So what will Wonder Woman be fighting in the movie? Anorexia? A light breeze?

So what will Wonder Woman be fighting in the movie? Anorexia? A light breeze?

I WANT TO FUCK BRYNNY'Soh that's a grown woman.

Disney/Marvel shills.

>tries to make a sexy pose
>looks like her neck can't support the weight of her oversized head

The misuse of the word "anorexia" but fatties and chubby chasers really triggers me. Actual anorexia looks horrifying and no one would hire an actor or model with it.

my attempts at licking that pusy

It'd probably be like licking sandpaper.

The Palestinians

sexy sandpaper

Dry, emaciated sandpaper.

>complaining about a movie that you'll never watch about a character you don't like from a studio that you hate

Calm down, OP. Stick with Sup Forums

i make it wet with saliva and pusy juice

I never claimed a single one of those things. The actress is just disgusting.

You've spelled pussy wrong twice. Are you illiterate by any chance?

Disgustingly cute.

Hateful, rat-faced kike.

man your here making word lessons and im talking about pusy you got to have your priotes

>he likes DCEU movies
>he's a huge Wonder Woman fan
>he can't wait to see this movie

Well okay then

LOL, nah autism-kun.


what film is this?

I can easily find a lot more pictures of her looking pretty than you can of her not. Give up. You can't win.

>t. yisrael rabinowitz

OP's pic looks pretty horrifying. At least to an European, Americans are weird.

You're half-right. She is disgusting.

No one cares.
Why is she so important to you? Why does her exist hold so much power over you?

>trying this hard to fit in


>No one cares.
you mean jews don't care. normal people do

because we could legitimately have got a 10/10 fappable movie here and now all we're going to get is another cringefest "origin" story that she shares with literally 90% of other superheroes. The only good thing that could have possibly come of this movie was a genuine THICC goddess cast as WW but instead we got a literal fucking disgusting twig. It's a travesty

I'm not a jew and I don't care. Then again I'm on Sup Forums so I'm not really normal either.

Oh hello Bjorn. Did you clean up the foreign cum stains off your wife's bed today? Finish any Lego sets in your cuck shed?

her sext tape has leaked

hello moshe. still triggered when anyone criticises your racist ethnostate? bomb any hospitals lately?

>hello moshe. still triggered when anyone criticises your racist ethnostate?
Wait, isn't that what you Sup Forumsacks are after though?

>i-i-if you hate zionists you must be a full on nazi!!!

JIDF logic folks

>hates Jews
>votes Trump who happens to love Jews.
>who supports racist ethostate

You didn't answer my question. Are racist ethnostates desirable?

no one said anything about hating jews or voting for trump. nice asspull chaim

post a picture of your head down and eyes up or chin down and see how attractive you look, user.

I couldnt give two shits about the ww movie , i dont think she is a good actress and im not really into cape movies.

That said the woman is undeniably hot.

you post about bitching about israel's racist stae and your little take at Gadot is her support for her country. Sorry that that one might confuse you for a terrorist sympathizer.

>Being so absorbed by Sup Forums memes that it turned you gay
You are sad people

you're not even making sense. i thought i was trump supporter? now it seems i'm a "terrorist sympathizer." make your mind up akiva

Trump cucks usually don't make sense. Sup Forums wants Jews and Arabs brought to heel, but supports Trump who's daughter has more kosher in her than a oven in Auschwitz and has spoken adamnantly about support for Israel, and then bitches about the one president who's fucked over Israel's racist ethostate and has made bombed Arabs to the point they're afraid to look at the sky.

You're dig at Gadot is "lol she takes pride in being a nationalist" when you voted for a candidate who also is a nationalist. Sorry that Gadot could've given a wet shit about dune coons who placed missle launchers close to hospitals with a layer of children and refugees as their shields.

>You're dig at Gadot is "lol she takes pride in being a nationalist" when you voted for a candidate who also is a nationalist
i'm not american and i didnt vote for trump, who is a kike supporter like you. why would someone who hates kikes vote for an outspoken kikelover? you make no sense
>dune coons who placed missle launchers close to hospitals with a layer of children and refugees as their shields.
nice hasbara, alon. too bad amnesty, b'tselem hrw and the un all contradict it. not that you'd ever give a shit about facts

>who is a kike supporter like you.
Nah, I just don't blame Jews for for why I can't get white dates, Sup Forums. Last I checked, Jews weren't the ones shooting up concerts, blowing up airports, and going in rape sprees.

>Sup Forums
you really are stupid, avi

>kike lover!


>A light breeze

DC Womens for Zack Snyder

hamas is hiding behind women and childresn. Israeli army kills them anyway

Westerners are so fat they think that's anorexia

>not being a based indian pusy poster
you have to go back

i mone with plesure