DC gave birth to the official slut costume of 2017.
Thanks DC.
DC gave birth to the official slut costume of 2017.
Thanks DC.
Other urls found in this thread:
sauce on the slut
like this?
>full-grown woman
I'm good, thanks. Bring back Daddy's Gonna Freak.
Why are white women such absolute whores?
because they are used to emasculated white men.
Robbie said she isn't going to look skimpy in the next movie since dressing like that made her feel self conscious :(
based DC
they learned this shit from blacks and their shitty rap/hiphop culture
So that I'll have something to masturbate to.
little girls can't be sluts
onion sites on the tor network indicate otherwise
but being naked and acting like a total slut in wolf of wall street didn't?
Austyn Monroe. took a bit of googling
Negresses are the same, but even you niggers aren't attracted to them, so you don't go looking for sheboons doing slitty shit
Tons of nudes too, thank you for saving me the trouble
>some who critisizes white people must be black
when will this meme end
Disgusting. Fucking white Americans should be rounded up and shot. They give the rest of us a bad name.
Good joke fellow hacker, tell me your address so we can discuss this further.
Imagine if you got your face fucked up and could only afford metal teeth and then everyone thought you were trying to be the joker. That would be embarrassing.
Metal teeth don't have to be chrome/mirrored.
Degenerate American "Culture" created and influenced by Jews.
nudes? link?
pretty much this
and they push gorilla mating rituals, like OPs webm, and other gay stuff
You can fucking have her
Really makes you think
Imagine being that kids father. Christ,there's something do wrong with society that people just close their eyes to.
If I was like that I would hope someone would beat some sense into me.
It's still preferable to society where you would throw stones at the whore.
What does this have to do with anything?
Yikes I would rather be with that ugly black chick than this fucking white bitch
wtf i love onions now
kill yourself
At least she painted herself white. Apparently that's too tough for most whores.
ugh, that's a skellitins natural color
hnnggg that gap
Is it though? The threat of stoning seems to keep middle eastern women in check.
I always love a girl who can put her leg behind her head.
Marvel BTFO
sharia law NOW
Its not a gap, its a thigh chasm.
Fuck off numale
>Concentration Victim 1945 (colorized)
no it isn't, fuck you Milo fanboy
Spoopy/10 would haunt a house with
go swallow some buckshot, normie
Then why does her shirt say "Daddy's Little Whore"
>girls will never do this around me not even to bully me about what I can never get
I ship Harley and Deadshot. Mad they left out the love triangle aspect in the movie.
>wtf i love_now
If anyone here is the normal fag it's you user, try harder to fit in.
I am here to defend the user you've replied to. I, myself, am an "oldhag" I have spend several years on this forum. I analyze users and determine who is a "troll" and who is not a "troll", as an oldhag I can tell you are a new user. Please lerk more before trying to fit in, kiddo.
>self-hating non-white
speak for yourself faggot
and Cammy will always be the official cosplay slut attire
Grotesque, niggers have horrible taste, might be related to their low iq
I am white. I just hate how fucking disgusting everyone is these days.
you don't even need onion
what a fucking obnoxious face.
Are there even any hot Marvel girls?
Honestly how can they compete?
>Trick? No one picks trick! Wait, w-why are you taking off your pa--!"
If you went to school with this cute Muslim bitch how the hell would you be able to resist the urge to molest her? It is ingrained in her values. No one flaunts Christianity so if you're going to flaunt Islam like this you should expect to get groped all I'm saying.
I.. I think Jessica Jones is hot besides the fact that she has a BBC (with no charisma lmao) boyfriend.
I also thank DC for creating a hot Joker.
>did my hair like Letoker
>whores hopping on my dick left and right
10/10 would recommend.
Were the posts that insisted "lol joker shouldn't care about his appearance at all!" ever sincere?
Call me crazy, but I am pretty sure no man has bitched about feeling self conscious. Did Jared Leto ever bitch about being half naked? No. Did he bitch about being half naked with an alligator coat to trigger normies? No.
You're all a bunch of pathetic fucking faggots, I hope you all die and I doubt anyone would even go "Oh.. [user] died... that's so sad."
I apologize for never creating a facebook ;_;
seems like the only thing DC succeeds are slut costumes
I'm just projecting, facebook is for fucking cucks anyway.
And oscars
My dick
>seems like the only thing DC succeeds are slut costumes
The only good Bat costumes have been in Watchmen and BvS
It's retarded because Joker cares a lot about his appearance.
Fat neckbeards can only go so far with a Ledger Joker costume, they could never pull off this Joker's look.
>proving my point
yes, oscar winning for masking to sluts
Tfw no slutty big sister gf
Jesus I know how you're feeling, bud. My sister had has 3 abortions but she's 7 years older than me. By the time I started getting horny she was already "done with" her sluttiness. Now she's a hippie vegan who is still a jackass. Doesn't even love me. My fetish for the last few years has been big sis wincest.
>Oppa, we have to kill the bat!
I had a step sister who teased me sexually. Sitting on my knee and stuff. I was a small kid so her ass was huge compared to me. Best feeling. She was only with us for one year before going to college, though.
>pointscoring on costumes
>taking pride in sluts
Haram Quinn
What does it look like from behind?