Is it true that black people have never built anything?

is it true that black people have never built anything?

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Only in the Muslim parts where they are enslaved and literally forced to work.

The pyramids.

>actually lives in Africa. How bad is it being White in Africa? No matter how bad it gets here I can't imagine being ACTUALLY stuck in Africa.

Railroads in the states

lel hardly.

Most of the tracks were laid by Chinese "coolies".

Try again.

i mean without the white man's help. sure, black people can if aided by the white man, but can they build without aid from the white man?

Only in the south and not much. We abused the Irish and the Chinese mostly.

Niggers are only for picking cotton.

nogs just aren't builders

they wuz kingz n shit. they built the pyramids, the great wall of china, the parthenon, the collesseum and the taj mahal