Post your childhood kino

Post your childhood kino

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that giant ant image on the Oreo cookie gave me nightmares


John Wayne movies.


I have pretty strict parents so I've no idea why they let me watch this film so many times as a kid

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
The Triplets of Belleville (dunno why but I loved watching it with my dad)
Enter the Dragon
Any old war movie (The Dam Busters, Ice Cold in Alex, Where Eagles Dare etc.)

they are so hot.


That movie traumatized me


Neverending Story and The Dark Crystal

still traumatized..

Kill yourself reddit ped

michael treanor > j evan bonifant > max elliott slade > chad power > sean fox

are you a fucking faggot?

i'd rent this every month or two for two years straight

No, why?

the only scene i remember and cherish is the one when sean astin cries and big bro hugs him and lifts him up still hugging him

>still traumatized..


this shit made me want to eat pizza every day



I wish I was 6 again


Summer Camp Kino

>Disney will never be this based again

Noah Hathaway > Jason James Richter > Jonathan Brandis > Barret Oliver > Kenny Morrison

not that user but i still have nightmares about gmork.


were you born in the 90's?

It made me want to live in the sewers.

No. I was born in 85. watched the movie as a kid. gmork freaked me out because i had an extremely vivid imagination as a kid. still occasionally have a nightmare.


you've got problems user

>All the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

prepared to have your childhood anus raped when they made the reboot of three ninjas kick back with 3 black bois

let me guess you watched a serbian film at the age of 5 and thought it was pretty tame.

How about some Legend
TIm Curry is fucking awesome.

no, it will be 3 black girls.

I rewatched that recently and it really took the shine off.

It's still a really good movie but watching it as an adult, Elizabeth Perkins' character is a pretty terrible person. She abandons men in her life in favor of whoever seems more successful, and there's no depth to her relationship with Tom Hanks, or really to her at all. It's a really strange character arc.


a movie like this will never be made every again

No but my dad did show me robocop when I was 5


my kino was the sequel. I didn't even play the game I just found the dude with the metal arms cool.

>Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.
not even pol but are John Hurt's band of rabbits an analog for jews?

I loved this film as a kid.

This is now a first rated R movie thread

Watched it with my hot babysitter

what kind of parents raise their child on watership down?

my absolute favorite childhood film!

it was a little debbie oatmeal cream pie i thought?

The kind who look no deeper than the cute bunnies on the VHS cover.

Avatar was shit and so was your childhood

>my kino was the sequel
you disgust me

You're still a child

childhood is about picking up shitty sequels and liking them more than kino and then when growing up realizing you had shit taste. I pity the kids who didn't just pick a random movie at the movie rental store just based on the subject and enjoyed it always no matter hte movie.

>ywn fuck star

This used to kickstart my summer every year as a kid.

I recently discovered that Jason Patric and the girl from that movie also starred in Solarbabies; a post-apocalyptic rollerblade movie I need to watch


but then i turned six and moved on to bigger an better things

no love for guyver 2?

Most kids are dumb user but you were fucking retarded.


nice one

I had 2 brothers and we were about this age when this flick came out, watched it way more than was probably healthy and beat the shit out of each other

I just watched Solarbabies lastnight lol. It was one of those movies that was on cable all the damn time back in the day. I like it but if you watch it for the first time now I think you would hate it. It is just so freaking weird. I would love to have been in on the pitch meeting for this movie.

ah alright. I'm not familiar with American Products and vaguely remember.

>not posting Ashka

After all these years, I've only just realized that Rufus was played by George Carlin.

theyre pretty alright. not great. youre not missing out.

fuck i need to watch it again

she was a cunt

Used to alternate between this and Flight of the Navigator every week at the video store.

hahaha wtf?

kill yourself youngfag

he sounds like an awesome dad.

I always found the forest scene really unnerving

not sure if you're being sarcastic but I am glad i'm not having nightmares about a puppet wolf in my 30's

i'm happy for you user.



I rented the Asterix movies from the library far too often.

I was about to post this. So many people brushed it off by claiming it's a Goonies rip-off (which is certainly isn't since it's about movie monsters coming to life and fucking shit up) but that happens anytime X movie is popular and Y movie has a certain similar element (like the kids have to work together to save the town.)

Little Monsters
Return to Oz

Two of the ones from my childhood that I haven't seen posted here yet. Solarbabies was another big one, as well as The Goonies, The Neverending Story, Flight of the Navigator, etc. The majority of whats already in this thread.

This probably actually sucks but I have no plans to find out.

>Little Monsters
Goddamn, I used to try to crawl into the monster world all the time when I was a kid. I never wanted to grow up.

Great movie

Childhood kino

Can you smell it? There's a life force in here tonight. Do you feel it? Hmm? I look around this room, and I see potential.