>wow that's brutal
Wow that's brutal
Other urls found in this thread:
>that thing'll take your arm off
>I just find it crazy how
>its a shane smith talks about bs episode
post some funny JRE videos
Shane smith is a pathalogical liar.
>I'm sitting down so you can't tell I look like a child
Why does Rogan enrage lanklets so much? Serious question. People make jokes about RDJ but with Rogan it has more of a 'literally seething' feel.
>That's interesting, because...
I think it's as simple as this site being infested with angry yet impotent sociopaths due to Sup Forums cancer. Gossiping about height is the impotent, angry sociopaths way of attempting to inflict emotional pain on short people. Basically this place is filled with chimps who deserve death, and playing on shallow insecurities is one of their preferred ways of chimping out.
No, I understand that, but I mean Rogan in particular. The lanklet hate he gets seems much more primal when compared to RJD and Cruise.
Rogan is one of the most arrogant, smug, self righteous pseudointellectuals to ever have existed. He suffers from the dunning-kruger affect but taken to extreme levels
There is one where he says that people in the future will look back and think it was really ridiculous that women wore high heels.
I think he's just insecure about being a manlet.
5 FOOT 6
>california should be its own country
>if france and italy can exist next to each other
>why cant california and nevada be their own
>its the same thing
He's absolutely fucking right, California SHOULD be it's own country.
but he compared it to italy and france, claiming that its the same thing
two countries with different languages and cultures, and a long history of warfare between each other
California has a very different fucking culture to the rest of the country (and a different language too, spanish kek)
any state can be it's own country. any city for that matter. any street or house.
it's a meaningless fucking statement.
You know damn well what he means faggot. There's nothing meaningless about secession.
Well aren't you Frederick fucking Nietzsche
>There's nothing meaningless about secession.
t. overweight white cis bro
for what fucking purpose?
I think a more proper comparison would've been Finland and Estonia or even Spain and Portugal
>when they misunderstand nietzsche
What are you two idiots even trying to say?
also countries with different languages and warfare
Head like a fucking 18 wheeler holy hell that's a big one.
if you care about secession then you are an uneducated hick
>it's the "an american struggles to understand the world outside the USA" episode
The worst one desu
>When you saw a youtube video with someone's personal interpretation of nietzsche and take it as fact
post some joe kino
What kind of warfare did Finland and Estonia had worse than southern finns against northern finns? Should finland be now divided in two because of that?
>if you care about secession then you are an uneducated hick
Fantastic argument, almonds status = activated.
no problemo cleetus
I actually think I might have an actual example of a modern leftist mind here, so I'd like to ask you a serious question: if you think that hicks or rednecks or whatever are so retrograde and holding America back and THIS IS WHY EUROPEANS HATE US etc., why are you so resistant to the idea of secession? Wouldn't both parties be a lot happier if the dumb republicans stopped holding back the utopian society that'd be born if hillbillies would just let you enact socialism?
lamo manlet detected
She has autism unfortunately :(
Post em
haha yeah you tell him
>any state can be it's own country
Not since 1865
Why does Joe never mention his wife's daughter
I'm not a lanklet and I find him baffling. How can anyone with half a brain listen to him rant for more than 5 minutes and find him worth listening to?
What has to be wrong with you?
I've only listened to the Jones podcast. He seemed pretty on the ball in that one though.
Because he's literally retarded?
His show is alright though. When he has someone interesting that is.
Remember how well attacking the electorate worked back in November?
she into pegging?
the comments section is great Sup Forums neets getting triggered hard
anybody see the full episode? is it worth watching?
Who is this?
dubs of truth
It worked fine. Hillary lost because low information, undecided voters responded to Comey's last minute announcement on her emails.
Feel free to posting this shovel chinned beast my man
Man, you must live in a bubble. Must be nice.
>Hillary lost because low information, undecided voters responded to Comey's last minute announcement on her emails.
like poor people
>undecided voters responded to Comey's last minute announcement on her emails
Yeah, it was the emails, and had nothing to do with the Democratic party nominating a corrupt political robot with zero charisma.
>a completely plain average looking girl like this gets "sauce" replies for a terrible tumblr tier webm reaction that shows no response at all
>there are people that obsessivley hoard pictures of this girl to avatarfag unrelated threads
whats wrong with you all i take a walk outside for 10 minutes and i see women better than this
>he doesnt know who she is
I THINK that when Texas joined they alone had a provision where they could leave. Your gonna want to look that up, if anyone cares enough.
Doesn't really matter, now we watch America lose its shit. Donny had below 50% approval within 8 days kek
knowing who she is doesn't make her any less average looking.
How does this make "Angrywhitemenistan" look like anything other than Paradise?
And that "provision" no longer exists. States are part of the union permanently.
Fake news
shills btfo
its because they are pissed he has a tall wife. Lanklets feel entitled to tall women because they are used to everyone they meet deferring to their master race judgement.
They see an alpha like Joe who has it all figured out (life, happiness, family, enlightenment, interpersonal interaction, economic independence) and get mad jelly about this
Also his show is good because Joe respects his guests (for the most part) and actually listens to what they have to say he isn't smart in a knowledge base sense but he is smart in a human reaction sense and thats why he is fun to watch because he knows how to coax information from people
knowledge isn't intelligence.
he has problems with following concepts and rational thought. he is not an intelligent person.
I still like him though
>going outside
you don't belong here
Joe calm down, no need to roid rage mate. Just smoke some more weed and relax.
> Get invited to podcast.
> Joe keeps making it a youtube clip show.
It's almost funny how obliviously antisocial and autistic he is.
>its because they are pissed he has a tall wife.
Oh shit, is that what it is?
>that skullshape