned alive by niggers in a muslim ghetto riot

>character moves to Paris
>every street corner isn't full of jamals and rasheeds pickpocketing and stabbing people



Same with London. Americans always portray London how I wish it was.

> a cuck using memes "defend" his obviously failed and fucking deadly liberal mindset and political agenda

oh boy what a suprise

You're really not any better for using the word "cuck" incorrectly.

name 43 movies where this happens

>Movie is set in LA
>there's a freeway traffic jam

This is just sad.
Definitions change, and new uses are made, faggot.

see? I don't know if you actually suck cock

Haha your country is chucked

>movie set in paris
>everyone speaks french

> they quietly handwave it with a quick "rent control" joke three seasons in

Maybe 70 years ago